


Gunpowder Milkshake

This was a bit more violent then I thought it would be, but fun nonetheless. Amy Pond really kicked some serious ass, though the fighting scenes were borderline hilarious at the moments. That put aside, it has brilliant cast, solid plot and it's quite nicely shot followed by some good soundtrack. If they make a sequel, I will definitely watch it. 7/10 from me - Very entertaining movie when you just want to relax and enjoy.

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Charmed: 3x18 I Dreamed a Dream...

Apparently there's always a backup sister. :smile: Jokes aside, this really sucks. I honestly didn't expect them to kill off one of them like they did in the original and especially not at the exactly same time, after 3 seasons. Plus they already used half-sister plot, so now they're just going to repeat themselves which is quite bad. Macy is the least annoying charmed one and the only one with some kind of acting skills (besides Harry and Abby), so I am bummed to see her leave. I'm not sure whether I'll continue watching this. Mel and Maggie are not such a strong characters, too much whining and not enough of good acting. With Macy and Abby gone, Harry is the only one left who's remotely interesting. If they bring back Abby, I might consider watching the next season, otherwise I'm probably done with it.

P.S. It was so obvious that Jordan would become a whitelighter, though I really thought that Harry was going to die as well, so that Jordan would be their new whitelighter.

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Deadwater Fell

Shout by Ana

It's incredible how painfully slow this is for a show that has only 4 episodes. I like slower pace, but this one really drags on. And it's not a whodunit show, the perpetrator is revealed early on and it's quite obvious. Acting is solid, but the plot and the whole execution is what Trakt rating would call - meh. I forced myself to finish it just because of Tennant. Otherwise, it's easily skippable, there are many crime shows out there that are way more interesting. 5/10 from me.

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Dead to Me: 2x06 You Don't Have To

That ending made me die laughing. :joy::joy::joy: I love these little twists.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x04 Four Movements

Gina is the funniest, it's so sad she left. I hope she'll come back.

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The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games

Shout by Ana

I can't even begin to describe how heartbroken I am that Alex died. He was such a kind and loving man and to kill him like this without even letting him make up with his family was just cruel. I will miss this space cowboy so much, he deserved way better.

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Call Me Kat: 1x01 Plus One
The 100: 7x16 The Last War
The 100: 7x15 The Dying of the Light

Was it really necessary to take her daughter away from her?? She already lost every single person she ever loved and now Madi... This is just over the top... Perhaps she'll recover somehow cause it really made no sense that they left her all by herself.

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The 100: 7x13 Blood Giant

Well I am not upset at all that they killed off Bellamy, he was so annoying and often brainwashed and this time he really crossed the line. I honestly would have done the same and shot him, I wouldn't let him hurt Madi again. But it does bother me that Clarke left the book behind, now she killed him for nothing.

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The 100: 7x12 The Stranger

I do always have a need to bash Bellamy with each new episode and this one is no exception, but now I wanna talk about how great Murphy is instead. He really did come a along way. I knew since the S1 that he would be one of the best and most likable character in the show. He always does the right, good thing even though he nags and whines about it. :smile: I absolutely love him and I truly hope that he and Emori will have their happy ending, they deserve it.

8/10 for this episode. Only 4 left now, what a bummer...

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Shout by Ana

The only thing that bothered me in this movie was that Rey renounced her parents' name who died to protect her. It's disrespectful and honestly she disappointed me, so I like her a little less now. I really thought she would see her parents and not Luke and Leia. I know Skywalkers are all gone now and the writers wanted someone to continue the legacy, but she could've just added the Skywalker name to the Palpatine and be Rey Palpatine Skywalker, that way she would be honoring both her parents and the Skywalkers and it would be a much better ending.

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The 100: 7x11 Etherea

I didn't think I could dislike Bellamy more than I do, then this episode's ending proved me wrong. I can't believe he got brainwashed again, he learned nothing.

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Killing Eve: 3x08 Are You Leading or Am I?
The 100: 7x01 From the Ashes

I honestly can't recall if The 100 ever had a bad start of the season. I think not. This one was amazing! I love the plot with the anomaly and portal and I'm looking forward to seeing what's waiting for Bellamy and Echo on the other side. I truly hope we'll get to see Octavia alive as well.

Man, I will be so bummed when the show ends. It could've easily run for a couple more seasons.

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Killing Eve: 3x06 End of Game

I can't believe Niko survived that stabbing in the neck. I am glad he did though.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 6x15 Stay

Even though I didn't like that they made Frank Sam's son, I absolutely loved the finale. It was so satisfying to see that Annalise finally got rid of those life sucking leaches and started to take care of herself for a change. There are only two things I would do differently, first I don't understand why would Eve deliver the eulogy, she's completely unimportant character, it should have been Tegan since she's the one Annalise spent her life with if I understood correctly... But she wasn't even at the funeral... Perhaps she died as well though it wasn't stated. Second, they should've casted a different actor for the role of Christopher, I mean no one looks that much like their father. It's obvious they did that just to make us think it's Wes. Apart from that, it was perfect finale. And Viola once again delivered Emmy worthy performance, her closing words at the trial gave me goosebumps, what a way to say goodbye to her character.

Farewell HTGAWM!

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How to Get Away with Murder: 6x13 What If Sam Wasn't the Bad Guy This Whole Time?

Aaand congratulations, you've managed to ruin the show...

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Killing Eve: 3x04 Still Got It

I am so looking forward to the moment when they both realize it was Dasha who killed Niko and they get their full revenge mode on. RIP Niko, you deserved to have a peaceful life.

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Why Women Kill

Shout by Ana

I found the first three episodes to be bad, it really isn't to my liking to watch for 50 minutes who's gonna sleep with whom. They went a bit overboard there especially in the 2019 story. I thought of quitting, but I'm glad I sticked with it, because after episode 3 the show picks up the pace, they stopped focusing on hookups and focused more on the story and I started to enjoy every second of this. The plot turned out to be really good, the one from the '60s is the best in my opinion. Casting is great as well as directing, particularly in the last episode. So what started disappointing, ended as one of the better shows I've seen lately, therefore I can only recommend it.
8/10 from me.

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Killing Eve: 3x03 Meetings Have Biscuits

Shout by Ana

Villanelle's facial expressions at the toy store with all that children are the same ones I make when I'm surrounded by little kids lol :joy:
This episode was pure gold. The scene in the bus caught me unprepared, at first I thought Eve was hallucinating, but the fighting reassured me and then everything happened so fast. Villanelle's "smell me" had me burst into laughter and the next second there's pure shock. I honestly didn't expect the kiss to happen so early in the season or in this season at all. And then that head-butt, so much was going on at once :smile: Clearly Eve is way more obsessed with V than I thought.
The waiting for the next episode is killing me. :)

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Killing Eve: 3x01 Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

I'm so hyped that this is back on TV and so devastated they killed Kenny. He deserved better.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

Shout by Ana

I will miss this show so much! Farewell Modern Family!

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x19 Love of My Life

Shout by Ana

Pointless episode except for the ending, but the ending is bad as well. I hope Richard will be ok.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On
Doctor Who: 12x10 The Timeless Children (2)

Did they really give us that ending and now they are going to make us wait a whole year? Not fair :smile: Also could this mean that maybe River will show up next season since the Doctor is in prison now as well. Oh my wishful thinking. :smile: Anyway, the whole episode is absolutely amazing from start to finish. Jodie and Sacha gave some of the their best performances yet, their scenes were so delightful to watch. The true identity of the Timeless Child was a bit predictable, but it did kind of make sense and now everything has really changed.

10/10 for this episode and the whole season 12.

Now we can start the countdown for the Christmas/New Year's special and the s13. :smile:

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Doctor Who: 12x08 The Haunting of Villa Diodati

The horror vibe was great, it actually gave me goosebumps. Can't wait for the next two episodes!

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Last Christmas
Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

Amazing episode throughout! Loved seeing Capt. Jack again though I'm a bit disappointed that it wasn't River who showed up (still not losing hope :slight_smile: ). And I wasn't sold on that new doctor, she just doesn't really seem like one. Perhaps she actually isn't since 13 did comment on how doctor never uses weapons which is true, so maybe she's someone else entirely and it will be addressed later on.

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Doctor Who: 12x04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

Such a great and fun episode featuring one of the greatest minds in history - Nikola Tesla. Goran did a wonderful job portraying him.

And I'm glad someone finally said that Edison was a fraud and thief who only cared about profit.


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