Much more of a crime story then actual science fiction (althought it does have that angle). That's what Star Trek does from time to time. I really enjoyed the idea of the Ferengi scientist, something really unusual at this point in time. But they have to be there, right? Ferengi, after all, are no backwater civilization.
Being a Crusher fan of course I like this one. And again it is proven the character, and McFadden, can deliver when called upon.

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Nice to mix things up a bit but the murder mystery format wasn't really that enjoyable or believable. As @lefthandedguitarist mentions, the main characters were uninterested about the murder possibility, which was not inkeeping with the usual characterisations. A lot was sacrificed to play out this narrative of Dr Crusher as the murder solver. But hey, it wasn't all bad and it's fun to play around.

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