Aniela Krajewska



Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x22 The End
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
Doctor Who: Special 209 Legend of the Sea Devils

Chibnall is a hit-and-miss storyteller, but I am going to give him some brownie points for not shying away from Yaz falling in love with Thirteen and vice versa. I never in a million years expected it to actually happen, so the last couple of specials were a pleasant surprise. I really liked the scene on the beach (callback to TenRose?). It felt very Broadchurch-y to me, which is a good thing.

That "coming soon" preview at the end of the episode really hit me in the feels. Perhaps I'm in the minority (but then again, my favorite Doctor/companion duo is Twelve and Clara, so maybe I'm just cursed to always have unpopular opinions when it comes to this show), but I will miss Jodie dearly. I really love her Doctor. I'm sure I'll like whoever replaces her, but I expect there will be lots of ugly crying on my part when it's time to say goodbye to her.

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The Flash: 3x09 The Present
Lucifer: 6x10 Partners 'Til the End
The Nevers: 1x06 True
Shadow and Bone: 1x05 Show Me Who You Are

What I don't get is why Kirigan's mother waited until the very last second to tell Alina the truth about him... They spent weeks training together, I'm sure she had plenty of opportunities to come forward but instead she kept quiet until Alina was halfway to Boneville with the guy smh. I'm kind of disappointed because I find Alina and Mal as love interests really boring (I just don't vibe with childhood friends-to-lovers stories at all). Right now the Crows are the only thing keeping me watching.

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

JACK FUCKING HARKNESS!!! OH MY GOD, I MISSED HIM SO MUCH! Jack and Thirteen are the iconic chaotic duo we deserve! The cowards in the writers' room didn't let them meet cause they knew those two would be too powerful together. (Also, if they don't let them kiss, I'm suing).
Loved the callbacks to David Tennant's iconic "a Judoon platoon upon the moon" line.
I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the new incarnation of the Doctor. Nothing against the actress, but she doesn't feel like the Doctor to me. Like, she's too put together? My Doctor is a clown with a single brain cell, so I don't vibe with this sophisticated version. The storyline looks interesting though. Has the Doctor lost her memory or is Ruth!Doctor from an alternate timeline/universe? How does the Timeless Child fit into this? And what was Jack talking about? So many questions. I hope the pay off is worth it.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x13 The Word
The Handmaid's Tale: 2x12 Postpartum
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x18 All Roads Lead…
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x15 Necromancing the Stone
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x03 A Life Spent
Teen Wolf: 6x20 The Wolves of War
Supergirl: 2x14 Homecoming
Supergirl: 2x04 Survivors
Shadow and Bone: 2x08 No Funerals
Doctor Who: 12x07 Can You Hear Me?
Sex Education: 2x08 Episode 8

I'm still annoyed at Otis's behavior throughout the season, but his voicemail to Maeve was actually really sweet and what Isaac did at the end was a total dick move. Tbh given that Netflix has been canceling their shows left and right, the producers are putting a lot of faith in them with that cliffhanger ending. Nothing has really been resolved in a satisfying way, so if we don't get a season 3 it's gonna be awfully disappointing.
Also, Maeve's mom is literally the worst ever. Fuck her. I'll miss seeing Maeve with Elsie too, they had such a cute relationship.

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Supergirl: 3x16 Of Two Minds

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-01T13:23:09Z— updated 2018-05-04T14:41:25Z

That ending was insane! All three Worldkillers together and on the loose. Everything's gone to hell. I can only imagine the havoc they're going to wreak.

Odette Annable continues to be the best goddamn thing about this show. Can we keep her forever, please? I love her. She's brilliant. Once they get rid of Reign, Sam and Alex should just fall in love or something. Alex would become a mom, just like she wanted, and Sam would finally be happy. They'd kill two birds with one stone.

Jeremy Jordan and Mehcad Brooks had a nice scene together. I really loved Winn's little speech.

I hope there's not going to be any angsty bullshit between Kara and Lena next episode. Kara of all people should understand that Lena was trying to save her friend - after all, that's what her entire conflict with Imra was about. And for the love of Rao, someone tell Lena Supergirl's identity already. It's getting so ridiculous and annoying that she still doesn't know.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x06 Ashes, Ashes

Sweet Christmas. When the camera started moving closer to Alexandra's face and the music was building up in the background, I had a feeling that something would interrupt her big speech. But I certainly didn't expect... that. The only thing I can say: YES! FUCK YES! You go, Elektra! Look at my murderous wife taking her destiny into her own hands! I was hoping that we would see her with her iconic sais at some point since they kind of foreshadowed it with her looking at them while choosing her weapon, but that was the best possible way to do it. What an ending.

Danny's a fucking childish idiot (but what else is new) who refuses to listen to anyone and tries to fight the only three people who can help him bring down the Hand. How does Colleen put up with him? He's insufferable.

I liked Jessica and Matt's little bonding time. They make a good team.

Well, looks like Stick's dead. I never liked the guy anyway, so good riddance.

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The Flash: 3x15 The Wrath of Savitar
Supergirl: 2x13 Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk
The Flash: 3x11 Dead or Alive
The Flash: 3x07 Killer Frost
Arrow: 5x04 Penance
Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away
Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

Can't believe this episode ended with them hugging and absolutely nothing else happened after that.

In all seriousness, I thought we as a society were over killing sapphic characters for shock value, but I guess not. What a disappointing conclusion to a horrible season. Phoebe Waller-Bridge created such a fantastic show and Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer consistently knocked their performances out of the park, and for what? Season 2 was already a letdown, but after that the show just became a parody of itself and it was clear the new showrunners had no idea what to do with these characters. The last 3 minutes of this ep were pure clownery. How groundbreaking to kill off one of the leads and leave the other in anguish. I hope Laura Neal doesn't cut herself on all that edge.

I guess at least Sandra got a Golden Globe, Jodie got an Emmy, and they got to dive tongue first into each other's mouths. Good for them. I hope their next projects treat them better.

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Bridgerton: 2x08 The Viscount Who Loved Me

I loved this season so much. The chemistry between the two leads was off the charts and the yearning nearly killed me. Kate and Anthony have me in a chokehold.

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