The first ever Holodeck episode...

McCoy's got his bunny girls, but Kirk's the one known as a womanizer.

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Good idea. A slowly told mystery story. Could have been told in 30 minutes or less. I mean nobody (except the crew it seems) needs 50 minutes to realize what's going on. Action scenes were not even necessary to tell this story but Kirk enjoys his fists too much. Almost 60 years later execution seems lazy, silly and almost hilarious in a bad way. Like a high school theater class who got their hands on a few costumes they wanted to try. But we learn a thing or two of the suppressed desires of the crew members. PS: Is that the first time we see iconic Vasquez Rocks in Star Trek?

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The crew is a little slow on the uptake in this episode. There is a hint that there is a hypnotic effect to the goings on, but it never is much more than a hint. Instead of making the crew morons to drag the plot out, the hypnotic effect should have been leveraged to explain why it takes about 10 times too long to figure out what is happening.

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LOOK: 80
FEEL: 75

I love sci-fi stories that play with your mind with bizarre and sometimes inexplicable stories. In that sense, Shore Leave is a great episode. It’s great to get a breather after a string of more intense episodes. Bones gets a bigger part to play, which is nice. The episode struggles a bit to build a coherent story around the strange goings-on and drags as a result. But the idea itself of the manufactured world is fine, as is the way the Enterprise crew interacts with the dangers. The lengthy and mostly pointless fight scene at the end is pretty enjoyable.

70% = :heavy_minus_sign:

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Boy was I glad when Kirk beat the crap out of his buddy. So annoying, that guy. But I am glad whenever I get to see the crew run around outside. Fun, goofy episode.

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That was very silly, but it was at least good fun. The cast seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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Where's Yeoman Rand? Who's this imposter?

I just read about what happened. It's a shame, I liked her on the show. I'll miss that hairdo.

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Wow that was bad, though i did like it when the girl ran into the tree. Funniest episode yet.

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I have a confession to make: I like this episode. Today even more so. Because it's not the fate of the universe at stake. You're allowed to have some fun from time to time. It's not to be taken too serious and there is no moral I see. It's also nice to see them film on location instead of the usual sound stage. It adds a layer of believability and this episode wouldn't have worked on a small set.

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Not the best episode. Between the bloody brawls between Kirk and his Academy nemesis--which brought back bad memories of being bullied in school--the weird plot, and the scantily clad girls in one scene, this isn't quite the series as I've come to expect it.

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