Shout by Darth

When everyone was walking through the portal at the end why did they all keep looking around the tunnel as if they were outside or as if the scenery was changing inside the plain looking tunnel:skull:, for 2 seasons we’ve seen it’s a long tunnel then a basic box room with 3 concrete walls with a nazi symbol above the door and computers are the ground

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Many unanswered questions, there should have been a 5th season.
Overall the show its pretty good and I liked it.

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Shout by Gotrek Felix
BlockedParent2020-06-27T19:54:10Z— updated 2021-02-02T10:29:50Z

Looks like 2019 was the year of the shitty final seasons.

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Gonna pretend that last scene never happened but pretty happy with the rest (even if it could have been better with the last 2 episodes being extended to 4 or 5)
They did what they could with the 10 episodes they had and we still got the best season of all
Nice touch John dying Hitler style

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"We've seen things...you and me. Other worlds. Other lives. We...we have that in common. It's unbearable. To be able to look through that door and glimpse all the people you could have been. And to know that out of all of them...this is the one you became."

A solid finale, but the final season overall would have been much better if at least one lame and soapy subplot had been dropped in favor of more time spent on the handful of key players. The writers did a poor job of time management.

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I've never seen a show failing so much at telling the story it should be telling.

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Well...duh.....so many questions were left unanswered.

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They needed another 5 episodes to clearly explain a LOT of things. The way it ended just left a lot of things unanswered and left me feeling empty

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Well kind of. Just watched the last episode of this show and it felt so rushed. Somehow they put a lot of stuff into this one episode which they could've built up piece by piece in the previous episodes (speaking of EP1-EP5). AND OH BOY: don't get me started about that ending scene. I never read the book which I now have to do because I fear, that they missed a lot out of this ending.

Who are the people coming out from the portal? Where is the man in the high castle going? What happened to Smith's daughters?

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what a fucking powerful ending, reading the comments here made ask myself if we watched the same show cuz is impossible to expect another ending. I guess all this alt-righty racism and american fear of black comunism says a lot about the fascism that is rising again nowadays

this ending is a hell of a political statement!

y'all can kiss my communist ass

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Shout by Agent24

Very weak ending to this once very promising show. There were some good parts this season. I especially liked the storyline revolving around Helen. She was definitely the most intriguing character for the last two seasons. But that portal-storyline was just weird. Especially the ending. What was that, what does it mean? Completely pointless. I feel like they just ended this show in the middle of the story.

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shit ending shit ending.. oh my

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That ending was so stupid. Hundreds, if not thousands or even millions of people stepping into a Nazi controlled world where their alts were probably killed in gruesome, tragic ways. First of all, why would you even want to step foot there? We saw how much Julianna's sister struggled with being in Nazi-world. Second, if they're there for their loved ones how in the heck are they going to explain it? Besides, are there even enough resources to sustain that many people?

Sci-fi was one of the main things that ruined this show for me. I'm extremely disappointed by this weak, completely bland season.

I'll leave a more thorough review in the show's main page comment section.

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What an absolutely awful ending to what started out as a great story. What a waste.

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THAT was the ending? What the hell????? There needed to be at least one or two more episodes, 'cuz making the portal just open means nothing! I found it funny that the people walking in were just like "oh look at this" all happy, thinking they're just seeing some attraction....they entered Nazi America, they should've been a bit more scared.
Yeah, there needed to be at least one more episode to conclude this...showing the Nazi's truly fell after that...and that black ppl were treated better.
Also, I hope Yukio and Robert met???
And Kido got out of the Yakuza somehow so he could be reunited with his own kid.

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Good season but why are the communist the heroes in season 4. I find that disturbing.

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Shout by Damien

Don't understand the final scene, but everything except this is good on this episode.
Good conclusion for Smith Family and Kido family.

We can think it's good ending because USA are now free, but it's because this episode are too focus on USA.

Japan empire still exist and probably end the war in asia and Third reich is always in activity.

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Overall a very disappointing season the introduction of the black communist rebels seems like a bad joke. I don’t see the difference between them and The Nazis. I can sum up season 10 with one word CRAP

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I don't understand the final scene: who are people coming out from the portal? Why does the portal stabilizes?

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