Teal'c's smirk is *chef's kiss*

There was a weird edit after SG-1 and Hammond decide on their plan about 27 minutes in: On Hulu, at least, one can hear the stargate activation sound just before a cut to black, then the next scene is the wormhole actually opening. But in between, there was clearly a commercial break. Something similar happened later, as the C-5 was landing—a cut to black and back where it didn't make sense. Seems like streaming services might have gotten re-edited cuts of the episodes originally intended for broadcast syndication with added commercials… Sigh. If only Amazon's rights to its HD versions hadn't lapsed.

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A truly great episode which starts as one thing and then becomes something very different. This gives us a little bit of everything, though it's mostly really meaty intrigue and mystery. The inner workings of the Stargate program and other elements of the US government really come to the fore here. I remember watching this in the '90s and being blown away at the revelation that the second Stargate was secretly being used. Plus, it casually throws in callbacks to several previous episodes along the way.

But alongside the twisty reveals and fun, I love that this is a great character piece for almost everyone involved. General Hammond gets a lot to do here and it continues to reveal more of the warmer side of his personality. And of course, the love-to-hate-him character that is Maybourne pops up again and is simply great (even if he's still not the character he will become).

Any criticisms I have come in the form of the people of Madronas. The actors are quite frankly awful and really spoil things. Is the old man supposed to be blind or confused or constipated? It's hard to tell.

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OK, so the rogue team are now on another planet. How are they getting any technology they find back to Earth?

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For crying out loud not Maybourne again. That asswipe is ruining every episode he's in.

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