

Omicron Persei 8

The Witcher: 2x01 A Grain of Truth
  1. Did I accidentally put on Beauty and the Beast?
  2. I recognised Kristofer Hivju by his voice, but his face looks completely different without a beard and I would not have recognised him without his voice.
  3. Please give the hair and makeup department more money. I am begging.
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The Last of Us: 1x02 Infected

That kiss was completely unnecessary, what the fuck.

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Killing Eve: 4x07 Making Dead Things Look Nice

Excuse me??? You can't just end the episode there :sob::sob::sob:

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Good Trouble: 3x04 Klompendansen

As much as I love this show, I miss The Fosters and its characters and family dynamics.

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Community: 1x22 The Art of Discourse
Suits: 2x11 Blind-Sided

Mike is such an asshole, oh my god.

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Shadow and Bone: 2x03 Like Calls to Like

All this talk of a Crows spinoff... I would have absolutely no interest in watching it, but it would make me happy if they got their own show so Shadow and Bone could actually focus on their main character instead of giving too much screen time to annoying assholes like Kaz and Matthias.

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Good Trouble: 3x19 Closing Arguments

LMAO was that the writers calling themselves out for making Callie make the same mistakes for eight seasons?

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For All Mankind: 2x08 And Here's to You

American terrorism: now also on the moon!

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For All Mankind: 2x02 The Bleeding Edge

Definitely the worst episode of the show so far. Gordo is not a sympathetic character and having an episode focused on him doesn't work.

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Sex and the City: 3x10 All or Nothing

Aidan deserves better than this :(

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Community: 2x17 Intro to Political Science

I just had a dream that I was a regular president.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

That was a short episode. Only 38 minutes?

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And Just Like That…: 1x02 Little Black Dress

Please tell me they're making Miranda queer.

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The Wilds: 1x07 Day Fifteen

Gretchen is high on peak white feminism.

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Suits: 2x05 Break Point

When Mike was getting fired, Harvey threatened to quit, but he won't do the same for Donna? There's gotta be something else going on because that's just bullshit.

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Shadow and Bone: 2x08 No Funerals

Excuse me? Excuse me? Excuse me? DarkAlina? Sorry. DarkAlina? Sorry. DarkAlina? Sorry. DarkAlina? Sorry. DarkAlina?

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Shadow and Bone: 2x06 Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)

Praying to all the Saints that the women on this show will get better love interests :pray:

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

That farmhouse in the opening of the episode looked so much like the one Ellie and Dina lived in, surely that's not a coincidence :eyes:
It was amazing to see Ashley Johnson finally appear, and I did not spot that Laura Bailey cameo until the credits:eyes:
Pedro Pascal making me like a character I previously hated, and Bella Ramsey doing justice to a character I love. Could not have asked for better actors!
This adaption had it's flaws like the original, but honestly I think it's actually better than the game.
I'm going to miss this show so much, and I'm so hyped for the next season covering my favourite game of the two, and I'm so excited to see the live action version of more of my favourite characters from the game:heart_eyes:

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Desperate Housewives: 1x09 Suspicious Minds

It took nine episodes, but finally someone with good intentions is telling Gabrielle to stay away from John. I'm glad they focused on the fact that what she's doing is rape, instead of the much less important fact that she's (understandably) cheating on her abusive husband.

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Heroes: 1x04 Collision

Women getting their revenge against someone who abused them is my favourite genre.

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Good Trouble: 4x17 Wake Up from Your Reverie

So now that Callie isn't around to do stupid things, they're making Mariana do them? Could've at least texted Joaquin where she was going before getting in the car.

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The Walking Dead: 4x12 Still

It's missing Beth Greene hours.

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Good Girls: 4x03 Fall Guy

Why are they showing Beth and Dean’s backstory as if anyone wants them together? Are they trying to redeem Dean or something?

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Shadow and Bone: 1x05 Show Me Who You Are

You know it's a Netflix show when it takes half a season for it to get exciting. Finally a good episode!

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For All Mankind: 2x03 Rules of Engagement

Not liking where this season is going at all. And please keep Gordo and Tracy away from each other.

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Sex and the City: 3x11 Running With Scissors

This is the first episode where Charlotte makes any sense.

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True Blood: 1x10 I Don't Wanna Know

I am an organic vegan, and my carbon footprint is miniscule.

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Suits: 1x09 Undefeated

Rachel is amazing. She knows what she wants and won't accept others treating her unfairly.
Gotta love the women on this show, the plot should be about them instead:sunglasses:

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First Kill: 1x06 First Severing

Shoes in bed, shoes on table. Why are Americans like this:weary:

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