


The Expanse: 3x06 Immolation

Simply amazing episode! They manage to top themselves every time!
SyFy is incredibly dumb for canceling such epicness! I hope that in next few days we'll receive some good news about s4. #SaveTheExpanse

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The Expanse: 3x11 Fallen World

They better not kill off Drummer! I hope she'll recover...

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The Expanse: 3x12 Congregation

I was so relieved to see that Drummer is still alive and kicking.

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The Expanse: 3x07 Delta-V

Shout by Ana
BlockedParent2018-05-25T09:28:16Z— updated 2018-05-26T19:16:39Z

Soooo good! There's a lot of new crazy things going on. I want to know more about that Melba girl and the ring.
Amazon, will you announce it already that you've picked it up for s4! #SaveTheExpanse

Update: Jeff Bezos just made it official! The Expanse is moving to Amazon Prime! I couldn't be happier!

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The Expanse: 3x05 Triple Point

Great episode as always...But I've just read that the show got canceled, what the hell?!? They are out of their minds! This is the best sci-fi show on TV! There is a petition going on for Netflix to pick it up for s4, everyone should sign it! Hopefully they will find a new network.

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The Expanse: 3x02 IFF

Epic spaceship chase/battle! I love this show!

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The Expanse: 3x13 Abaddon's Gate

What a brilliant season! I can't believe it's already over and now we'll have to endure through a long hiatus. Thank god the show's been saved! I can't wait for s4!

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The Expanse: 3x01 Fight or Flight

This should have been made into 2 hour premiere, but either way I loved it. I'm happy that Avasarala and my favorite Martian (Bobbie) are finally back!

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The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra

Shout by Ana

Strong start of the season! Can't wait to binge the rest!

And lovely to see that Cara Gee was promoted to series regular.

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The Expanse: 3x09 Intransigence

I really want Drummer to become a series regular next season.

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Stranger Things: 2x09 Chapter Nine: The Gate

I know it's weird but I kinda feel sorry for Dart. Anyway, this season was way better than the first one which took me a while to get into. Dustin was super hilarious and cute and I absolutely love his friendship with Steve who by the way easily became one of my favorite characters. And of course El rocked every second of this! Can't wait to see the next season.

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Elementary: 7x13 Their Last Bow

Really nice ending to a great show! Farewell Sherlock and Joan, you'll be missed!

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The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games

Shout by Ana

I can't even begin to describe how heartbroken I am that Alex died. He was such a kind and loving man and to kill him like this without even letting him make up with his family was just cruel. I will miss this space cowboy so much, he deserved way better.

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Doctor Who: 12x04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

Such a great and fun episode featuring one of the greatest minds in history - Nikola Tesla. Goran did a wonderful job portraying him.

And I'm glad someone finally said that Edison was a fraud and thief who only cared about profit.


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The Expanse: 4x10 Cibola Burn

Shout by Ana

Not Ashford, dammit! I'm heartbroken that they killed him. Hopefully Marco will get what he deserves next season.

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Doctor Who: 5x10 Vincent and the Doctor

Heartbreakingly beautiful. Episodes like this are the reason I'm watching DW.

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

Shout by Ana

I will miss this show so much! Farewell Modern Family!

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Doctor Who: Special 83 The Day of the Doctor

Brilliant! I was so happy to see David once again.

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Doctor Who: Special 210 The Power of the Doctor

I said it before, and I'll say it again, Jodie absolutely deserved one more season. Her time on DW was cut short by reducing the number of the episodes and it's unfair. But, at least they gave her a heartfelt finale. That regeneration scene really hit me hard. I'm sad to see her leave, but still excited for Tennant.
Farewell Thirteen, I will miss you dearly.

P.S. Why did the new Doctor regenerate into new clothes? That was so odd.

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Doctor Who: 9x11 Heaven Sent (1)

The best episode of DW ever! And absolutely stunning performance by Capaldi!

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Doctor Who: 9x10 Face the Raven

Clara, noooo! That silent scream really hit me hard... Why did she have to die like this.. Wish they had found a way to keep her alive cause her story deserves a much better ending...

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Doctor Who: 12x08 The Haunting of Villa Diodati

The horror vibe was great, it actually gave me goosebumps. Can't wait for the next two episodes!

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Doctor Who: 12x01 Spyfall (1)

Wow, what a great start of the season! I did accidentally read spoiler, but still the revelation of the Master was amazing.

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Elementary: 5x15 Wrong Side of the Road (1)

Shout by Ana

So happy to see Kitty again. I really missed her. Wish they brought her on as a series regular.

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

Amazing episode throughout! Loved seeing Capt. Jack again though I'm a bit disappointed that it wasn't River who showed up (still not losing hope :slight_smile: ). And I wasn't sold on that new doctor, she just doesn't really seem like one. Perhaps she actually isn't since 13 did comment on how doctor never uses weapons which is true, so maybe she's someone else entirely and it will be addressed later on.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

"What door?" That moment was mind blowing!
The show is so amazing, I wish I had started watching it sooner.

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Doctor Who: 9x12 Hell Bent (2)

I really don't like that he forgot Clara, not after everything they've been through...but I do love the fact that she gets to prolong her life and time travel with Ashildr.

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Doctor Who: 12x10 The Timeless Children (2)

Did they really give us that ending and now they are going to make us wait a whole year? Not fair :smile: Also could this mean that maybe River will show up next season since the Doctor is in prison now as well. Oh my wishful thinking. :smile: Anyway, the whole episode is absolutely amazing from start to finish. Jodie and Sacha gave some of the their best performances yet, their scenes were so delightful to watch. The true identity of the Timeless Child was a bit predictable, but it did kind of make sense and now everything has really changed.

10/10 for this episode and the whole season 12.

Now we can start the countdown for the Christmas/New Year's special and the s13. :smile:

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Stranger Things: 3x08 Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

Shout by Ana

Simply amazing season! I really hope that Hopper survived somehow. And they better bring back Robin and Erica in s4. :)

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Elementary: 6x21 Whatever Remains, However Improbable

Shout by Ana

Great ending! I hope they'll continue this in the UK.

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