Quentin is o-kay. Please, for the love of God, don't be as imbecile as in the books, Quentin. The pace is fast and a lot of things that need explaining get shoved to the side. insert clueless face here But The Beast was AWESOME! Creepy as hell. So I'll still keep on watching.

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I forgot how much I love Eliot. He is by far the most entertaining character. Penny is probably the second best. The two of them are so well written and perfectly acted. I'm a huge fan of Hale Appleman and Arjun Gupta. I wasn't familiar with either before this series came out, but they are so good in this show.

Rick Worthy is fantastic as Dean Fogg. He's good in pretty much everything I have seen him in.

Great first episode. Lots of plot development in a short amount of time. Set the stage, give some background and jump right in. The series somewhat close to the books, but does have it's differences. I think Iblike the books better because Quentin isn't as annoying in the books, or maybe I just really can't stand the stuttering. Jason Ralph does a good job with the character, but it just isn't my cup of tea.

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Fully clothed on hover sex...okay..I guess

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going downhill fast!. it's all over the place.

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Pretty standard mash-up of some of the show tropes/genres, coupled with modest acting, writing and concepts. Will give it a couple more episodes to see if it improves or distinguishes itself.

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This episode is terrible, seriously terrible, probably one of the worst things I have ever seen on TV. The interesting thing is the rest of the series really isn't too bad. I was going the leave 'The Magicians' dead face down in the water after watching this awful episode, but fortunately, a couple of friends talked me into giving the show another chance, and I can honestly say I'm happy I did.
I have no idea how close the show is to the books I've not read them (in fact I didn't know there were books until after I watched a few episodes), so can only comment on what I see, which is basically, don't let the embarrassingly bad first episode put you off, stick with it a little and you will be pleasantly surprised.

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I wouldn't say that I am hooked, but it certainly has me intrigued. Quentin has potential to be a goofy accidental hero, his friend Julia is most likely going to be an anti-hero, and his class mates at the school are a wonderful batch of misfits.

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That intro... omg. Random snowpiles are random. And the wobbly hugh heeled lady's so called acting cracked me up. Then it continued with an entirely un-original plot, ideas all stolen, and "charming winks to Harry Potter and Narnia" more cringeworthy than sweet lovenotes. Everybody looks way too old and the only redeeming quality was found in David Call. Hoping it improves!

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All the fanservice stereotype girls, yay for syfy. Booooooring.

For some reason they managed to produce Expanse without this crap.

Or maybe i'm just too old to understand this shit? :(

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horrible acting and script. cheap

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Shout by dgw

Does some things well, but hamstrings them with unnecessary elements. Or is it ham-fists?

I'm intrigued enough to keep watching…but Syfy clearly fell into the Hollywood "sex sells" trap: some of the scenes act as eye candy with little to no plot relevance. (I'm really tired of mainstream shows turning to that tactic to keep eyeballs.)

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Slow, but, shows promise and the effects at times are superb!

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Shout by Si_Crazy

Okay, this was better than I expected! I like the characters and how the pilot wasn't so slow as most are.
And the ending was really interesting! Makes me curious to keep watching it

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The weirdest show ever!!! It was AWESOME! I will keep on watching...
Ωραια σειρα για τους λατρεις των weird σειρων. Δυνατό ξεκινημα, ελπιζω να κρατησει

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Is like Harry Potter, but Harry Potter goes to a school of Magic This is a university and the protagonist's is more fucked.

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An interesting and engaging new show about magicians and secret worlds.

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This was way better than I expected. The ending left me very very intrigued. I liked the cinematography in the scene with the cards and the last one.
Many of the characters are pretty much what you expect in a show like this, an ensamble of different types, so we'll see how it goes. But so far, so good.

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WOW!! This is the weirdest show ever! I am so intrigued by it, I can't wait to see what is coming in the rest of the season. And at the same time i think that this show is a little bit messy and that it was al over the place but it was so so good.

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Shout by Deleted

A série tem potencial, gostei bastante do episódio, pelo que vimos a trama vai focar nos mistérios que cercam a universidade e alguns personagens e isso foi bem apresentado na série gostei da maneira de como estabeleceu esses mistérios: com calma, sem muita correria e sem revelar nem dar detalhes de quase nada (afinal são mistérios não è) deixando eles lá para serem desenvolvidos ao longo da temporada. Também gostei do clima que a série tem realmente è uma história de magia para adultos e o episódio acabou perfeitamente. A série. è promissora concerteza continuarei assistindo.

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This, I'm not sure, there is a lot of story, but you're expected to know the background of the characters and instantly know what's going on in their lives and the story as a whole. I think the pilot perhaps could have been done a little better, but the last 10 minutes more than made up for it and has kept me hooked for the second episode. With any luck this will really set up the season for me to keep watching it.

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Shout by Nick

One of the better pilots in the year 2015.

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I don't really know what to think of this! I'm very curious about it... It's like Hogwarts (as a college) meets Narnia and we have this crazy new world to explore. The scenes were very confusing and the dialogue can be way better. But, this series shows a lot of potential and personally I do not judge a show based on one episode only. We have plenty of shows that were crap in the begining and now they're amazing (The 100, Teen Wolf, etc). I'm excited to see what is to come, the episode ends with a very good cliffhenger let's all hope they turn this into the show the story deserves.

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