


The Expanse: 4x10 Cibola Burn

Shout by Ana

Not Ashford, dammit! I'm heartbroken that they killed him. Hopefully Marco will get what he deserves next season.

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Doctor Who: 5x10 Vincent and the Doctor

Heartbreakingly beautiful. Episodes like this are the reason I'm watching DW.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

Shout by Ana

I will miss this show so much! Farewell Modern Family!

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Doctor Who: Special 83 The Day of the Doctor

Brilliant! I was so happy to see David once again.

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Doctor Who: Special 210 The Power of the Doctor

I said it before, and I'll say it again, Jodie absolutely deserved one more season. Her time on DW was cut short by reducing the number of the episodes and it's unfair. But, at least they gave her a heartfelt finale. That regeneration scene really hit me hard. I'm sad to see her leave, but still excited for Tennant.
Farewell Thirteen, I will miss you dearly.

P.S. Why did the new Doctor regenerate into new clothes? That was so odd.

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How I Met Your Father: 1x01 Pilot
Doctor Who: 9x11 Heaven Sent (1)

The best episode of DW ever! And absolutely stunning performance by Capaldi!

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Doctor Who: 9x10 Face the Raven

Clara, noooo! That silent scream really hit me hard... Why did she have to die like this.. Wish they had found a way to keep her alive cause her story deserves a much better ending...

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Doctor Who: 12x08 The Haunting of Villa Diodati

The horror vibe was great, it actually gave me goosebumps. Can't wait for the next two episodes!

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Doctor Who: 12x01 Spyfall (1)

Wow, what a great start of the season! I did accidentally read spoiler, but still the revelation of the Master was amazing.

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Elementary: 5x15 Wrong Side of the Road (1)

Shout by Ana

So happy to see Kitty again. I really missed her. Wish they brought her on as a series regular.

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

Amazing episode throughout! Loved seeing Capt. Jack again though I'm a bit disappointed that it wasn't River who showed up (still not losing hope :slight_smile: ). And I wasn't sold on that new doctor, she just doesn't really seem like one. Perhaps she actually isn't since 13 did comment on how doctor never uses weapons which is true, so maybe she's someone else entirely and it will be addressed later on.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

"What door?" That moment was mind blowing!
The show is so amazing, I wish I had started watching it sooner.

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Doctor Who: 9x12 Hell Bent (2)

I really don't like that he forgot Clara, not after everything they've been through...but I do love the fact that she gets to prolong her life and time travel with Ashildr.

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Doctor Who: 12x10 The Timeless Children (2)

Did they really give us that ending and now they are going to make us wait a whole year? Not fair :smile: Also could this mean that maybe River will show up next season since the Doctor is in prison now as well. Oh my wishful thinking. :smile: Anyway, the whole episode is absolutely amazing from start to finish. Jodie and Sacha gave some of the their best performances yet, their scenes were so delightful to watch. The true identity of the Timeless Child was a bit predictable, but it did kind of make sense and now everything has really changed.

10/10 for this episode and the whole season 12.

Now we can start the countdown for the Christmas/New Year's special and the s13. :smile:

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Stranger Things: 3x08 Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

Shout by Ana

Simply amazing season! I really hope that Hopper survived somehow. And they better bring back Robin and Erica in s4. :)

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Elementary: 6x21 Whatever Remains, However Improbable

Shout by Ana

Great ending! I hope they'll continue this in the UK.

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Doctor Who: Special 154 Twice Upon a Time

Shout by Ana

Farewell Twelve! I will miss you so much, you grumpy doctor!
I came late to the party, but now I'm finally all caught up and I can't wait for the next chapter!

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Stranger Things: 2x08 Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer

RIP Bob Newby, the superhero. The good ones always end up dead. Honestly, it would have been more shocking if they had let him live.

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Stranger Things: 2x07 Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister

Awesome episode. Though I didn't like the bad influence Kali had on El, I do hope we'll get to see more of her.

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Grey's Anatomy: 15x19 Silent All These Years

The most heartbreaking, soul-crushing episode ever.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x10 All Alone

Joel is so annoying... I can't believe she went back to him after he dumped her twice and kept blaming her for the break up. Benjamin is way better for her.

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The 100: 5x08 How We Get to Peace

The guy that slaughtered 300 people and more claims he's not a murderer! And Clarke also saying that he's changed! Man, I was so annoyed with Bellamy and Clarke's hipocrisy through this whole episode... They had the nerve to acuse Octavia of taking innocent lives, but then two seconds later they had no problem with drugging and killing a person in a worst imaginable way! Plus putting his sister in a coma! They are no better than her! At least she's not pretending to be all goody. I must say that I was glad that she saw through their plan... Octavia is a great leader, her plan may be brutal, but it's also a brilliant one. She's not doing anything that precious Bellamy and Clarke didn't do in the past.
Also Murphy really shouldn't have made a deal with McCreary... I think it was stupid...

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Killing Eve: 3x01 Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

I'm so hyped that this is back on TV and so devastated they killed Kenny. He deserved better.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On
How to Get Away with Murder: 5x10 Don't Go Dark on Me

I knew he was innocent. I don't know how Bonnie will be able to live with herself now.

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The 100: 7x01 From the Ashes

I honestly can't recall if The 100 ever had a bad start of the season. I think not. This one was amazing! I love the plot with the anomaly and portal and I'm looking forward to seeing what's waiting for Bellamy and Echo on the other side. I truly hope we'll get to see Octavia alive as well.

Man, I will be so bummed when the show ends. It could've easily run for a couple more seasons.

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The 100: 5x03 Sleeping Giants

The season is getting stronger by the episode! I think I enjoyed this one more than the whole season 4, honestly. It was really emotional with good jokes here and there to loosen up the tension a bit. I also love how the roles have reversed and now they are the ones that are getting invaded just like the grounders were in s1. Oh they better not kill Murphy and Raven! I can't wait to see how their story will develop!

P.S. Emori should definitely be promoted to series regular.

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The 100: 7x12 The Stranger

I do always have a need to bash Bellamy with each new episode and this one is no exception, but now I wanna talk about how great Murphy is instead. He really did come a along way. I knew since the S1 that he would be one of the best and most likable character in the show. He always does the right, good thing even though he nags and whines about it. :smile: I absolutely love him and I truly hope that he and Emori will have their happy ending, they deserve it.

8/10 for this episode. Only 4 left now, what a bummer...

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Killing Eve: 3x04 Still Got It

I am so looking forward to the moment when they both realize it was Dasha who killed Niko and they get their full revenge mode on. RIP Niko, you deserved to have a peaceful life.

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