


The Reason I Jump

Rating or reviewing documentaries on topics you know nothing about - well, apart from what the documentary has taught you - is always a complicated task. However, I can look at it from a cinematic perspective, and The Reason I Jump is an absolute achievement - a deep dive into the autistic experience, making the most of what this medium can give you in terms of audio and image. The storytelling here is done with so much respect. It’s grounded and open, allowing space and time for each subject to get their moment. So good.

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Almost Famous

“The only true currency in this bankrupt world, is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.”

Oooooooh this is a classic

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The Suicide Squad

For Taika Waiting atop Torre dos Clérigos!

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The Sheik

this was the single most racist misogynistic thing i've ever seen in my entire life wow sometimes watching old films just for the culture really is not worth it.

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Café Society

Watched this on a sleepover with my friends cause it was the only movie none of us had watched. Saw it was directed by Woody Allen and i’m not gonna lie, I was against it from the get go. But still, it could have been a nice surprise still, instead it was the worst Woody Allen movie I’ve ever watched. God you couldn’t have picked two more nervous, awkward actors to play a couple. In a way they’re perfect for each other but they make for a very tiring, uncomfortable watching experience. My favourite characters in the movie were Bobby’s family, they were the only ones that had some colour in a movie which is, ironically, the most saturated vibrant coloured movie i’ve ever watched (or maybe my tv was on a saturated setting). Anyways, what a waste of my evening.


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A Room with a View


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Divorce Italian Style

had to watch for my european cinema class... was cringing all over

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Where the Crawdads Sing

Had potential for so much more.

My full review in portuguese for Fio Condutor:

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Oh wow, terrible. I will understand the references made to this movie in No Way Home but at what cost……

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Spider-Man 3

the eyeliner and the emo fringe…….. iconic

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you can’t make the villain team a bunch of hotties and then expect me to root for two no-lipped white dudes EVEN if one of them is Tom Holland.

((also merging mediterranean coastlines with asian coastlines and expecting us to think they’re from the same location… that was dumb :woman_facepalming: ))

((also the mispronunciation of Magalhães sent every time))

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FEST 2021

Not gonna lie, I slept through most of this but I don’t think I’m ever going to rewatch it and I still feel like I didn’t miss anything so might as well log it. Merry Christmas, I guess!

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Watched this purely to get it out of my watchlist. Knowing it existed as a sequel to Silence of The Lambs and not watching it felt like a waste, but I can’t decide if watching it was even more wasteful.

It’s crude, obvious, leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, felt parodistic at times. Very disappointing since the first film is one of the greats. Hannibal Lecter had so much potential as a character, and was rendered a cardboard maniac serial killer here with queer jokes thrown in the mixture for good measure. Bleh.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Just too much pretentious hipstery “oh my god your taste in music is amazing :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:” shit for me. The themes of friendship and Charlie’s arc are generally interesting and beautiful tho.

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The Pursuit of Happyness

Kind of disturbing that this was all a twitter thread, kind of dystopian. Zola was a different approach to filmmaking and scriptwriting that I was curious to check out but the end-result was only so-so. The visuals are often stunning and the nods to the original platforms the stories were posted on were funny, but the narrative just wasn’t strong enough to hold a whole feature film.

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A Simple Favor

This was like a lifetime movie on drugs. But i could look at Blake Lively and Henry Golding for the rest of my life and never get bored.


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Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


There are definitely some issues with this documentary. I take outing and closet-blaming very seriously and while I think politicians should indeed be reprimanded and called out for passing and supporting anti-lgbt legislation, no one knows what they're going through whilst in the closet, no one knows how badly they might be suffering, and they shouldn't be attacked for not being out. Yes, they should be attacked for their anti-lgbt policies, but not for being closeted specifically. I also thought the obsession with Crist got a bit too much by the end. And bisexuality IS a thing, and gay people love to pretend it isn't.

That said, this was a very interesting watch as I didn't know how many closeted gay men were in american politics and specifically in the republican party.


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Charlie St. Cloud

this is soo cheesy and predictable but it has an interesting enough way to deliver a message about life, death and grief. and zac efron’s an angel


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The Best of Enemies

watched this movie cus my brother really wanted me to lol.... i could smell the white saviour complex coming a mile away. it’s 2019 can we please stop making movies about vile white men realising they’re f*cking disgusting? I’m not gonna pat you in the back for being a decent human being. i have 0 sympathy for this CP Ellis man. thank god this didnt get any hype or it might have gone on to win the 2020 Oscar for best picture lmaooooo

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wasn't a very good movie, but james mcavoy made it worth its while. i'm curious to watch the last movie of the trilogy! (unbreakable was amazing tho, but this definitely fell short)

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After reading comments I literally feel like these fucktards are still making money off this stupid Fyre festival by making documentaries about it and milking it like crazy. I didnt pay a cent to watch this so that's fine, and I think it was a decent enough film, but I got a crazy hatred for the sociopaths behind it now, and feel like this documentary doesn't do enough to hold them accountable. Also something seriously needs to be done about influencer culture, and they briefly brush on the subject in this by saying the rules for posting advertisements are getting stricter but that’s not enough - that’s maybe the only good thing about Fyre festival, it’s that these dumb rich kids got what was coming to them.

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it was an okay movie, nothing too exciting

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Rebel Without a Cause

Nah this didnt hold up well at all, so corny and weird. James Dean is almost bad in it? Also he’s not that attractive. I don’t see the appeal whatsoever.

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A challenge to watch the most popular film on letterboxd from each year, starting from 1930 :film_frames:

1932 - Freaks is, although rather unsettling, an interesting attempt at humanising a disenfranchised community. Still, a lot of the scenes were too uncomfortable to enjoy. The sets were by far my favourite thing about it.

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Sweet Smell of Success

I found the story pretty boring. The complex web of character relations was about the only thing I fully enjoyed.

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Serial (Bad) Weddings

funny, a bit offensive but still

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The Son of the Sheik

this was much better than the first!

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2 Days in Paris

Interesting take on Paris from the eyes of a local, very fun to watch as a fellow southern european with some of the same costumes. I love Julie Delpy.

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