


Doctor Who

This show didn't end. TMDB incorrectly marked it as ended and labelled next episodes as part of a separate show. IMDB shows seasons correctly and has Season 14. Is there any way to report this so it could get fixed?

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@zombiebxxk Yes, they are rebranding it because of Disney Plus, so it wouldn't say Season 14 on the platform. But that still doesn't change the fact that the new episode The Star Beast is direct continuation of the Power of the Doctor and it can't be watched without watching previous episodes. It's the same show, just a new season, not a reboot. They made a complete mess.

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Doctor Who

Why was my comment deleted? It did not break any rules nor was it disrespectful in any way. I came here to reply to the person who commented my message and I saw it's gone. I will repost it since it did not break the rules. The comment could also be helpful to the newcomers who might think this is a brand new show.

-------Comment posted on 26 Nov 2023

Why in the world is this marked as separate show and the one from 2005 marked as Ended? This is not a reboot, but a direct continuation of the previous episode The Power of the Doctor! I know they want to call the new season Season 1 because of Disney Plus, but it is not, it's actually Season 14. It makes no sense at all. Not to mention that the specials also reference previous seasons. This is not like a reboot from 2005 when newcomers could just start watching from there and ignore Classic Who. Newcomers can't start from here! I don't understand why it couldn't say Season 14 on Disney. All the previous seasons could be imported at some point once the whatever deal they have with BBC expires (I assume that's what is stopping them from putting them on the platform right away).
This is just insane, an insult to the fans, Jodie (doctor not regenerating into her clothes), Chibnall, everyone...

How do we organize our collection now and sync with Trakt? I don't want to label it as a separate show. What's interesting is that IMDB and TVDB show seasons correctly and have Season 14. TMDB does some weird stuff.

Update: If someone is wondering how to organize the collection in Plex, just follow TVDB and it will be shown correctly.

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@indy911 You can't. Trakt pulls data from TMDB which is unfortunate in this case because TMDB marks Season 14 as Season 1 of a "new show". TVDB and IMDB marks it as S14, but Trakt doesn't use those, so they are shown as two separate shows here. This is S14

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Doctor Who

Why was my comment deleted? It did not break any rules nor was it disrespectful in any way. I came here to reply to the person who commented my message and I saw it's gone. I will repost it since it did not break the rules. The comment could also be helpful to the newcomers who might think this is a brand new show.

-------Comment posted on 26 Nov 2023

Why in the world is this marked as separate show and the one from 2005 marked as Ended? This is not a reboot, but a direct continuation of the previous episode The Power of the Doctor! I know they want to call the new season Season 1 because of Disney Plus, but it is not, it's actually Season 14. It makes no sense at all. Not to mention that the specials also reference previous seasons. This is not like a reboot from 2005 when newcomers could just start watching from there and ignore Classic Who. Newcomers can't start from here! I don't understand why it couldn't say Season 14 on Disney. All the previous seasons could be imported at some point once the whatever deal they have with BBC expires (I assume that's what is stopping them from putting them on the platform right away).
This is just insane, an insult to the fans, Jodie (doctor not regenerating into her clothes), Chibnall, everyone...

How do we organize our collection now and sync with Trakt? I don't want to label it as a separate show. What's interesting is that IMDB and TVDB show seasons correctly and have Season 14. TMDB does some weird stuff.

Update: If someone is wondering how to organize the collection in Plex, just follow TVDB and it will be shown correctly.

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@robio100 Yes, I saw the announcement. He can call it whatever he wants, it still doesn't change the fact that is Season 14 of the same show and can't be watched without previous knowledge. They are doing this because of Disney Plus.

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Doctor Who

Reply by Ana

Why was my comment deleted? It did not break any rules nor was it disrespectful in any way. I came here to reply to the person who commented my message and I saw it's gone. I will repost it since it did not break the rules. The comment could also be helpful to the newcomers who might think this is a brand new show.

-------Comment posted on 26 Nov 2023

Why in the world is this marked as separate show and the one from 2005 marked as Ended? This is not a reboot, but a direct continuation of the previous episode The Power of the Doctor! I know they want to call the new season Season 1 because of Disney Plus, but it is not, it's actually Season 14. It makes no sense at all. Not to mention that the specials also reference previous seasons. This is not like a reboot from 2005 when newcomers could just start watching from there and ignore Classic Who. Newcomers can't start from here! I don't understand why it couldn't say Season 14 on Disney. All the previous seasons could be imported at some point once the whatever deal they have with BBC expires (I assume that's what is stopping them from putting them on the platform right away).
This is just insane, an insult to the fans, Jodie (doctor not regenerating into her clothes), Chibnall, everyone...

How do we organize our collection now and sync with Trakt? I don't want to label it as a separate show. What's interesting is that IMDB and TVDB show seasons correctly and have Season 14. TMDB does some weird stuff.

Update: If someone is wondering how to organize the collection in Plex, just follow TVDB and it will be shown correctly.

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@tangata-rereke Thanks, though I don't think that will change anything. Trakt pulls data exclusively from TMDB if I'm not mistaken and TMDB decided to follow the rebranding thing, even though this issue was reported to them by multiple users.

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Doctor Who

Reply by Ana

Why was my comment deleted? It did not break any rules nor was it disrespectful in any way. I came here to reply to the person who commented my message and I saw it's gone. I will repost it since it did not break the rules. The comment could also be helpful to the newcomers who might think this is a brand new show.

-------Comment posted on 26 Nov 2023

Why in the world is this marked as separate show and the one from 2005 marked as Ended? This is not a reboot, but a direct continuation of the previous episode The Power of the Doctor! I know they want to call the new season Season 1 because of Disney Plus, but it is not, it's actually Season 14. It makes no sense at all. Not to mention that the specials also reference previous seasons. This is not like a reboot from 2005 when newcomers could just start watching from there and ignore Classic Who. Newcomers can't start from here! I don't understand why it couldn't say Season 14 on Disney. All the previous seasons could be imported at some point once the whatever deal they have with BBC expires (I assume that's what is stopping them from putting them on the platform right away).
This is just insane, an insult to the fans, Jodie (doctor not regenerating into her clothes), Chibnall, everyone...

How do we organize our collection now and sync with Trakt? I don't want to label it as a separate show. What's interesting is that IMDB and TVDB show seasons correctly and have Season 14. TMDB does some weird stuff.

Update: If someone is wondering how to organize the collection in Plex, just follow TVDB and it will be shown correctly.

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@sannita Yeah, I still don't know why it was deleted. Anyway, the BBC does apparently treat them as separate shows, never mind it makes no sense. I bet it's all because of Disney Plus. They probably don't want to scare of potential new fans by showing Season 14, so they went with Season 1 instead even though the newcomers would still be completely lost. They made a complete mess. The IMDB and TVDB still treat them as the same show like it should be, so I guess our own collection can be properly organized, but here on Trakt will have to keep them separate.

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