The Negan references are gold. This really goes to show how much this cast has become family throughout this series. Even though JDM hasn't been in the show in AGES he still gets nods and respect for his new role and accomplishments. I love that so much!

Only thing that could have made this complete is if TWD did a Sam and Dean reference.

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I very much approve of the simple fact that they didn't drag out Sam hiding his Men of Letters thing for Dean. And Dean's mature, smart reaction to it all. Really shows how much those two have grown over the years.

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Lucille from the Walking Dead makes a cameo lol.

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I'm glad we're seeing more of Crowley. He's funny as hell! :)

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loved how they tied in Negan's baseball bat from The Walking Dead...

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An absolutely stellar outing. Several arcs were advanced smoothly and seamlessly. The MotW was solid. The humor? Never better. The actors all looked like they had a blast, which happens when you know that you have a good script in your hands. And as for that script, I don't know what the writer was paid for his efforts here, but it wasn't enough. Most series are dragging and most actors are showing signs of fatigue and burnout after just a few years whereas this one still seems so fresh on every level after all these years...

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I wondered if the baseball bat that Dean had at the beginning was a nod to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Lucille in The Walking Dead?

Edit: Noticed from a comment below what Dean said at the beginning of the show ... nice touch guys!

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Classic Supernatural. Monster of the week "girl of the week" full of snarky one liners. Plus, Lucifer...does it get any better?

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