Ahys ST


Here and there.

Fringe: 1x01 Pilot

This is my third attempt at this show because I need something to fill the void that discovering POI has left in me. It's been so long since my most recent attempt at the first season so of course I have to start over. Hopefully I finish it this time? If not, maybe it's time to accept I really won't like this show as much as I'd... like to.

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Person of Interest: 5x06 A More Perfect Union

Shout by Ahys ST

Every glimpse of Shaw in her torture bed breaks my heart. It was so frustrating to see Greer trying to turn her and for him to even bring her face-to-face (sort of) with Samaritan. Ugh, they just need to bring her back to the team dammit.

But Shaw + Greer's and Fusco's scenes aside, the rest of this episode was so funny?? That sad face Root gave the camera when Finch basically outright refused to take her to the wedding was hilarious to me. I couldn't stop laughing (as with most of her scenes this episode) lol, and Finch singing while Reese and Root kicked ass behind the scenes! Also loved the conversation between Finch and Root during the dance. They've come such a long way from rival hackers to captor-captive. XD

I also kinda liked this week's case because I thought there were so many potential perpetrators, but I did suspect the sister (and the photograph, so I suppose that doesn't say much lol) during the barn scene.

And Root riding in on a horse. Daaaamn, girl.

And oh no, Fusco!!

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Person of Interest: 5x05 ShotSeeker

Shout by Ahys ST

I'm pretty curious about the research. Up until Finch questioned it, I immediately assumed what Root did — that Samaritan wanted the research so that it could control the world's food supply, or at least control when it'll end world hunger, but the way it was presented made it seem like that wasn't its reason for it. I wonder if we'll actually find that out given that there's only a few episodes left this season (I am trying so hard not to just Google it right now).

And wow, did not expect Elias to still be alive. Dude's a cockroach, you just can't kill him (don't misunderstand, I love him and I'm glad).

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Person of Interest: 4x13 M.I.A.

Shout by Ahys ST

That brief moment of Root wondering what Samaritan was doing with the town made me realize just how much she's changed, from the early Root who thought people were bad code and needed. Right now, sure, she's single-minded about finding and worrying about Shaw, but in other circumstances, she likely would have genuinely cared about what was being done to those people.

I also wasn't aware we were going to get a glimpse of Shaw at all after If-Then-Else, so that was great. I was starting to wonder what it would have been like for the live viewers that the show was playing this out, and I thought we were going to be left wondering if she was actually alive. (Also, despite this having aired 6 years ago, I genuinely thought that episode was where she was gonna bite the dust (Googling after watching it told me otherwise, welp). So yehey for more Shaw!)

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Person of Interest: 3x02 Nothing to Hide
Person of Interest: 3x01 Liberty

Shout by Ahys ST

Wasn't particularly invested in the case of the week, but Root and Carter's stories, and Shaw working with the team? Loved it!

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Person of Interest: 2x01 The Contingency

Shout by Ahys ST


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What If...?: 1x08 What If… Ultron Won?
Made For Love: 1x08 Let's Meet

Byron was consistent and in denial until the end, wow.

And so torn about that finale. I knew something was either gonna happen to force Hazel to have to put up with Byron more if they were going for a Season 2, but I just can't quite believe that Hazel actually went for it.....

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Made For Love: 1x07 I Want to Feel Normal

"I was you. I was Byron's doll." Yikes. Definitely puts things into perspective.

Was not expecting the cancer reveal though. Sadly, he still went back to Diane lol

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Made For Love: 1x03 I Want This Thing Out of My Head
Lucifer: 5x13 A Little Harmless Stalking

I almost got excited that Linda was calling Lucifer out for being selfish and all, then of course they had to turn around and make Lucifer actually be on the right (at least for that particular scene). Someone really needs to snap him out of his daddy-issue complex. Before the final season, preferably?

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Canada's Drag Race: 1x02 Her-itage Moments

Okay, I kind of liked this better than the first episode..

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I only wish it was less procedural. I enjoyed the first few episodes, but I'm starting to lose interest.

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Faking It

Had no interest in watching when I first heard about this before it came out, but after seeing bits and pieces, I was intrigued enough to check it out. I caught up in a day and am now hooked! Very fun, and the characters are somehow relatable and lovable. Thank the gods it got renewed for a third season. Here's to hoping the Season 2B leaks won't affect that. I can definitely see this show going for at least two to three more seasons before the writers run out of good enough story lines and they start to **** it up.

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Once Upon a Time

Every week I tell myself that I am done with this show.. and every week or 2, here I am again. There's just something so alluring (and unfortunately annoying) about it.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Season 1, which is basically why I still hang around, waiting to see what happens next.. then come the second season. When we lost the feel of normalcy, which is the characters' Storybrooke personas, things sort of went awry for me. Nonetheless, I still watch (though I can wait episodes out for weeks, unlike other shows that stir me up so much that I can't wait for the next episode), and every once in a while, I do find myself quite satisfied. Seems that the 3rd season is going pretty well, though, compared to the second, which I found myself strongly disliking halfway through.

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Lucifer: Season 6

Oh dear god (pun intended), please let this be good. Or at least better than whatever the Hell Season 5 was.

And very happy to know it's a shorter 10-episode one. I do think shorter seasons work out better for certain shows, and I think it does for Lucifer. Each episode would be packed with stuff we'll actually care about — instead of the filler-like, procedural formula with just (if we're lucky) 10 minutes worth of actual story content.

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x06 Marigold

There's way too much happening.

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Ted Lasso: 2x09 Beard After Hours

Genuinely thought there was going to be some payoff in the end, like Beard deciding he needs to speak up more when Ted goes on one of his "it'll be alright" rantings, but then the ending came and went. I guess not everything needs some big payoff and maybe this was just to show us the everyday goings on in Coach Beard's mind? And it was so long. This is the amount of time I would have wanted spent on the other storylines. This just felt like a trippy, stoner episode except he was mostly sober.

The three pub blokes' parts were pretty fun lol

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World: 1x04 Snatch Game

This All Stars rule thing definitely needs some revision, or at least casting does. There are those seasons where you go, "It's anyone's game at this point, any of them could be Top 3/4," and it'll hurt to see the eliminated queen go but it's alright in the long run. This season is the exact opposite with the clear Top 2 gone.

It's especially sad to me that these particular set of queens are the ones that chose to "play" when they're the ones not actually competing for prize money lol, whereas we've seen other US All Stars queens choose 'fairly' despite this lowering their chances at the prize.

Also, 2 consecutive episodes now that the queens' choices have legitimately surprised me. From Janey and Jimbo's conversation, I thought for sure she would have picked Jimbo. Meanwhile, I didn't think Pangina would pick Jimbo last ep, and same with this one, I was literally rooting for Blu because the way she spoke to the girls made me actually think she was gonna save Pangina.

Side-note: Blu definitely killed it in the episode though. Snatch Game, the runway, and Pangina fans XD

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Titans: 3x01 Barbara Gordon

I feel like they could have done so much more with Jason's scene. It was okay, just maybe a notch higher on the creepy, thriller scale would have been nice since it was supposed to be a haunting and grotesque scene. I wanted to want to look away, but I didn't get that. Also, the music during the first Titans fight scene was so weird. It could have been a good scene (my god, those bone cracking sounds would have been so satisfying without that tune) but it looked... jokey. Definitely not Titans vibe.

I do like the build up of Dick investigating what Robin was up to. And hello, Barbara and Tim (and the other Robin nods, dang)! Here's to hoping we get some young Barb as Batgirl flashbacks.

Wonder what's happening to Kori; where's Dove, and when are we getting Rachel back? Hopefully we're back to the whole Titans crew in the next episode.

I reallyyy wanna like this season. Season 1 was okay, and Season 2 was really good! ... so I definitely came into this season with at least some expectations.

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Only Murders in the Building: 2x02 Framed

Shout by Ahys ST

So the killer’s gotta be Cara, right?

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Person of Interest: 4x15 Q&A

Shout by Ahys ST

Dang, we started with pretty much just the main 3 we have right now (plus Carter), but it's so sad to watch this without Shaw, Root, and/or Carter right now. Makes me realize how much they added to the episodes' vibes. I was so happy when Root finally came back at the end (I kind of knew she would the minute Finch was cornered).

Thank god for Lionel's one-liners lol

Also, Finch almost leaving Claire then falling for it again just... agh that was so frustrating. Can't say I blame him, I mean this is the Finch we love, can't really expect him to just walk away with the kind of argument Claire made. But damn, for a genius, Claire was delusional.

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Lucifer: Season 5
Lucifer: 5x16 A Chance at a Happy Ending
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You

The only reason I'm even giving this stars at all is John Ambrose.

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The Age of Adaline

Weird stuff in this movie: a) Ellis was a creepy stalker who wouldn't take no for an answer, b) Adaline slept with Ellis and his dad, and c) the narrations felt really unnecessary. I did not really need or want to be convinced of some scientific reasoning behind this.

I much preferred her story with Ellis' dad, and the bits with her daughter.

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The Big Bang Theory: 1x13 The Bat Jar Conjecture

Man, I'm trying to get past the first season and it is so hard. I don't think I've laughed once in the last few episodes.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 4x08 Episode 8

Shout by Ahys ST

Here's to hoping that double shantay doesn't bite us in the ass when 2 better queens face off in the next episode.

Also, I did not laugh once during that skit. I found it more laughable that you could hear the judges laughing.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x04 Bay of Squids

"Oh girl, we don't ask those questions." - Basically the tagline when watching this show. (Usually don't mind. I've embraced this part of LoT. I just really did not enjoy this episode at all.)

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