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Stranger Things 2016

If Stephen King and Steven Spielberg had a baby, this is EXACTLY what it would look it.

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Overall pretty awesome show. The music is always on point, the child actors are amazing and the story is interesting and captivating start to finish.

Would love a second season be it a sequel to this or maybe an anthology series a la Fargo.

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A Stephen King and Stephen Spielberg Mix in the style of an 80s show. Beautifully played by every actor, the soundtrack is always on point, beautiful colours, beautiful dialogues. Amazing show. Well made, Netflix!

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I don't get what all the hype is about. It's an ok show, nothing special.

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hate me, but im just not into it at all.

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Children and teens. And more kids and teens. As a 80's kid, I know I should be all excited, but I gave up after two episodes. I didn't find anything even mildly interesting; rather, I was bored to tears. Moving on.

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This show was over hyped and in general it was quite boring with mediocre acting. It should have never seen a second season.

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This show has me binge watching like crazy. Once you start you can't stop, I need to know what happens next!

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Interesting story but ultimately this type of teenager/child-focussed fantasy is not my type of show. Millie Bobby Brown does a fantastic job though!!

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It’s a teen school drama for teens, not adults. Only youngsters are hyping up this series. Adults will find it quite boring. The best thing about it is the music.

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season 4 is e masterpiece I'd rate it above 10 if possible

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The quality graph of all the series begins at the highest and slopes to the lowest around the half of fourth series.
From the half of the fourth it begins to raise again...Who knows the high?

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If you still haven't watched this. Do it now! There's not a better show with awesome 80s vibes out there. Eddie <3

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Every episode is an Eleven out of 10!

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For those of us who grew up in the 1980's, this show is absolutely magical. It will evoke feelings of nostalgia as we are reminded of the brilliance of cinema at the time - The Goonies, Stand By Me, E.T the Extra Terrestrial, The Thing, etc.

Whilst this is a near perfect mix of Stephen's Spielberg and King, this is so much more. The people who made this show have created something far more than a nostalgic trip down memory lane. They have given us a gripping, emotional and thrilling story which is played out with a wonderful cast. Its the kids who have the ability to understand the fantastical more than the adults who are too caught up in their grown up world. The series is a reminder to us all - open your hearts and minds beyond the mundanity your life - Shakespeare said it best: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Prepare yourself for stranger things!

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The first two seasons were great. And that's how this show should have ended.

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Season 4 was utterly horrible. Season 3 will always remain the best of all seasons.

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Season 1 was the best. The rest is nothing but an attempt to make more money.

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First 2 seasons were great - I gave them an 8/10. Season 3 is terrible, like watching a teen show with less than funny 'comedy/laughs' and plenty of annoying characters. Should've stopped at season 2. Pulling the plug at episode 4. Season 3: 2/10

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They did Will dirty with that haircut in season 4. Scariest thing about this show is Will's hairstyle evolution throughout seasons. Can't wait to see what they choose to do with his hair in season 5!

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Stranger Things is a thrilling and nostalgic homage to the 1980s, with a brilliant cast, a captivating story, and stunning visuals. It is one of the best shows of the last decade, and a must-watch for fans of horror, sci-fi, and adventure. It deserves a 10/10 rating, and it lives up to the hype.

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Good staging and original plot

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Shout by michele_pipi
BlockedParent2023-09-27T09:05:12Z— updated 2023-11-25T02:23:51Z

i will increase my rating by one every time they kill off a main character

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I liked season 1 but wasn't motivated to continue after season 2. I wanted more character development and less time on the sci fi of it all.

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god i love this show. i don't think i have ever been attached to characters as much as i have on this show. there is something truly magical about it

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For the most part, it's a great show. Love the 80's nostalgia, the characters are lovable, has that goonies feel. Overall the acting is great, the stories are well put together, and the costume and scenery is dead on. There was one season I didn't care for, I want to say it was the second season, but I don't remember.

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This is probably the worst episode of the whole season. Despite the one and a half hour running time, nothing significant happens.
I enjoyed Part 1 of Season 4 more than I had expected, but once it's over, it's amazing how forgettable the whole thing is.
Part 2 is quite boring, in the same way as the third act of most Hollywood blockbusters. The makers of the show need to realize that bigger and longer does not alway mean better.
CGI monsters are quite lousy. Better suited for a video game.

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For me season 4 is on another level ,better than the previous one,i really enjoyed the episodes,each one is like a movie

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This show is FANTASTIC. There really is no other genre that can explain it. A mixture of suspense, comedy, drama, horror.

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Cast 9/10
Storytelling 9/10
Characters 9/10
Video Prouduction/Cut/Music 9/10
Environment 4/5
Conclusion 3/5
86% - 4% cause Season 3 was exaggerated

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Started out 10 for S1.. But has took a severe plunge since then.. And now with a year gap between S3 and S4, it's likely to get worse. Funny, they made a couple of movies with 11 but couldn't film S4?? Stranger indeed... Lolol

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The third season is better paced and has a perfect balance of humor and creepy scenes, but it is also predictable, especially it's last two hours. It is best when being a "Blob / The Thing" homage with people getting devored and destroyed and "your neighbour can be one of 'em", but it all ends sadly in another monster showdown. Excellent new character additions though and the humor/homages are beautiful.

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Expected a better script because sometimes it's quite predictable. But the overall show is 'OK'

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Reminds me of the Goonies. Plot interesting but sometimes the script is a bit weak.

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If you haven't watched this show yet, then you must see it before the third season drops.

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The first 3 or 4 episodes are a little slow, but necessary, then it kicks into high gear keeps going right to the last episode of season 2. Very good overall. Don't know if they could drag it out for a third season without ruining it, but when did that ever stop Hollywood?

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One of the best new shows out there. You will catch yourself binge watching a lot. If you're a fan of the 80's and Stephen King you will love this show

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The child cast is the show's only selling point. Replace kids with adults and what's left is a pretty bland plot.

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The music is perfect, the characters are perfect, and the plot keeps you wanting to watch episode after episode after episode. Recommend this to everyone and anyone.

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Great show! Hoping for a season 2! ( if they are making one please tell me!)

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This show is kinda dirty when u watch it for third time

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season 3 is meh!! 1/10

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Although of a relentlessly high calibre there has been a slow degradation in quality of plot. What was fresh and novel in the first season was built upon quite successfully in the second, only to look tired by the third season. The character arcs were handled well, and the music and 80s references are so cool to someone who lived through it but it has become so signature a theme that it feels more like a popcorn production as we go along as it apes these old movie cliches. It still is an enjoyable ride throughout however and not to be dismissed as just another piece of eye candy. The acting is faultless and with gusto in every scene, and it is this that carries you throughout. I still like the show /spoiler but a change in possible geography perhaps could freshen this in any forthcoming fourth season /spoiler.

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Sadly it's getting worse each season. What happened to the character focus from the first season?

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Stranger Things Is Not For The Faint Hearted Especially Season 4
This is so emotional as Season 3 sets you off with a bumpy ride with lots of action, romance and it has a lot of emotional scenes along the way I highly recommend it if you have spare time to watch it. Stranger Things Season 3 is the best Season yet hears to the very long wait for Stranger Things Season 4 as it is going to be well worth it in the end. Plus my favourite characters are Mike And Eleven their Mileven romance is amazing true young caring romantic emotional love as a romantic I truly do love it.

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I loved everything about this. Freaks & Geeks meets The X-Files, set in the 80s. Just fantastic from beginning to end!

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Stranger Things is like a good book you can't put down.

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I really liked this TV Show! Very nostalgic for those who grew up in the 80's. The children's characters were the best! The character "Nancy", in my opinion, was unnecessary to the plot. I did not know the actress Natalia Dyer, who impressed me a lot! But not the character that she played. I hope that Netflix produces more seasons of this series!

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Season four has blown all the other seasons away.

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Shout by Deleted

I must admit, using the 80's theme might have become popular because of this show but having lived in the 80's doesn't make this special for me. So if you leave out the nostalgic feelings (most of the viewers won't have because they are younger) and add the annoying toothless boy it's barely a pass.

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What's not to love about this throwback to the 80's with nods to classic flicks like the Goonies meets actually worth paying for?! Why thank you Netflix

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This show is On Point! The music, theme, graphics and the details just ooze 80s. The actors and story were just a perfect blend and you can't help but want to watch it one go.

The blend of the sound track and dialogue couldn't have been done better. Netflix have out done themselves and if you haven't seen it then your missing out!

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the kids are what really make this show. also, they're better actors than like 90% of the seasoned adult actors currently on television so please remake every tv series starring them.

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Shout by Deleted

This show is definitely a "must-watch". Part Sci-Fi / Part Horror / Part Twilight Zone. With only 8 episodes in the first season, it is like a long movie than a TV Show. The actress who plays "El" and the creepy electro music that is authentic to the 80's give this show some real polish. I cannot wait for the second season.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-10-24T22:24:24Z— updated 2016-10-27T06:26:34Z

This show always kept me guessing and had really comfy music. It should have been an anthology series though because there aren't enough mysteries left to justify a second season following the same characters.

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The best serie ever! I season 2

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Shout by Dell Pacino

Wow. Just WOW!!!! This show was Amazing! Now I'm upset that I waited so long to watch it, and now I'm fiending for a Season 2! Eleven shouldn't have had to go out like that, but looks like she's still around with that "box in the woods" scene at the end. If she's gone, those boys gonna get their arses handed to them in the future!

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Shout by cmdillon

super cool series! a true homage to stephen king, steven spielberg and 80's sifi. only gripe is winona ryder could have toned it down a bit. she was a bit to much of a screamer for my taste.

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Amazing show, like a mix of Goonies, ET, The Mist and some sort of bad ass detective movie all rolled in one.

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Amazing 80s nostalgy, Stephen King / Steven Spielberg vibes, brilliant soundtrack. Just watch it! One of the best if not the best shows I've seen so far. 5/5

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We have loved. From beginning to end. Do not wait any longer each episode is a surprise in itself. Hemos.vuelto to remember some of our favorite movies as "E.T".

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Very good show, reminds of a mix between goonies, ET and other great 80 movies. Each episode has been entertaining with no slowdowns so far. There are some things that don't make since or incorrect but very small and do not take away from the show in the overall value. I do love stories that are expressed through the eyses of youth and this shows seems to do a very good hob of it.

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Music in this show is way to awesome. And overaly it given me chills at the time, totally awesome!

BTW visuals are also great, tough there is huge pixelation in 4k stream on first few seconds of first episode, but then the rest of the show is superb in technical quality and visuals generally too.

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Shout by Deleted

sooooo good. Like Halloween meets Stand by Me. The music was very Carpenter-esque, the colour pallet was on point and all of the acting was incredible, especially Winona Rider. 80's forever

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A very well-made sci-fi series. This series pushes you into the atmosphere of 80's films.

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Shout by Bryan Donnini

Really enjoying this series so far, although just 3 chapters in, I really like the feel of it. Brings me back to my younger days and the feeling I got watching Stand By Me! Hopefully the story continues to progress and this will be another hit for Netflix! I'll give a final review upon completion

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overrated show concept was good but man the plot armour and s2-s3 is terrible as hell and s4 is more like infinity war rip off :sweat_smile: childish show for sure

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Nice episode for eleven.waiting for season 5 2026

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Best mashup of science fiction and horror ever. If you like either genre then you’ll probably like this. If you also grew up in the 80’s then welcome to your new favorite show, the nostalgia is palpable. I’ll be sad when it’s over.

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After watching the entire season, the series seems distinct and good without any compliments

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i wait for last season.then i need something else.

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Love the show even though I'm not a science fiction super fan

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I love this show! Definitely a modern classic, and it deserves its popularity. 10/10 :star:

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"Stranger Things" has gained a large following for its '80s nostalgia, sci-fi themes, and supernatural plotlines. However, some viewers might find it lacking in excitement. The series, set in Hawkins, revolves around kids entangled in government experiments and a parallel dimension, the Upside Down.

While the show attempts to recreate the '80s vibe, its nostalgic appeal might not resonate with everyone, potentially coming across as forced or overdone. The characters, including Eleven and the group of kids, can feel clichéd or lacking depth to some viewers. Additionally, the pacing and storytelling might seem sluggish, making certain episodes or story arcs feel unengaging and drawn-out.

Despite its widespread acclaim, "Stranger Things" may not captivate audiences looking for fast-paced, gripping narratives. Its attempt to blend horror, suspense, and coming-of-age themes might fall short for viewers seeking more intense or innovative storytelling. Overall, while the show has its strengths, its perceived dullness and lack of excitement could deter some from fully enjoying its appeal.

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"Stranger Things" has gained a large following for its '80s nostalgia, sci-fi themes, and supernatural plotlines. However, some viewers might find it lacking in excitement. The series, set in Hawkins, revolves around kids entangled in government experiments and a parallel dimension, the Upside Down.

While the show attempts to recreate the '80s vibe, its nostalgic appeal might not resonate with everyone, potentially coming across as forced or overdone. The characters, including Eleven and the group of kids, can feel clichéd or lacking depth to some viewers. Additionally, the pacing and storytelling might seem sluggish, making certain episodes or story arcs feel unengaging and drawn-out.

Despite its widespread acclaim, "Stranger Things" may not captivate audiences looking for fast-paced, gripping narratives. Its attempt to blend horror, suspense, and coming-of-age themes might fall short for viewers seeking more intense or innovative storytelling. Overall, while the show has its strengths, its perceived dullness and lack of excitement could deter some from fully enjoying its appeal.

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watched until season 2. lost interest, just not my jam

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A really great sci-fi show that I hope ends in a satisfying way. While seasons one and three are my personal favorites, the others are also good, I am just worried this show is getting too mainstream in a way and I hope they keep the final season in a similar tone as the first one.

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Rated this as a 4/10, didn't grab me enough to finish it.

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The show isn't even bad, it's the fandom and how the season 4 blew up. It's sad tho because the show is actually amazing!

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Shout by Ainhoa Sánchez

I love it, mike and eleven make a beautiful couple the truth is they are best friends in real life

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This was actually is such a cool show with an awesome 80’s vibe. I can’t wait for the next season.

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I really enjoyed it, I recommend it

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I may forever hate Mike, Nancy, and Jonathan... but this will forever be one of my all-time favorite shows!

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Fun, nostalgic, scary and full of great characters.

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Shout by woomatch_froompa

for season 4: the episodes' runtime are kinda pointless tbh, if you're not the one who binge watch you most probably forget some details here and there since the episodes are much longer than it needed to be

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This show is crazy good. Looks like I did not write a comment when it first came out - so I'm adding it now.

Season 4 is a long one (which I like btw). And it is so worth it. Eddie Munson was a great new character.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by Beti BV

Am I the only one who wants to know what happened with 008? How is that 001 did not killed her when he killed all kids with abilities in facility? El left her and hers crew in S02 and nothing later.... :thinking: Perhaps in S05 we will see?

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Good songs
amazing background songs
good casting
average story

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I really like the truth

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Absolutely the best show I have ever seen. Season 4 nailed it! :grin::grin::thumbsup_tone1:

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Shout by woomatch_froompa

Love it but the delivery of the story is mundane: they start as a small team and end up teaming up to fight a single entity, it's honestly predictable but still A great show with great actors, effects, and lore.

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Stranger things season 4:
A nightmare ITish time in Hawkins.

It's been Quite dull.

Is it an homage to feature a Freddy Krueger movie standee in the video shop, and have some ANOES Elmer Bernstein sounding music, and have a kid mention Freddy, and have Robert Englund, or is it a clear ripoff , re reboot?. Newline should sue

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can't wait for s4 vol. 2, such a badass western series one pf my favorites, nice ol Fantasy genre but looks thrilling and yeah goosebumps everywhere, deserver a 8 point star, I hope next season will surpassed the the old feels of stranger things!

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As usual, brilliant acting and writing in season 4. Love the story line and old school horror feel. They stayed true with some fan favorites, but also added some new content and it had me hooked from the start. If someone out there has not watched this show yet, get with the program. It's one of the best shows ever.

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Season 4 has weak writing & story telling. If it wasn’t for the acting & great production value, season 4 would be shit. Too many characters. Too many side line stories. Slow place. Did they outsource the writing or get armatures to write it?

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Shout by Blair

S1: Probably the best of the three.
S2: Don't remember much besides that the mind flayer is cool. Don't remember what it even did though.
S3: It was okay. Didn't have as much fun with it as the first season plus my favorite character (hopper) died.

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