Superman & Lois: 2x14 Worlds War Bizarre

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-27T03:12:28Z— updated 2022-06-28T04:11:06Z

The weird choppy visual of the worlds coming within "sight" of each other, like some sort of TV signal being erratically interrupted, was odd. I very much doubt something like that would look so sharply back-and-forth choppy. But, IMO, that's a relatively small complaint in yet another solid segment of the story.

A larger complaint might be: Why does no one seem to remember the existence of others who might be able to help: Kara, Barry, Jefferson, etc? That story-hole has been annoying me much more, lately.

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@thogek The answer to the complaint is that this show is taking place years after the other shows. Remember the crisis of infinite earths (the last crossover), that was Jonathan and Jordan were babies. so, all of that happened years ago. this is a different time now.

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Batwoman: 3x12 We're All Mad Here

Love this show, Alice is one of the best characters on tv in the last 5 years.

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@ajrobson it makes me pity her condition, they should have just given her the buzzer.

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Young Sheldon: 4x01 Graduation

Wait a second, isn't his dad supposed to die before he goes to college? What am I missing here?... never mind I'll just watch the episode lol

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@veganaf Sheldon said that his dad died when he was 14, and he graduated high school when he was 11.

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The Flash: 8x07 Lockdown

f***ers turned an awesome superhero into a boring drama show. goddamnit, man.

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@olilaz I'm not saying that I'm against drama, in fact the amount of drama they had in the beginning of the show was: fine.
now, this show has become a drama infested shit.
cause, I believe drama in a show is, like salt in food. if there is none, it's tasteless. if there's too much (like now), you'll choke on it.

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Emily in Paris: 2x01 Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi?

I feel like this show would be so much better without the whole cheating plotline. It would definitely make it a lot easier to keep rooting for the protagonist and her romances.
Also, imagine if we could have Camille and Emily’s friendship without all the underlying guilt and awkwardness. That would have been so lovely.

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oooh, all of that betrayal and heartbreak is what makes it french-like and interesting. no one wants to see the show in which everyone is happy and easily living without guilt and betrayal. RiSk makes it fun to watch.

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Harley Quinn: 4x01 Gotham's Hottest Hotties

That was a great episode! It's a shame that (HBO) Max's marketing department is so bad at their jobs; I had to find out through that we are several episodes into Season 4. From there I had to search for the show to get to it. I'm the target audience, shouldn't they be TRYING to reach me instead of making me go out of my way to find new episodes?!

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And that's why exists, do you want to put this app out-of-business?

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Superman & Lois: 3x10 Collision Course

Sucks that evil WB finally renewed the show but with a catch. They will write out Lois’ Father who has been one of the best things about the show.
Budget cuts. You would they canceled enough shows and even movies, by now. To save moeny.
Anyway it’s cool that Sarah won’t give away Jonathan’s secret but I feel like he loved her more than she ever did him.

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Jordan's secret, Not Jonathan. :smile:

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The Flash: 9x07 Wildest Dreams

Another episode that is meh, not going to rewatch this episode

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@tv-show-watcher who rewatches shows to begin with? :person_shrugging:♂

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The Flash: 9x06 The Good, the Bad and the Lucky

Did an AI write this episode?

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@tedford honestly, kindda feels like it.

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Shadowhunters: 3x13 Beati Bellicosi

Why did none of the werewolves turn to fight?

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bad writing. pointless violence. a

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Shadowhunters: 3x01 On Infernal Ground

I really hate the term signature weapon

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then, what else should we call it?

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Young Sheldon: 6x16 A Stolen Truck and Going on the Lam

Sheldon is so annoying :rolling_eyes:....

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@king-stef you don't say.

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x12 Heart (1)

- Wait, where were Sea Hawk and the other princesses last episode?
- No way
- But why does Prime want to destroy the universe? I'm confused
- Spooky Light Hope
- Dang, Catra, speak your truth
- Yo, this is epic. Go team!
- "Perforation"? Okay Sea Hawk
- Bow, did you say "A whole new world"?
- Wait, when did Prime discover this?
- Wait, what about Shadow Weaver?
- Yo, Glimmer and Bow, let's go
- I still don't like Mara's blond hair
- Wait, why is Mara here to tell her this? Who is this? Isn't she dead? What? The place looks beautiful, though
- Yo, Glimmer did THAT?
- Nice work, Bow!
- Wtf happened to THEM? WTF?

This episode is okay. I don't know, I thought it would pick up in Season 5, but it's losing me. I miss Seasons 2 and 3. Well, let's see how it all ends anyway.

SCORE: 7/10

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why does Prime want to destroy the universe?

i think he wants to recreate the universe in his image.

when did Prime discover this?

when he saw the memories of his past self, before arriving on Etheria.

what about Shadow Weaver?

haha, they forgot her in the tunnels.

why is Mara here to tell her this? Who is this? Isn't she dead? What?

projection. like other things.
the first ones never wanted anyone to come even close to their project to destroy it, so they made sure no is kept alive trying to get their.

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x08 Shot in the Dark
  • I bet Krytis is just his home planet where his family lives
  • They just changed the intro again!
  • I'll be honest, I don't like how they haven't given Adora and Catra's relationship any attention...
  • Their spacesuits are so cool
  • I like that moment where Catra sees Adora happy
  • I just realised, did the show ever explain how Micah got onto Beast Island?
  • And they don't check Shadow Weaver's neck? Hmmm
  • Poor kidnapped Hordak...
  • Nice door, Catra
  • Yo, Adora's blushing after that
  • Woah, that is DEADLY

Entrapta: "Sorry, what door?"
Catra: "What do you mean "what door"? The one you told us to go through."
Entrapta: "That wasn't me. This is the first time we've talked since the last floor."

Entrapta: "By the way, who's your new friend?"
Glimmer: "What are you talking about? It's just the four of us."
Entrapta: "Hate to disagree, but there's a definite heat signature right behind you."

  • Now THIS is dangerous
  • How to train your lion-spirit-thing?
  • Okay, Shadow Weaver, where did you learn this?
  • They have a cloaked ship now

SCORE: 7/10

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did the show ever explain how Micah got onto Beast Island?

Hordak sent him there instead of killing him straight.

And they don't check Shadow Weaver's neck?

They don't need to, she's already possessed by one demon that she brought into the world. you can't get double possessed.

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x02 Launch
  • Of course he has a giant hologram. He literally clones himself. He's the biggest narcissist in the show

"My body is betraying me." — Adora

"Wait! But it's for science!" — Entrapta

  • Is this the comedy episode?
  • Frosta, that's a psychotic face

"A robot? Where?" — Entrapta

  • She betrayed you, because you left her. Did you guys forget that?
  • I actually didn't get that Entrapta. Please speak English
  • It's nice to get an episode that humanises the supporting cast
  • Yo, Adora's moved on from She-Ra? Eh, she'll get her back later
  • Wait, Micah can shapeshift?

We're not declining, thankfully, but we aren't great. We'll see how it goes.

SCORE: 7/10

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@clobby-clobsters She betrayed you, because you left her.
they only left her because she was not IN on the plan to save Entrapta, and wanted to use the weapon since the beginning.

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Stargirl: 3x01 Frenemies - Chapter One: The Murder

With WB canceling everything. Makes me fear for one of the only good CW shows. This was such a good episode.

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@jim222001 Hey, >what do you mean by "only good"?
what about Superman & Lois?

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

Meh. Not liking the viciousness of Superman fighting. Would he really be such a bully once he has the upper hand? Then there's the stupidness of Lois and the magic clicker. The whole thing just feels too 'CW by Numbers' for me. I do think Tyler is a good choice to play Superman but can we have some genuine heart and believability in the characters please! Oh, and the elastic band theory of superpowers is already happening. He can hear the other side of the world but not his two kids shouting at each other about playing football...?

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@porteruk he didn't hear his kids fighting about that because he promised them that he won't.

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Batwoman: 2x10 Time Off For Good Behavior

I'll say it. That guy is CLEARLY Black Mask.

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@blue_angel The Roman guy? I think it is.

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The Flash: 7x09 Timeless

They should rename this show to Iris and The flash :joy:

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@mannixmd More like "The Marriage of Iris and Barry"

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Black Lightning: 3x09 The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis

This show is hard enough to watch as is, but that episode sucked, and it doesn't make much sense for this show to be trying to have a part in all the DC shows "Crisis" crossover when it isn't even part of the crossover, yet Black Lightning as far as can tell at this point shows up in the crossover. But I had to watch this episode to find out before I continued with the "Crisis" crossover.

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@thenightwolf This is a CW DC Show, and all of the DC Shows made my CW are part of the same universe. So if something happens in one of them it affects the others.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x15 Necromancing the Stone

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-03-20T13:19:07Z— updated 2018-03-24T15:34:30Z

Me? Crying about Avalance? It's more likely than you think. I wish they would stop toying with my emotions. Yes, Sara's done some bad things in the past, but she's working so hard to redeem herself. She's been through so much, she's overcome so much pain and darkness. She deserves to be happy. I love her. And Ava is amazing as well. Her jealousy was fantastic. And she was so heartbroken at the end! I want to die.

This was such an intense episode, but they still managed to put some of LoT's trademark humor in there. It's really impressive how they manage to balance all the serious, intense moments with bits of levity and it never feels forced or overdone (which is my problem with a lot of Marvel movies, for example). Good job, writers.

It's always great to see John Consantine. Sara's right, they should just get him a bed on the Waverider. And how happy was Gary when John kissed him? Nobody on this show is straight, I'm telling you.

Rory has the Fire Totem, Zari has Air, Amaya's going to get her Spirit Totem back eventually, Kuasa has Water, Sara's got Death (I wonder if they'll ever let her use it, though). I'm curious as to who's going to wield Earth. It didn't seem to work for Nate.

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It didn't seem to work for Nate.

he really didn't wear it.

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