


Girl, Interrupted

I have been meaning to watch this for the longest time. It wasn't actually as disturbing as I thought it would be, which was a good surprise. Some of the characters were a bit caricatured and that would be my biggest issue with the film. Angelina steals the show. My favourite scene I think is the one after Daisy's suicide when Susanna is in her bed talking to Val about her depression, just because I thought it was such a simple and sensible way to describe it .


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I Killed My Mother

It's a beautiful movie, aesthetically speaking. I did find it a bit repetitive though, there's no real growth from any of the characters, they just go around in circles. Great chemistry between the son and the mother.

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Green Book

This was more or less what I expected it to be. Thought the visuals and photography were incredible, the soundtrack was really interesting and gave the film some heart, the story was okay, a plot twist here and there but nothing too mind blowing, the violence was extreme but I didn't mind it, it gave the film some edge. Loved Ryan in this, but I could honestly just sit through a 3 hour film of him just walking around and I'd be okay with it, because I love him that much lol.


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Crazy Rich Asians

I really liked this! It's definitely a breath of fresh air, but i would have enjoyed it far more had there been just a bit more background. It's hard for me to truly bond with characters, and root for relationships when you barely know anything about them. We start the movie already knowing Nick and Rachel are in love, but we never really find out how they fell in love, or why they love / what they love in each other really, so the impact of the big romantic gestures kind of lessens a bit. Same for Astrid's storyline with her husband, which just felt so far removed from the rest of the movie. They tried tying up the two storylines by making Rachel and Astrid friends, but the latter's arc still felt like an extra to the story, like something that had it not been there it wouldn't have made a difference - even though I loved her character. But I'm guessing this has everything to do with the book, which I haven't read, and from the credits scene I'm guessing she'll be the star of the next movie? That's exciting!


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Café Society

Watched this on a sleepover with my friends cause it was the only movie none of us had watched. Saw it was directed by Woody Allen and i’m not gonna lie, I was against it from the get go. But still, it could have been a nice surprise still, instead it was the worst Woody Allen movie I’ve ever watched. God you couldn’t have picked two more nervous, awkward actors to play a couple. In a way they’re perfect for each other but they make for a very tiring, uncomfortable watching experience. My favourite characters in the movie were Bobby’s family, they were the only ones that had some colour in a movie which is, ironically, the most saturated vibrant coloured movie i’ve ever watched (or maybe my tv was on a saturated setting). Anyways, what a waste of my evening.


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Pretty Woman

oh my GOD why is everything about this movie so perfect??? i think this might be my favourite rom-com of all time. Julia Roberts is an absolute dream.

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Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams
Cold War

Visually stunning, but the love story was lacklustre, personally. Just felt like something I'd seen a hundred times before, only this time it was told through beautiful, sober and intense film making, which made for a very interesting viewing experience nevertheless. I like how the film started and ended in the same place - no matter how much they tried to escape, in the end all they had was rural Poland . I also absolutely loved the music and Joanna Kulig's performance. The little insight we're given into Cold War Poland adds texture to the film, and you could say its title is a play on words between the time in which the story is set and the couple's relationship and journey to being happy/together.


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This was great. The first act was a bit of a yawn but as soon as it gets to the really important world-changing stuff, the movie really grips you in. I loved the satirical tone of it all, and the self aware after credits scene.

I was so angry all throughout this, so I guess it did its job. I really do hate americans, except maybe Amy Adams.


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A Walk to Remember

this is the softest, purest thing i've ever seen oh my god


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Young Mr. Lincoln

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-02-19T18:28:06Z— updated 2019-02-26T13:48:52Z

watched this in a film class... i dont really care for old movies, and even the story in this one was uninteresting and unoriginal (for a viewer of the 21st century ofc im sure it had its wonders back when it came out). I mean, Elle Woods literally did this same thing in Legally Blonde.


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Vox Lux

In all honesty if Natalie's performance had been better, and the music wasn't so awful (like AWFUL @ SIA what is it you doing bb????) this movie would have worked SO well for me. It's just that the darkness of the story has so much potential but i felt like Corbet was afraid to really just go full twisted nightmare, and ended up with a mix of generic story about a pop star and a full on thriller about the pornographic society we live in. Damn it, I really wanted to love this one.

(oh that scene where young Celeste talks about the tunnel in her nightmares THAT'S what the film should have been aaall about... sad)


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Right, how many times did Rocky say "you know" during the entire movie? I count about two thousand.

((Nah seriously though, I fell in love with the Creed movies and needed to come and see what the OG was all about, and it didn't disappoint. There are a lot of iconic scenes in this, for sure, even if I thought the story was a bit wild, like that'd ever happen in real life.... but that's what movies are all about, isn't it? Rocky is a great character.))


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Dazed and Confused

This was a nice watch lol things have changed so much


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Before the Flood

This is great in the sense that it's very clear and simplifies something so complex in a way that's easy to understand for everybody. Didn't tell me much I didn't know before, but it did have a positive attitude that was surprising.


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Pride & Prejudice

I've never seen a film fail the Bedchel test so royally but still, a epic love story, with gorgeous photography and some incredible scenes and dialogue.


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The Place Beyond the Pines

Absolutely love the way this story was told, even if everything that happened after Luke's death was quite predictable. Not enough Ryan Gosling, way too much Bradley Cooper. But that first act is beautiful, and so is the last.


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this was so freaking cute omg, i wanna be like them when i grow up.


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DC SNAPPED!!!! Man when they do it well, they do it REALLY well. This movie is fucking awesome!!! I might just be fangiriling a little too hard because Aquaman's powers are 100000000%, no doubt about it, the powers i would pick for myself if i could have any. The universe they built underwater literally made me swoon over how gorgeous and dreamy it was, i just wanted to go and live in it for the rest of my days! That scene at the aquarium when Arthur controls the shark??? Idk why but that made me so excited . My only criticism is the outstanding lack of Orcas in this film, but they made up for it by having Mera ride one at the end, like the two majestically beautiful creatures they both are, I squealed.


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The Princess Bride

is this what movies before feminism were like? no thanks!

the only reason i'm giving this a 7 instead of a 6 is because Inigo and Fezzik deserve everything that's good in this world.


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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

This movie is so freaking cool and creative. It's got so much heart and soul. It's gonna earn legend status for sure.


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Beasts of the Southern Wild

Shout by Fran

Quvenzhané baby!!!!! This movie is BEAUTIFUL. It gives you so much perspective and the way its told through Hushpuppy's eyes gives you this childlike wonder for the world, even at its most precarious condition.

I loved the little details in this, the heartbeats, the recurring observation about how the universe is composed of little pieces that must all fit together just right ( during her father's funeral, when she says she's just a little piece of the universe.... I felt that), her calling out for her mum, her dad calling her the king of the bathtub, the wild bores getting closer and closer as their living situation becomes more and more dangerous, only for Hushpuppy to control them right at the end, in unison with the serenity of the ending of the film. There's so much to talk about in this, honestly. I just adore movies told through a child's perspective (this reminded me of Room and The Florida Project, for example), they just make you see the world with so much more clarity and simplicity, instead of the storm in a teacup we, adults, make of it sometimes.


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This was so creative and captivating from start to finish. Have a few lose ends that i want to do some research about that left me a bit unsatisfied but mostly i loved it! I want Jordan Peele's mind (not in a Get Out sort of way just i wish i was as creative as him jhfjsh)


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A Simple Favor

This was like a lifetime movie on drugs. But i could look at Blake Lively and Henry Golding for the rest of my life and never get bored.


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A Twelve-Year Night

Three unbelievable stories, one incredible film.


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Fight Club


i really disliked the first act tho sooo boring. but as soon as tyler comes into play it gets so so so good.


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Kong: Skull Island

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-05-22T21:22:16Z— updated 2019-05-25T08:58:37Z

the cgi? top notch
the green screen? not so much
the acting? good
the dialogue? not good
tom and brie being the most attractive couple i've seen since tessa and michael in creed? 100000000%
the eye candy made up for the entire movie yes ma'am


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The Conjuring 2

this was fucking terrifying, jesus christ


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great film technically but the story just didn't do it for me


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