Confusing twist after confusing twist as well as constant repetition with dialogue doesn't make good writing, it's lazy and uninspired. Enjoyed the first season but this was absolutely a total waste of time, endured for no other reason than the side stories, since the major plot line was a self-righteous, convoluted mess all throughout. Won't be fooled into enduring a third season that's for damn sure.

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Terrible, horrible, very bad season. Did not care one wit for any character in the whole friggin show. Writing was a complete mess where a whole host of little things made no sense, nevermind the big things.

And can you take an Emmy away from an actor because Jeffery Wright was absolutely horrible in this. 8 solid hours of "Bernard is confused" was painful to watch. I desperately wanted that character to catch a bullet.

No desire at all to watch any more of this and really kind of mad I stayed til the end.

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This is incomprehensible and unwatchable. A terrible finale of a good season. They could have gone with twice as less twists and the story of this episode could be just as good, but easier to understand.

And that's coming from a guy who was a crazy fan of the mind-bending first season.

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the sloppy writing this season makes you wonder if season 1 was real or just a dream

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The most annoying thing about this show is that they refuse to provide visual queues if the scene is past, present, or future. So freaking stupid of the creators to ignore the rule of story telling.

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Holy snappin' duck spit, the first 20 minutes are terrible...and the rest just manages to rise to the dizzying heights of merely mediocre (with a good helping of disappointing thrown in).

Not since The Last Jedi have I witnessed amazing character development of the past being flushed down the bog-hole with such wanton abandon. I really wish they'd stopped after season 1, if this is all they had in store for us.

The post credit scene just doesn't land at all. Considering how brilliant the Jim Delos incarnation of the same setting was, it's tragic really.

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First we had guests and we had hosts.
Then we had guests who were secretely hosts and hosts that are copies of guests.
Now we have hosts that are impersonating other guests.
I don't know what's true anymore.

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This showis the hope of HBO to replace GoT?
Yeez I didn't enoy this season at all and lost all the hype in this one.

More Silicon Valley less Westworld.

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Well, the only thing I have to say is this: I didn't understand anything. When I starting to realize what was going on, well, more twists. And that scene after the credits? I literally saw smoke coming out of my ears.

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Make sure to watch after the credits.

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I would get it if many frustrated criticisms at the finale, and during this season, happen more during the one-whole-mystery-box thing of season 1, rather than the more standalones-heavy, world-expanding season 2. Not that I don't get why people would be irritated at this season, since the timeline obfuscation, apart from those dealing with Bernard's scrambled mindset, doesn't feel purposeful like season 1 that much and just gets so tired at this point (and even in that season it wore thin towards the end).

But after being slightly underwhelmed by season 1's finale, I am gratified by how this one can almost serve as a series finale of sort, and also encapsulates the season quite well. Messy, but several heartfelt conclusions and a few satisfying resolutions (kind of great in a meta-way how a delicious villain like Hale can get her comeuppance and then we still have Tessa Thompson onboard). Season 1 may be more immaculately crafted as a whole, but I just like this season having (sometimes shoddily connected) short-story-ish narratives and heart more.

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This show is just stupid. Was there any open writing contest and they just took all of the submissions and patched them together to make the scripts? Don't care about season 3.

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"What humans describe as sane is a narrow range of behaviors. Most states of consciousness are insane." -Bernard Lowe

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I didn't get lost with the post credit scene...because I was already lost when I saw Hale AND Dolores in the end! Like...who is Hale in that scene?

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I mean...What the what

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Shouldn't have expected a lot. But that post credit scene tho what the actual fuck?

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Have you ever question the nature of your reality? #fidelity

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Dolores was right about everything!

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Is that a thing now, for a show to put my mind in a blender and turn it on?! This season got me pumped so I still think it was a great episode overall. Brain smoothy or not.
Talking 'bout red goo, I had kind of Red Wedding vibe to this one, not as for the shock 7-times-rewind-rewatch as for the let's-kill-as-many-main-characters-as-possible. HBO knows us too well.

So I was just about to submit what I wrote when SUDDENLY an after the credits secret scene shows up, and it just made me more confused, but for some reason I liked it more. Please let more things like that happen.

One word summary: FIDELITY

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WTF?? I love how the trick us with Dolores and the new version of her.
This was an strange episode. To many changes. I have so many feelings about this episode.

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What a brainfuck (programming pun intended).

"Copy of a" by NiN is the perfect song for this show. Who knows, we might hear it next season. ☺️

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For season 1, I always read about the fan theories, therefore I saw the big twists in advance, still I really liked the show. For season 2, I didn't even read a single review, and I wish I would have, because everyone seems to be as confused as I am about this new season. But maybe that wouldn't help either...

Sadly I'm not hyped as much as I was after the previous installment, but I'll still watch what's next for the series for sure. Just make it a little bit more "followable" please! For now... I think I'll read the fan theories. :P

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So... Is it the thing within the thing, like The Thirteenth Floor? The Forge-Heaven was foreshadowed but that other part really threw me for a loop.

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I thought I knew what was going on before the credits, but after the credits, no fucking clue.

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I got the feeling the writers hated people guessing their twists in season one, so they came up with as many bullshit twists as they could for this season, delivered in the most confusing ways possible.

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"I would rather live with your judgment than die with your sympathy"

You're a host, you're a host, you're a host, we're in this timeline, now we're in this timeline, go fuck yourself - westworld 2018

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Thanks god it's ended. Painful to watch, I'm not waiting for the season 3. The first season was much better than this one, I still remember its finale and already forgetting this one, too many twists.

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So good. So Perfect. So So... I have no words to describe this perfect and genius season finale.

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I think I ignore that post credit scene and pretend the show ended.

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Shout by hriday.
BlockedParent2023-01-01T18:31:43Z— updated 2024-03-09T16:22:53Z

Ngl the timelines were confusing af. They overdid it with the turns and twists. It's a downgrade compared to the whole season. Then Maeve lets the bisons run havoc which could've been a bomb sequence, but they staged it halfheartedly, should've better edited, soundmixed and maybe even a better musical theme? But I really liked the non-vocal recaps of the last episodes, they were like great trailers.

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Absolutely mind boggling and this is the second time I've watched it.
It's a great show, but way to complicated.

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Shout by Ro

“I've always loved this view. Every city, every monument... Man's greatest achievement will all be chased by it... By that impossible line, where the waves conspire, where they return. A place maybe you and I will meet again.”

  • Robert Ford
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The whole season is a proof that creators of the show didn't have any idea what to do after they finished with season 1, filling given number of minutes with almost unrelated, standalone episodes (which were in the end the best thing about this failed season).

The whole "host as a new species" concept (as well as the internal dialectics between Dolores and Wyatt) had so much potential, but when fifth rate Hollywood clowns grab the best of ideas, they turn them into a forgettable past-time, but with high budget visuals. Character of Man in Black is written appalingly, character of Akecheta completely wasted, Teddy's "path" couldn't be written by a lazier person, I don't understand how can a production grab so many actors of the highest profile and not utilise that coup, but lose themselves in "hah! I'm more clever than viewers" idiocies.
But I guess this is what happens when pretentious wanker like JJ Abrams has his fingers in a show. Stop giving this man so much power and money to spend ffs, he's singlehandedly ruining TV series as a medium and as a form of art.

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Ryan Murphy wrote this episode

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Shout by Wayne Ward

Wow love the nazi twist at the end this is going to be interesting

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Confusing and......, confusing..., you fucked up the storyline but why not ugh? The lack of imagination in the 2nd seasom finale is unforgivable.

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Espero que no haya una tercera temporada

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