Great ending to a great show. Will be missing this show's stories and lessons. Would have loved to see one more season.

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Out of this world. I'm sad we could not have saved Flynn, but the ending made up for that. And I'm sure he becomes the Doctor's companion. :) As for Amy, well, I would have loved to have her back, but it would have messed the timeline too much.

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This show was about to end and I had completely forgotten about the mystery surrounding Jessica’s murder. The identity of her killer it’s not exactly the big reveal, but the reason why instead. We had to come this far to fully understand Flynn’s course of action and while his choice was incredibly heroic, his passing was just as sad. Who would have thought he would turn out to be most complex character on this show? Not me for sure.

Also, it was highly satisfying when he pulled the trigger one last time.

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There were some plot holes and some unsatisfying conclusions. Like with Lucy’s sister. So not everything is wrapped up beautifully. Still, I will miss this show. I wish NBC just renewed it.

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Shout by Jim G.

1/10 for the ridiculously anticlimactic end to the Rittenhouse business (when did Rittenhouse go from being a multinational threat to being nothing more than Emma?), but a solid 8/10 for the feel-good 'shippy stuff and nostalgia. All except for poor Flynn, destined to go from being alone in a Brazilian bar to mostly alone and misunderstood on a quest to dying alone and unidentified on a nameless California beach, and all while never being reunited with his family. But that's way too depressing to focus on, so I'll think instead of the happily-ever-afters for our Lifeboat couples.

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-- Is she important to History?
-- Everybody is important.

Probably the most memorable quote from the whole show.

In the end, it was nice watching how some stuff they've mentioned throughout the two seasons came to be, sort of coming full circle (Flynn killing Wyatt's girlfriend, Lucy from the future talking to Flynn in the past, and so on).

A solid send-off to a forgettable show.

Also, I couldn't care less for Lucy's sister. She disappeared so early in the show that she quickly became irrelevant. Show runners didn't handle our connection to that character very well, at least not in the way they clearly intended to.

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Why didn't Flynn go back to 1848? Was it because with Rufus now alive again there wouldn't be enough room in the time ship for them all? They could have done two trips and carry the whole team to the present that way... Maybe I'm missing something, but that didn't make sense to me.

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I think it was ok. Nothing special.

I thought they used some easy solutions for things they setup. The future versions seemed like just a stunt. They left just after few minutes. And I never bought the romance between Lucy and Wyatt. They have chemistry but it's not romantic chemistry.

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Great finish.

Opposed to others, I like the fact, that some things kept being changed (like Lucys Sister) - we should never forget, that wars have casualties (and Season 2 was definitely a war, just not between nations) and no one can have everything back they lost.

I'd obviously have liked a 3rd season better, but like said above: You can't have everything and a 2-Episode finale is better than a show being axed on a cliffhanger (man i hate that...).

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Great double bill. Superb finish.. :thumbsup_tone1::ok_hand_tone1::thumbsup_tone1::ok_hand_tone1:

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I always liked this show. Thought this was a great ending!

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