


I Killed My Mother

It's a beautiful movie, aesthetically speaking. I did find it a bit repetitive though, there's no real growth from any of the characters, they just go around in circles. Great chemistry between the son and the mother.

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The Miseducation of Cameron Post

I absolute loved this. If only it was a bit longer and it took the time to dive even deeper into the horrific practices of conversion therapy and its effects, as well as tie a couple of loose ends, then it would have been a 10/10 for me. Chloe is incredible in it, my little gay heart was falling in love with her more and more with every passing second.

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Green Book
Taylor Swift: Reputation Stadium Tour

This was more or less what I expected it to be. Thought the visuals and photography were incredible, the soundtrack was really interesting and gave the film some heart, the story was okay, a plot twist here and there but nothing too mind blowing, the violence was extreme but I didn't mind it, it gave the film some edge. Loved Ryan in this, but I could honestly just sit through a 3 hour film of him just walking around and I'd be okay with it, because I love him that much lol.


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The Danish Girl
Me Before You

This is an okay romantic movie. I felt like the characters, especially William deserved more depth to them. It was when they talked about Louisa's future and her hopes and dreams that their relationship became interesting to me. There were so many references to how much Will hated his life, and how he would scream when he was alone and yet we never really got to see that side of him, only the angry, pissed off at the world side whose transition into falling in love with Lou happened way too quickly in my opinion. Was also hoping for a happy ending but from all the things I didn't particularly love in this movie, the ending was the easiest one to accept.


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Jesus Christ, this movie really takes you on the wildest freaking ride. So wild it excuses the slow pace, and almost justifies it, since it helps you sit with every emotion, every situation and every hardship, feel them and think about them. My favourite thing about the film is Azabal's performance, for sure. It does seem a bit far fetched and cruel, though, that after such an awful life a mother would send her children back to where all the atrocities she experienced happened, and have them go through the process of finding out about them on their own , but again, you excuse it for the way the search and discovery make the story so much more compelling. Absolutely loved it, and want to watch again.


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Cast Away

"I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing, because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"

Gotta love a good one man survivor movie! My favourite thing in these movies is always how crafty they get with how little they have. I don't know why, it's just as satisfying as those ridiculous life hack videos on instagram, except in these movies they actually have some, nay, every, use.

And of course... Tom Hanks. One of the greats. But I think the scene stealer has to be Wilson, man, what a presence, what a talent.

Nah, now seriously, it's a great movie, but I'm probably 18 years too late with watching it, because since Cast Away's release there have been a billion more stranded on a deserted island movies, and this one doesn't feel that special. I'm sure it was when it came out though and... again... Tom Hanks.


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American Honey

This was a really interesting watch, even if it basically didn't have a plot. It's not a movie about a story, it's a movie about people, and a reality I'm not at all familiar with, so had fun getting to know - that is if the portrait is a faithful one. The driving force of the movie, though, was the relationship between Star and Jake , because I'm a sucker for these kind of reckless, obsessive, crazy passionate couples and Sasha and Shia had amazing chemistry. Don't think I'll ever rewatch this, but I definitely don't regret watching it at all, even considering how neverending it seemed. Oh and also, some shots in this are absolutely gorgeous, so so pretty!! Even if I did find the camera too shaky at times (in Star and Jake's second sex scene you become REALLY aware they're being filmed and it kind of ruins the moment, i don't know if the camera movement that extreme was intentional or not, but in that particular scene, i was not a fan ).


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Creed II
Beautiful Boy

There's more than a lot of films about addiction out there, but Beautiful Boy manages to be one of the most successful at delivering the message that this is a disease that can absolutely affect anyone and everyone, and that it doesn't just happen to those with a libertine, sort of, underground lifestyle. I also liked that it focused less on the effects of the drugs in your system - whilst still making it clear what exactly meth will do to you - and more on the strain it will put on your relationship with everyone around you. I found it was a different, more sensitive angle to tell a story that's been told a thousand times, and yet is still such a huge issue and taboo. Timothée does a good job and so does Steve. The soundtrack to the movie is also really great.


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To All the Boys I've Loved Before

this was cute!! even if it played with the same old stereotypes, Lara Jean and Peter were really sweet.


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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

this was lowkey funny and a good time! plus, i think the premise of getting sucked into a game is awesome. oh, and it also needed more women. i was excited when i first started it thinking "oh damn this is actually going to be 50% male and 50% female", but then one of them turned into a man, and then nick jonas completed the bunch , making it the usual 4/5 male 1/5 female lmfao, nothing we're not used to ig


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Crazy Rich Asians

I really liked this! It's definitely a breath of fresh air, but i would have enjoyed it far more had there been just a bit more background. It's hard for me to truly bond with characters, and root for relationships when you barely know anything about them. We start the movie already knowing Nick and Rachel are in love, but we never really find out how they fell in love, or why they love / what they love in each other really, so the impact of the big romantic gestures kind of lessens a bit. Same for Astrid's storyline with her husband, which just felt so far removed from the rest of the movie. They tried tying up the two storylines by making Rachel and Astrid friends, but the latter's arc still felt like an extra to the story, like something that had it not been there it wouldn't have made a difference - even though I loved her character. But I'm guessing this has everything to do with the book, which I haven't read, and from the credits scene I'm guessing she'll be the star of the next movie? That's exciting!


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The Fault in Our Stars
Café Society

Watched this on a sleepover with my friends cause it was the only movie none of us had watched. Saw it was directed by Woody Allen and i’m not gonna lie, I was against it from the get go. But still, it could have been a nice surprise still, instead it was the worst Woody Allen movie I’ve ever watched. God you couldn’t have picked two more nervous, awkward actors to play a couple. In a way they’re perfect for each other but they make for a very tiring, uncomfortable watching experience. My favourite characters in the movie were Bobby’s family, they were the only ones that had some colour in a movie which is, ironically, the most saturated vibrant coloured movie i’ve ever watched (or maybe my tv was on a saturated setting). Anyways, what a waste of my evening.


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Brokeback Mountain
Pretty Woman

oh my GOD why is everything about this movie so perfect??? i think this might be my favourite rom-com of all time. Julia Roberts is an absolute dream.

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About Time
The Notebook

Do you mean the greatest romantic movie of all time?


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The Godfather

This is regarded by many as the greatest film of all time, and I can definitely see why. Incredible storytelling, tension from the first to the last second, fantastic performances, beautifully shot film, iconic sequences. The story in itself, you know, mob business, doesn't mean anything to me and films only become my absolute favourites when they touch my heart in some way, which this one didn't, neither do most - if not all - the classics. Probably a generational thing, I don't know. Happy I finally watched this, after so long though. It wasn't really what I imagined, but I think I liked it better this way than what I thought it was going to be like.


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Girl, Interrupted

I have been meaning to watch this for the longest time. It wasn't actually as disturbing as I thought it would be, which was a good surprise. Some of the characters were a bit caricatured and that would be my biggest issue with the film. Angelina steals the show. My favourite scene I think is the one after Daisy's suicide when Susanna is in her bed talking to Val about her depression, just because I thought it was such a simple and sensible way to describe it .


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Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams
The Dark Knight

I miss Heath.


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Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-01-24T22:40:39Z— updated 2019-02-21T21:53:57Z

I was so excited for this movie, but it fell short. The film was reaaaally slow and even though it gave it a different style from most heist movies, in the end, it was just really underwhelming. Giving it an 8 solely for Vi, Daniel and Elizabeth, who were all amazing.


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The Godfather: Part II
God's Own Country

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-01-29T11:33:49Z— updated 2019-11-04T18:31:34Z

I just love the simplicity of this movie, how unpretentious and raw it is. Just real emotion, real struggle, real nitty gritty work. The almost documentary feeling is coupled with breath taking scenery and cinematography to make for the most serene, beautiful, intense film. It's so refreshing to see a story about two gay men that doesn't revolve around their sexuality, but instead focuses on their personality traits - Gheorghe's romanticism, Johnny's fear of real emotion or commitment. As characters they really bring out the best in each other and it's so beautiful to watch. It's a love story, that happens to be between two men. Not once is their sexuality an issue for them, or the people around them. I just LOVE Josh O'Connor though, hope to see him in more stuff soon.


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At Eternity's Gate