That was disappointing…If I wanted to watch Alien I’d watch that. The episode was full of mistakes that even nu-Trek doesn’t commit anymore, such as but not limited to: going on a foreign ship without hazmat suits on, a medical officer reminding Kelly to not touch foreign substances (LOL, she is not a toddler she should know that and it’s probably protocol too), an admiral doing just that, every door open during a ship wide alien rampage, having personal weapons not working out because the plot demands it until when they need it because the alien has multiplied, having civilian crew, mere kids just wondering around the ship instead of being dropped at the nearest starbase before exploration.. It feels like this season is written by completely different people. I haven’t checked the credits but wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.

loading replies many old clichés in this! The old, "If there's any part of you/humanity left inside that alien lifeform you've just become..." I've always hated that line when it's uttered in the alien body takeover scenarios. This episode did a lot of explaining when it really didn't need to. Of course we know the Krill will interpret things through their "religion" or belief system and of course we humans will think them primitive in this way of thinking. Thus, the writers chose to explain all this every step of the way (DNA being altered = possession by evil)...UGH. I was sad that the new crew member, the xenophobic new one, didn't get infected by the aliens. I really don't think she adds anything to this season...I hope she gets left on a planet or sucked out of an air lock...Unfortunately, I think she's gonna end up hooking up with a crew member or two.

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Not as deep as last episode but I wouldn't expect that every week anyway.

I liked this one nonetheless. It has Braga's handwriting all over it. And the little bits of information here and there help world building. There is something the Krill fear, they have their form of Boogeyman.
Was the addition with Doctor Finn and the Admiral necessarry for the story ? No, probably not. It would have worked out with anyone who was transformed. But we get more info on her and it might have implications moving forward.

The make-up on those creatures looked incredible. We haven't seen the last of those creatures, I'd say.

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meh. Some ideas that failed to sprout into anything worthwhile. lazy writing and no fun. I'm going to give this one more ep before giving up on the show. I feel they have lost their mojo.

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I don't know what is wrong with that episode, a lot of mistakes in it, no way a very advanced people will do all of those mistakes. Also, anyone noticed how bad was the CGI in this episode?!

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Okay, this is a very lazy episode, very strange. Love the new effects. The new suit of Isaac shines in every take. But, it's good, no definitely not good.

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The whole thing could have been avoided if they just went to the station wearing space suits. But apparently all you need to know that it's perfectly safe to go unprotected is the fact that there's a breathable atmosphere?

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This episode started by putting on its big boy Star Trek pants and then covered it all up with a creepy David Cronenberg's The Fly trenchcoat. I loved it!

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That's not an awesome episode. It's straight from the TNG, TOS, VOY playbook. Plus a spot of Alien (although I admit that I've never watched Alien). A traditional monster of the week story. Told solidly. Good enough for me.

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Ugh. Where did the alien go at the end? They are fine with him just escaping into the air vents while threatening to not leave them alone? What happened to the ship that was approaching?

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9/10, on a scale where 0=proper preparation and planning and 10=pet the alien. :joy:
The episode is not wasted because it sets up future storylines but, geez, this isn't the standard that they've established for themselves. I wouldn't even mind the mistakes if they had at least addressed it in the story - or, alternatively, if it had been a funny episode rather than a dramatic one. I guess the simulator is only meant for people to get their rocks off after all.

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Hey let's go explore this sketchy evil looking alien ship in a completely foreign region of space we've never been to before. Should we wear space suits? Nonsense, it looks safe to me. Mercer has clearly seen Star Wars but I guess he never watched Alien?

The aliens were somewhat cool though.

Very convenient ending. Lucky none of the main characters got alienized.

How the hell did they get off the ship though? Did they all take a shuttle over to the other alien ship? Did the Orville dock with the alien ship?

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Shuttle crew: recommend decontamination on arrival, just to be safe
Also shuttle crew: clustered around sample of possibly infectious bacterial spores, with their exosuits' helmets off

Good to know that the old Star Trek (il)logic of the '80s and '90s shows is alive and well on The Orville

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A pretty good episode. But I did wonder, if the dampening field knocks out weapons, why do the flashlights work? I think they need to harden their weapons like they do their flashlights. Just sayin.

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Aside: While I appreciate minimalism, whoever does the descriptions for the episode needs to take a vacation. They make me laugh. That typed, I do appreciate that the abstracts aren't step-by-step spoilers.

This was the Hellraiser episode. The effects during a... transitional period... were well-done and creepy. It brought to mind a certain Cronenberg film. However, as the episode progressed, it became a little generic and empty.

The closing did something interesting, which the series seems to have a knack on. The show often, but not always, takes on and works through situations in ways you don't normally encounter. There's an honesty to it. This is appreciated, even if I don't particularly like the conclusion.

All this typed, don't let that happen with Talia, please. I want a happy ending. Give me that 30s-50s ideal idea. I want Ed to be happy - he deserves it... and I appreciate the loving and mostly healthy friendship between he and Kelly - and would like to see that continue. You almost never see anything like that. It's wonderful.

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Aside: The character of Charly Burke has got to go (the actress is fine). Every scene this character is in drags the show down. Nobody would want to be near her - and she's not reprimanded for the hateful discriminatory statements she's always spouting. Also, I haven't forgotten the terrible writing for Gordon, which wasn't followed-up on, didn't make sense and soured me on his character. One line killed the character (who was already goofy) (again, the actor is fine).

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A lot better than the first crappy episode of the season but I just wish we could get some less lazyass low IQ Hollywood hacks writing stories.

Just because the atmosphere "appears" breathable you don't fucking go in there without protection and of course God forbid that they would put a infected person in isolation.

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Shout by LeNodos

Visually stunning in the beginning and a lot of well integrated exposition. There was really smooth positioning in terms of relations for the new admiral. It was a real shame however that they really only brought him in as kind of a red shirt. I would have applauded them if that would have been the way to bring in a new permanent member for a new season.
The aliens were a bit to humanoid and familar. Especially after the talk about live possibly being so different from what we know that we do not even recognise it. Basically they were an adaption of Cronenbergs Fly.
The writing was really good for Orville's standards and the suspense was of the charts but overall the story was a bit too by the books and avoidable on top of it. Unfortunately very implausable to go in completely unprotected - after such a warning all the more ... (Let's not talk about "love conquers all"...)
But still cinematography was quite good and much more on a film level than television.

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What a disappointing and weak episode. This was like watching a chapter of the book called 'Prometheus'. Absolutely awful writing!

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Not badly executed, but far too by-the-numbers of a plot, mashing up V'Ger, Borg, and Alien, and doesn't do anything new or interesting with that setup. Has too many instances of bad science and bad logic, which I'd usually expect this show to take a quippy jab at. Far too drawn out, especially in the first half. It's nice that they have more freedom with their runtime in streaming, but that doesn't mean you can't still tighten things up when the story starts dragging.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I know it's just a show but it makes me laugh that the boarding party for an unknown alien vessel comprises of all the senior officers with no protection. And why did it take everyone so long to get armed!
It had a story to tell I know, trying to the 'Alien' suspense thing and definitely had some homages in there to it.
Plenty of other tropes along to way but this is still the best Trek I've seen in years ;)

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The very end is sweet and it’s nice the show is back. The show isn’t as strong as previous seasons so far though. People turning into aliens sort of came out of left field.
Though it still better than a lot of Star Trek Discovery episodes.

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This a very good show.
You're not supposed to take it too seriously.
This is not Star Trek.

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I enjoyed this episode it was quite funny and it’s in align of what the shows original concept

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