The only thing good about this show thus far is Ted Danson. Michael is a wonderful character. He has a good backstory with quirky behavior and a ton of charisma completely overshadowing the rest of the cast.

I'm really not liking how mundane this show is. There is so much potential and the first two episodes are nothing special. The writing is poor. The story is not intriguing. The acting (except Ted Danson) is uninspired. The set design is too cartoony. And the two main characters are bland and boring.

Eleanor is a horrible character. Not because she is a bad person, but because she is stereotypical. There are no surprises. There is nothing about her that stands out. There is absolutely nothing interesting in the slightest about the character.

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Better than the pilot and characters a little bit more natural but still sitcom-style-forced (in a bad way, unluckily)

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"what do you do with sweat? Do you lick it? .. do you lick it away?"

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Shout by dgw

Honestly, I started watching The Good Place because of Ted Danson. Starting to wonder if I should stop letting casting influence my decisions like that. Choosing to watch Final Space because of David Tennant didn't work out. Not sure this is working any better…

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I love Kristen Bell so much. She is so priceless as a “bad girl” lol

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Shout by Si_Crazy

This episode was not that great... kind of boring and the characters felt too forced.

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Love this show. Definitely should watch it if you liked shows like Pushing Daisies or Dead Like Me.

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