That's perhaps the worst episode since Seven's arrival. It's boring. Chakotay having romantic feelings is nothing I really like waited for to happen. I wonder if writers ever write a credible romantic story (the B'Elanna/Paris and Doc Shmullus stories were mediocre at best). And if that romance were not silly enough, they added this groundhog day vibe. The whole story is nonsense - in a negative sense. The science behind it doesn't make sense. She has a biological mechanism that influences other biological beings. Ok. Let's assume that's a real thing. What I don't understand: how does that effect CCTV, computer logs and other technical systems? And if memory banks are eradicated, then why didn't nobody made a pen and paper log entry (like Chakotay actually does after their final good bye).

The only thing that makes sense though is the proverbial big red button that's pressed after most episodes so that nobody of the crew can't remember what happened last week.

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Yep, I've forgotten this one already.

It's kind of insulting that the show, often derided for its use of the reset button and lack of consequences, makes an episode in which the characters literally forget it ever happens. I also find it ridiculous that Voyager doesn't have any kind of basic security cameras or way of verifying that Kellin was ever on board. I get that there's a virus to destroy all traces of her presence, but it's a massive oversight.

Also, I thought we were told that transporter technology won't work on her species? Whatever. I wasn't paying that much attention - there was paint drying on the wall next to me.

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Renaming 'Forgettable'
What an utter puke-fest

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Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-10-27T06:36:55Z— updated 2022-05-15T01:05:02Z

Way to fail Chakotay. Knowing exactly what the tracer is going to do and cause Kellin to forget, he instead just holds his phasers and doesn't fire a single shot. Complete garbage...

Also, who thought that pheromones would affect transporters and other scientific equipment? I can understand pheromone-based amnesia for the duration of exposure, but tricorders, sensors, and everything else aren't affected by simple airborne chemicals. Absolutely moronic!

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This is probably the worst episode yet, maybe in the series. The premise is weak af. The episode is incredibly boring. The way the characters act makes no sense. And it's pretty much 100% Chakotay with the other characters barely making an appearance.

Also TIL Chakotay has a type (blondes).

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Shout by FinFan

Nothing in this episode works. Nothing !

Kellin comes to Voyager, and risks everything, fully aware that no one will recognize her and no proof of her story exist. Thanks in part to her own doing. She admits that briefly in a conversation with Chakotay but it is one heck of a leap of faith. And despite Chakotay telling Neelix he doesn't trust her and has no feeling towards her, right in the next scene he urges her to stay. And everyone else suddenly takes everything she said for a fact. In just a couple of days she's even offered a position at security. Even when it turns out she was telling the truth, that string of events is too convinient. It's all given, nothing is earned.
And equally nothing is accomplished. That society is still going on to punish people for wanting to have free will. I actually didn't listen to Neelix's speech at the end as I simply didn't care.

And in general I must add that Star Trek writers have a terrible track record of writing anything romantic.

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