I find this incredibly boring…

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While I gave it the same rating, I want to say that this episode was much more tightly plotted and coherent than the last one. It didn't feel like a bunch of isolated good scenes like the last, it felt like a straightforward narrative. Loved the action scenes with Sharon Carter. And the plot definitly seems to be moving.

I really need to complain about the Flag Smashers again though. It really would have been better, I think, to just have them be people displaced by people returning after the Blip who are angry about it, rather than include the anarchism/no borders bit. Because these two different motives are just not linking together well or making much sense. This is my main complaint so far in this.

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i still don't understand why these people kill so many people like why??????

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This episode is way better than the first two but still I am not into this show much. Wandavision was way better. But Zemo and Sharon were a great addition. Falcon and Winter Soldier are really boring characters. Winter Soldier was only great when he was Winter soldier with that badass horror, mystic theme soundtrack in Winter Soldier movie. After that well not so much. Falcon is plain boring. I am also glad Wakanda is getting into play.

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This one was alright. Way better than the first 2.

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Unpopular Opinion: The least interesting things about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are the Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Emily VanCamp kicked so much ass here. Zemo and John Walker aren’t exactly people to root for, but I find their arcs interesting. And I love that Wakanda is coming into play.

But Bucky is wayyy too emo. So much so, and so often, that it leaves him devoid of any personality. We get it, you’re tortured. And the Lethal Weapon act between him and Sam just feels forced to me.

I was really hoping to love these two characters more, with the spotlight shining brightly on them for once, but there’s barely been a glimmer of anything remotely compelling.

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Got some real Night City vibes from Madripoor.

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teaming up with a nazi to stop anarchists is a really bad take

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I don’t oppose Zemo stopping that scientist cause like there can’t be hundreds of super soldiers running around! At least Karli and her team have some sense of right and wrong or a true cause but imagine that on the wrong hands.
Also Sharon is still being so underused! But I’m glad she’s at least doing financially okay, and I don’t know if I’m used to obvious twists and bad reveals but what if she is Power Broker? Would that make sense? I don’t read the comics and if I google who that is probably I’ll find a lot of spoilers.
And HOW DARE THEM PUT THEIR HANDS ON THE DORA MILAJE???? Are they stupid?? Like that’s on John Walker if he wants to try and fight them but that wasn’t Sam nor Bucky’s fight.

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Love Zemo as an addition to the duo (now trio)!

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Even better than the first two chapters, i have to accept the show is really weel written, and directed too. When you watch this kind of stuff you need to know you aint going to watch an apocalypsis now kind of movie, but i think the best part of this is how well developed characters are, Zemo enters the show and demostrates at the first seconds he is going to be a great anti hero, same probably with captain America. The only thing of the show i dont like is the redhead girl, her character is kind of weird and she is surely not good at acting, but its not a big problem considering how good the show is

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While a bit lacking in some of the aspects I found the first two episodes more engaging, this episode boasts a super impressive bit of action choreography when Sharon is fighting in the shipping yard.

Otherwise, I felt like the plot here was less mining the subtext than I would have liked and instead was more content to go from point A to point B. This is a more business forward episode, likely to get back to some of the really good stuff in the next one.

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Shout by Deleted

The plot of the third episode was a bit predictable. When the second one ended, I knew which direction it was heading towards, not that I’m complaining. I thought it was still pretty solid.

The whole episode felt like a vibe that I was Vibing along. The costumes were spectacular, and the city was breathtaking. I'm not sure if the town itself is an Easter egg or if there's more to come, but I'm hoping they'll make use of it in the future since I enjoyed the atmosphere of it.

A pretty decent episode that fills in the back story and moves the plot along at the same time.

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More conveniences and even more terrible dialogue. I guess Zemo's shlockiness is something entertaining at least.

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i see three man and i want some mlm relationship!!!do i have right for it YES I HAVE:man_raising_hand::monkey::frog::laughing::pray::disappointed::heart_eyes::pray::place_of_worship::frog::monkey::place_of_worship:

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Disappointed, sorry cannot get use to a captain America with no strength. If you can’t get the real thing better to leave him out of the script.

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We can't end every episode with a character reveal. All the people who hated WandaVision for "being so slow". Well this is the show for you because it's basically a marvel movie without any of the recap. If you don't know who everyone is before you started episode one this series is just a mess. SO many people wanted to know if they could watch WandaVision without seeing Marvel movies first and it's so doable with so little information. "She's a witch, he's an android" that's it. TFatWS is so far the opposite. I've seen every MCU property and I'm still barely keeping it straight. I'm sure this will be the most fun for the people who do the entire MCU marathon and having just watched 15 movies going right into this it will feel great but watching it live is still not that good. It's just so hard to care about anything or anyone in this series.

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I have a few problems with this show. Who is/are the Villain/s? The Flag Smashers? The Power Broker? Why?
Bucky, still under government control, makes Baron Zemo escape from prison. Really? Falcon, the new would be Cap, helps him?
In Madripoor everything goes wrong and lot of people are being killed....

I like this more than WandaVision but, for me, Marvel's tv shows are not there perhaps it's better if they stick to films.

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This episode feels like a complete mess

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Let's get the obvious out of the way - writer Derek Kolstad borrows a lot from John Wick here, though this isn't inherently a bad thing. Instead it highlights the spectacular new location of Madripoor, which outside of being our first glimpse into section of the Marvel universe that still haven't been touched, it's also a spectacular locale in it's own right. The gorgeous neon lighting, the shadows - it's all great to look at, continuing the MCU's trek into more bold visual storytelling.

The character work is equally bold and fierce here as well, especially with the reintroduction of Zemo who is simply a delight here. Sharon Carter is recharacterized in unexpected ways as well that make the best she has ever been in the MCU, and her action scene is a series highlight. And while most of the themes take a backseat here for plot purposes, it does rear it's head at the end in a way that's poignant and powerful, while also questioning the role of icons in the modern era. Really smart stuff from a show that just continues to deliver on all fronts.

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Shout by Ro

Bucky: You okay?
Sam: Yeah. Just thinking about all the shit Sharon had to go through. And Nagel referring to the American test subject like Isaiah wasn't even a real person. It just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal.
Bucky: Well, it depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives.
Sam: Yeah, I get that, all right. Maybe I made a mistake.
Bucky: You did.
Sam: Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't have put it in a museum. Maybe I should have destroyed it.
Bucky: Look, that shield represents a lot of things to a lot of people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain't gonna be Walker. So before you go and destroy it, I'm gonna take it from him myself.

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Ok, in order to turn my brain off and enjoy this episode I would have to suspend my disbelieve... twice. And forgive one hell of convenient appearance to boot. That just too much. Also why do you need Sam for this specific part of the mission?

Would be nice if "terrorist group" continued to be depicted as misguided group of cosmopolitans who fights for the right cause.. Karli's actions aside. Action works, but that about it this time.

p.s. And most unforgivable sin of course is the accent) Bruhl did a pretty good job in Civil War he butchered like one word but this time around only subs will help you.

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Another episode that was "meh" at best.

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All in all I don’t mind this show, and definitely gives the feeling of where things left off from Endgame. However, I’m not loving how this show is telling us that everyone is a “super soldier” not just Steve Rogers and Bucky. It also lets people see that Marvel has had so many people play Captain America. I personally hate that idea, Steve Rogers is the only who should have been Captain America. When he quit/died whatever, that’s it...move on to a new superhero.

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Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2021-04-03T00:58:04Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:11:13Z

Eh—it’s okay.

I have little to say about this one; it’s just alright.

The action scenes were entertaining—Bucky and Sharon are popping off! Walker got less screen time in this one, and I’m okay with that. His big reaction is pretty amusing, though, and I hope they go somewhere with this. Karli is still uninteresting, and I still don’t understand her.

Overall, it’s a good ‘ol continuation, but with us being halfway into the series, I’m a little concerned our setups aren’t going to get any payoffs.

SCORE: 6/10

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OK, this episode was enjoyable.

The phone call at an inopportune time made my day :)

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The show is definitely getting better but for some reason I‘m still not that into it. I loved that we finally got to see Emily Vancamp as Sharon Carter though.

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People complained Wandavision episodes were too short. Well, doing too much isn't a good thing either. This episode was overstuffed.

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This is actually getting better.

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So far this show failed spectacularly to catch my attention and I don't even know why.

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Not a bad show by any means but if I'm honest I liked WandaVision more. I feel like I am missing a lot of background.

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it's a good show by now. I just don't get the cinematic aspect ratio.... are we supposed to feel something there?

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Sorry to tell you but you have got the show timings wrong.. The show premiered 3 hours earlier..

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I love this show. It just keeps getting better and better. World building for everyone, actual personalities for everyone. Just please keep it up for the rest of the show, I'm beggin' you, Marvel.

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