


How to Get Away with Murder: 6x15 Stay

Even though I didn't like that they made Frank Sam's son, I absolutely loved the finale. It was so satisfying to see that Annalise finally got rid of those life sucking leaches and started to take care of herself for a change. There are only two things I would do differently, first I don't understand why would Eve deliver the eulogy, she's completely unimportant character, it should have been Tegan since she's the one Annalise spent her life with if I understood correctly... But she wasn't even at the funeral... Perhaps she died as well though it wasn't stated. Second, they should've casted a different actor for the role of Christopher, I mean no one looks that much like their father. It's obvious they did that just to make us think it's Wes. Apart from that, it was perfect finale. And Viola once again delivered Emmy worthy performance, her closing words at the trial gave me goosebumps, what a way to say goodbye to her character.

Farewell HTGAWM!

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

How fu**ing dare you kill another dragon and then Missandei!!! My heart shattered! I hope she'll burn that bitch!! If Dany doesn't sit on the throne I'm gonna be so pissed!!!

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The 100: 6x05 The Gospel of Josephine

Shout by Ana

Things are getting crazier. Has Octavia's hand just aged? :open_mouth:

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The 100: 5x04 Pandora's Box

Is Abby supposed to be a junkie now?? Cause Kane told her to stop taking the pills... And what's going on with his hair, it's ridiculous, I can't take the guy seriously...
The Bellamy/Octavia and Clarke/Abby reunions were really emotional, I teared up a little.
Also the friendship that's going on between Raven and Murphy is kinda cute, I am all for it!

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The 100: 6x03 The Children of Gabriel

I'm really starting to hate Bellamy, leaving her in the woods all alone was cruel and he knows it's dangerous and she may die, they warned them. I'm tired of his unjustified anger. He sure quickly forgot how he drugged her knowing she might die and he didn't care. This is the third time he does that to her. He did worse things than O, he got Lincoln killed as well, but he has to be forgiven, right... Nice episode though.

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The Expanse: 3x05 Triple Point

Great episode as always...But I've just read that the show got canceled, what the hell?!? They are out of their minds! This is the best sci-fi show on TV! There is a petition going on for Netflix to pick it up for s4, everyone should sign it! Hopefully they will find a new network.

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The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games

Shout by Ana

I can't even begin to describe how heartbroken I am that Alex died. He was such a kind and loving man and to kill him like this without even letting him make up with his family was just cruel. I will miss this space cowboy so much, he deserved way better.

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Killing Eve: 3x03 Meetings Have Biscuits

Shout by Ana

Villanelle's facial expressions at the toy store with all that children are the same ones I make when I'm surrounded by little kids lol :joy:
This episode was pure gold. The scene in the bus caught me unprepared, at first I thought Eve was hallucinating, but the fighting reassured me and then everything happened so fast. Villanelle's "smell me" had me burst into laughter and the next second there's pure shock. I honestly didn't expect the kiss to happen so early in the season or in this season at all. And then that head-butt, so much was going on at once :smile: Clearly Eve is way more obsessed with V than I thought.
The waiting for the next episode is killing me. :)

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Killing Eve: 3x01 Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

I'm so hyped that this is back on TV and so devastated they killed Kenny. He deserved better.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x10 All Alone

Joel is so annoying... I can't believe she went back to him after he dumped her twice and kept blaming her for the break up. Benjamin is way better for her.

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Doctor Who: 11x09 It Takes You Away

She blew a kiss to a frog! To the freakin' frog! Wtf... It was a perfect opportunity for River to show up or even Amy, Clara, Donna, but no, they went with a frog.... Totally disappointing moment... The rest of the episode was really great though and Jodie was brilliant.

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The 100: 5x08 How We Get to Peace

The guy that slaughtered 300 people and more claims he's not a murderer! And Clarke also saying that he's changed! Man, I was so annoyed with Bellamy and Clarke's hipocrisy through this whole episode... They had the nerve to acuse Octavia of taking innocent lives, but then two seconds later they had no problem with drugging and killing a person in a worst imaginable way! Plus putting his sister in a coma! They are no better than her! At least she's not pretending to be all goody. I must say that I was glad that she saw through their plan... Octavia is a great leader, her plan may be brutal, but it's also a brilliant one. She's not doing anything that precious Bellamy and Clarke didn't do in the past.
Also Murphy really shouldn't have made a deal with McCreary... I think it was stupid...

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The Expanse: 3x09 Intransigence

I really want Drummer to become a series regular next season.

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Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

Shout by Ana

DRACARYYYYS!!!!! I knew that crossbow was gonna hit him and ruin all the happiness. That dragon better live.

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Poldark: 5x08 Episode 8

Shout by Ana

Bittersweet ending. I really thought George would come around and live amicably with Ross from now on, but I guess not. Demelza deserved a peaceful life for a change, but Ross being douche Ross, has once again made life-altering decision without thinking of his family nor consulting his wife. Classic Ross. I wish they gave them a better ending or at least continuing one more season and wrapping-up the espionage plot. But, all in all, it was a great series and I absolutely enjoyed watching it!

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Poldark: 2x10 Episode 10

Shout by Ana

George is ruthless. I did not expect him to try to get rid of the kid. And Ross is still a douchebag. I really liked him in S1, but now he gets on my nerves. Always pretending to be such saint, but he never thinks about his own family.

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Poldark: 2x09 Episode 9

Shout by Ana

Welp, McNeil turned out to be disgusting creep as well. And I can't stand looking at Ross anymore! What were those pathetic excuses and things he kept saying - "I did what I had to", "You should understand"... Ugh, Demelza should have hit him again.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

Pike's singing quarrel with Batel in front of his crew was hilarious. And the Klingons as well, no wonder they wanted to destroy the source of their shame. :rofl:

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Poldark: 2x08 Episode 8

Shout by Ana

What a disgusting bastard Ross is! I hate him so much and I honestly root for George now. And I hope lovely Demelza will dump his ass for McNeil.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x07 Those Old Scientists

Wow, I did not expect this to be this much brilliant! It's by far the best SNW episode so far, and it definitely became one of my favorite. I seriously have the urge to rewatch it right away. :smile: It's funny, and yet has serious and heartfelt moments, a true ST. Tawny and Jack did such a wonderful job, and I hope we'll get to see them again in some live action. Maybe in their own live action series, now that LD has been canceled? :smiley:.

Also, the legend himself directed this episode, so of course it's 10/10.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x04 Among the Lotus Eaters

Shout by Ana

I thought that Pike's and Batel's relationship was already over because Pike had a fling with someone else in S1, but I guess he was just cheating on his girlfriend.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

Shout by Ana

Great season finale, and the whole season in general. But, it's such a shame we barely got to see Una. She was terribly neglected and underused. Hopefully, they'll give her more screen time next season.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x05 Spock Amok

Shout by Ana

I loved Una and La'an pairing, they were funny and hope to see them working together more. Although it was weird that the Number One did not participate in such an important negotiations.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x02 Children of the Comet

Shout by Ana

We learn more about Uhura in this one episode than we do in the whole TOS series. :smile:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x10 The Last Generation

Marvelous, absolutely marvelous! The best season of Picard and possibly the best new trek. I laughed, I cried. It truly was the proper send-off to the crew. However, they really should have included Laris at the end, but since apparently there will be a Picard movie and this won't be the last time we saw them, they might explain what happened to her and Picard there.

Jack as the captain's counselor is a bit weird and undeserved to be honest. The guy was responsible for successful assimilation and destruction, and then one year later he sits next to the captain, advising her, yeah ok. :rolling_eyes: As he himself said it - nepotism at its best. But I do love how they perfectly introduced a new spinoff just like they did in Discovery. Now give us Star Trek: Legacy with captain Seven of Nine! :heart:I really want to know what her line is. :smile:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x09 Võx

Epic episode! But I wonder why there are so many younglings on the bridge. How much experience could they possible have to end up there...

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x02 Disengage

Shout by Ana

It looks like Shaw has some psychological issues, he seemed so scared, and it makes me wonder how he even got a command.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x01 The Next Generation

Shout by Ana

Loved seeing that Seven has finally joined Starfleet! Though she should have been the captain instead of that unpleasant and unlikable Shaw. The guy had two short scenes, but he managed to get on my nerves. What is his problem?! Also, as someone here said, she finally seems like Seven from Voyager, the posture, the mannerism, the way she talks. Looking forward to seeing more of her. Hopefully she'll get her own command and the show. :smile:

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x10 Farewell

Shout by Ana
BlockedParent2024-03-12T15:54:44Z— updated 2024-03-13T16:34:22Z

Rios staying in the past is idiotic. He will definitely affect the timeline cause he simply doesn't belong there. It's weird how everybody went along with it and were supportive, like sure buddy why not. Picard should have ordered him to return to the future. The rest was a bit predictable, but not bad. Though I am not sure what to think about the good Borg. That just doesn't seem right. They were always this most feared enemy of the Federation, and in my opinion it should have stayed that way. Maybe it will, time will tell.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x02 Penance

Shout by Ana
BlockedParent2024-03-05T18:05:43Z— updated 2024-03-20T09:53:33Z

The first two episodes are way better than the whole first season. I'm loving this crew. Agnes is hilarious, Rios is the man, and Seven is just wonderful in every scene.
I'd really watch Star Trek: Stargazer show with captain Rios with his Cuban cigar and his holos going on an adventures. :smile:

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