



this is definitely one of the best crime/serial killer films i've seen. it doesn't lose itself in the suspence, keeping it pretty straight forward most of the time, while still making your heart race in big moments all throughout. PERFECT ending. Jake and Mark need to be working together more often, they absolutely CRUSHED this film. 100% want to rewatch at some point.


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IVE FINALLY WATCHED THIS!!!! I think it's the movie that's been on my watchlist the longest. It definitely did not disappoint, I was entertained and captivated from start to finish, but those last 30 minutes were breath taking. Absolutely loved it.


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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

This movie is so freaking cool and creative. It's got so much heart and soul. It's gonna earn legend status for sure.


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Unicorn Store

this is the cutest fucking movie ever oh my god


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Beasts of the Southern Wild

Shout by Fran

Quvenzhané baby!!!!! This movie is BEAUTIFUL. It gives you so much perspective and the way its told through Hushpuppy's eyes gives you this childlike wonder for the world, even at its most precarious condition.

I loved the little details in this, the heartbeats, the recurring observation about how the universe is composed of little pieces that must all fit together just right ( during her father's funeral, when she says she's just a little piece of the universe.... I felt that), her calling out for her mum, her dad calling her the king of the bathtub, the wild bores getting closer and closer as their living situation becomes more and more dangerous, only for Hushpuppy to control them right at the end, in unison with the serenity of the ending of the film. There's so much to talk about in this, honestly. I just adore movies told through a child's perspective (this reminded me of Room and The Florida Project, for example), they just make you see the world with so much more clarity and simplicity, instead of the storm in a teacup we, adults, make of it sometimes.


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The Avengers

I’m doing a mini rewatch before Endgame and I swear I started crying when Tony said "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it". I just can’t believe how far this universe has come and how much the original 6 have grown and changed. I really really really love this world and these characters and I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. So Tony, Steve, you all better stay fucking alive :sneezing_face:


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This was so creative and captivating from start to finish. Have a few lose ends that i want to do some research about that left me a bit unsatisfied but mostly i loved it! I want Jordan Peele's mind (not in a Get Out sort of way just i wish i was as creative as him jhfjsh)


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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This movie gets more and more interesting with each watch, there's so many underlying themes, there's so much to interpret and think about. All the twists and turns. Absolutely brilliant. I upped it from an 8 to a 9 the last time I watched it, and this time i'm giving it a full 10. I'm obsessed.


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Avengers: Age of Ultron
City of God

Brilliant! An incredibly absorbing journey through life in Rio de Janeiro's favelas. The way the story is told makes for such a gripping watching experience. The vibrancy and intensity of these communities shines through in the images and pacing of the film. Loved every minute, even if some parts were really really shocking.


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Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé

The greatest performer of this generation, and to me, personally, of all time. Beyoncé's a FORCE. But this documentary shows that she's human too and that made it all the more brilliant. No one compares.

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Captain America: Civil War

How you gone watch this and tell me Steve and Bucky arent in love


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A Simple Favor

This was like a lifetime movie on drugs. But i could look at Blake Lively and Henry Golding for the rest of my life and never get bored.


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You Were Never Really Here

An interesting watch that keeps you on edge from the start, despite its slow pace. Joaquin's performance is brutal. Somehow I felt it needed a stronger ending like [spoiler] him saving a lot more girls [/spoilers].


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A Twelve-Year Night

Three unbelievable stories, one incredible film.


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I loved this film so so much. Gia was an angel, they couldn't have picked anyone better to play her than Angelina.


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Avengers: Endgame
The Amazing Spider-Man

THIS MOVIE IS SO FREAKING UNDERRATED. It's so full of heart and Andrew and Emma have one the best chemistries i've actually ever seen in any movie. It's wild how it was made in 2012 but looks SO recent and fresh. This was the movie that first made me fall in love with the super-hero genre and it will always be special to me for that reason. Had to make sure I still loved it enough to have it on my top 5 super hero movies of all time and damn right I do.


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Fight Club


i really disliked the first act tho sooo boring. but as soon as tyler comes into play it gets so so so good.


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For some reason all I could think about while watching this was how much I wanted a prequel that showed his rise from a kid in the system to a world class boxing champion, because honestly there was so much to unpack there and the way Jake and Rachel worked their characters and their chemistry it was almost like you were following their stories for a long time. You couldn't help but root for Billy and his family from pretty much the first scene, and that's all down to Jake, he really made me go through every emotion with this and I cried a few good tears. Loved it. Love him.


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Kong: Skull Island

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-05-22T21:22:16Z— updated 2019-05-25T08:58:37Z

the cgi? top notch
the green screen? not so much
the acting? good
the dialogue? not good
tom and brie being the most attractive couple i've seen since tessa and michael in creed? 100000000%
the eye candy made up for the entire movie yes ma'am


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Captain Marvel

second time watching it loved it much more. i found it too confusing the first time but watching it knowing the plot already actually makes it a more concise and clean story than on your first watch. carol is literally my whole life i would die for her and her cute smile PLEASE


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The Conjuring 2

this was fucking terrifying, jesus christ


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great film technically but the story just didn't do it for me


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Paris Is Burning

Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


The most fascinating documentary I've ever watched. Gay black men, drag queens and trans women are the backbone of our current pop culture, and this film shows the backstage of it all. Unfortunately they still don't get credited, their culture is stolen by white folk and praised by other white people. But the lgbt+ community knows, and we celebrate them.


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Tell It to the Bees

Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


felt like i was watching a youtube vlog for the first 30/40 minutes lmfao. third act is definitely the best part of the movie but still not good enough to compensate for the rest. i really didn't like it much. it was like a very low budget The Florida Project which i absolutely adored, so i guess my expectations were kinda high going in.


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Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


There are definitely some issues with this documentary. I take outing and closet-blaming very seriously and while I think politicians should indeed be reprimanded and called out for passing and supporting anti-lgbt legislation, no one knows what they're going through whilst in the closet, no one knows how badly they might be suffering, and they shouldn't be attacked for not being out. Yes, they should be attacked for their anti-lgbt policies, but not for being closeted specifically. I also thought the obsession with Crist got a bit too much by the end. And bisexuality IS a thing, and gay people love to pretend it isn't.

That said, this was a very interesting watch as I didn't know how many closeted gay men were in american politics and specifically in the republican party.


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BPM (Beats per Minute)

Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


Such a powerful film and such a fresh take on activism. You can feel the anger in the performances and often it has a documentary feel to it. Absolutely loved it.


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Pride Month 1 film a day challenge:


Olivia Wilde, thank you.


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