


Banana: 1x06 Kay

totally loved the main character in this ep! a kind of lesbian Ally McBeal!

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Boris: 2x11 L'Italia che lavora

best episode of season 2 so far!

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The Strain: 2x01 BK, NY

I definitely don't like the new kid! Want back the previous one!

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At first i was skeptic, but i kept watching the entire first season and it totally won me when i watched the flashbacks of the main characters in episodes 8 and 9! now looking forward to S2!

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How to Get Away with Murder

i start thinking Shonda Rhimes is a little bit overestimated...

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definitely one of the best italian shows ever produced!

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The Fall

Shout by Astrix
BlockedParent2015-07-06T21:20:10Z— updated 2017-01-19T21:53:35Z

this show is so intense that every single second seems to last for 2. there's not so much action, still it keeps you glued to the screen! One of the best psychological thriller seen in the last years!

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The Fall: 2x06 Episode Six

superbe! With the last one it reached its climax!

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The Fall: 2x04 Episode Four

and there she is! she found her new toy boy! sex in 3, 2, 1...

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The Strain: 1x01 Night Zero

it's been a while since i last saw so much nonsense in one single episode. definitely, it looks like a lovely b-show!

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The Fall: 2x02 Episode Two

that girl really wants to die!

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excellent highlighting of the contemporary gay life

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x04 Puttin' on the Ritz

if you lack credibility, then you better stop

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House of Cards: 1x12 Chapter 12

Frank son-of-a-bitch Underwood! Fucking awesome!

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House of Cards: 1x09 Chapter 9

Un grande uomo una volta ha detto: tutto al mondo ha a che fare col sesso, tranne il sesso. Il sesso ha a che fare con il potere.
Frank Underwood

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Once Upon a Time: 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts

family can be a strength, but it can also be a burden

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House: 7x23 Moving On

you're miserable and you're angry

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House: 7x21 The Fix

| House, you're an idiot |

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first season didn't get me that much, but the second one... totally loved it!

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