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Supernatural: Season 14

14x20 Moriah

So happy to see Chuck! It cracks me up how rude they are to God. Risky.

I want to see how having God as an adversary plays out and think it's a brilliant strategy for the last season. Plus we get Chuck.

Jack went to the empty then is maybe going to become a reaper or an empty himself. Very interesting.

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"Story's over. Welcome to The End"

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WOW. probably my favorite finale. the absolute dread that you feel, the knowledge that god has finally given up and left them to die, etc. insane chills at the graveyard scene and seeing jack wake up in the empty.
and maybe this is because ive been spoiling myself like fucking crazy so i already knew he was going to go evil, but ive always thought of god as some evil entity in this show? even back when he was first revealed in season 11 his motives were soo ugh and it was pretty obvious he wasn't some good guy.
also despite this evil vs good thing w god i always love it when he shows up. rob benedict is a phenomenal actor! rob makes me wish god would show up more, lol

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Yeah, God isn't good, a good God never would've worked. But I think they won't do a bad God either. He is just God, we're his story, and like a writer, he'll pay for the mistake of interferring, and certanly we'll do too.

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Holy shit. Well, that was quite the episode, arguably the best thing Supernatural has put out in a couple of seasons...

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remember s04e18, chuck said: Obviously, Im a God... I write things and then they come to life.... A cruel, cruel, capricious God.... Well I dont think the writers had that in mind for s14 back then. Still creepy ;-)

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so basically like in real life. God's an asshole, if he even exists :-D

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"Story's over. Welcome to the end." What an awesome introduction for the final season. But it looks like Supernatural is turning into The Walking Dead now. I don't know what to think about that.

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This episode and this song... I‘m speechless. That was great!

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Some writers just hate it when their characters write themselves, I guess. Plotwise, I'm sorta hoping that Billie plays the wild card here and that, as a result, we get to see more of Jack in the final season.

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Chuck just casually shows up and tells everyone how badly they've effed up.

"Ugh. Billie. I liked the old Death better." God has spoken.

I'm so glad Cas is finally taking a stand against Dean's BS.

Chuck's a creep.

Okay, so Chuck turning is something I didn't see coming, so props on the writers for actually doing something new for a change. I was expecting Dean to shoot Chuck, though, like how he killed Death.

Earlier in the season, Jack said Zombies aren't real. I wondered if that was going to be foreshadowing.

God's a dick.


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God Damn It that's great TV :heart_eyes:

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Shout by LaLluvia

Yes, God Was Never On Your Side kids :

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Shout by anthoney65

I was not so happy with this finale. I thought things were going along just great until they turned Chuck into a bad guy. He's always been one of the most loved characters. Something special on the show. It's fine that he ignored them most of the time because that's what god does. Now it looks like the final season will be a zombie apocalypse started by god.

So they're going to make god the big bad of the final season. Who's fucking bright idea was that. Since we saw Billy and the empty entity with Jack, I can almost guarantee he'll be back. Maybe a 3 way team up Jack, Billy and the entity help the boys against god. I don't know but what I do know is the whole Chuck thing sucks.

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the end was hilarious
thanks for wasting 14 years of my life for nothing.

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Once again I am impressed with what they have done. To flip the script so abruptly was a little bit unexpected (I figured he was smiling cause he had something else cooked up and I think the setup for the last season is great.

I don't know how they'll fill a whole season with it though, especially seeing how they end things and the ramifications it'll have but I'm sure by the start of next season it all won't be as bad as they let us think it was here (they've done this before).


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Now, that was one HELL of an ending!

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At least Supernatural waited until the season finale of the second to last season to jump the shark.

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Never thought they would fight god :D

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Shout by wolfrz

it was good until they made god into a dick. they had us in the first half, not gonna lie

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Shout by Andromeda

Please do not turn it into another walking dead boredom :disappointed::broken_heart:

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Even though I haven’t enjoyed the show in years and I’ve been mostly having it play at x2 speed in the background, I’m actually intrigued and looking forward to see how they’re going to wrap up the show since next season is the last.

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That was quite the wake up call. A new team forming for next season, that should rock.
We still have Amora to step in, waiting for that, where are they going to put her, if she comes back.

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Holy f'n God... What a dick.

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