Aniela Krajewska



The Gifted: 1x06 got your siX
The Gifted: 1x01 eXposed
The Gifted: 1x04 eXit strategy

I really, really like this show. I think one reason why it's so good is not just because the story itself is strong, but it's also paced very well. They don't try to cram too many plotlines into their episodes, which results in a streamlined, easy to follow narrative. Simple is good. I'll take simple over confusing and rushed any day. They can develop their characters properly and make you care about them. Obviously, I love Caitlin the most, but I also like Polaris, Clarice, Marcos and John a lot.

This episode was a thrill from start to finish. The fact that the Strucker kids can combine their powers is super cool. And now that the family is back together, they need to decide whether to run or to stay with the Underground and help them fight. I'm looking forward to seeing how that will play out.

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Powerless: 1x01 Wayne or Lose

This was a lot funnier than I expected. I loved all the DC references. You can't go wrong with Alan Tudyk and the rest of the cast is good too. Vanessa Hudgens has come a long way since her High School Musical days.

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The Gifted: 1x05 boXed in