

west coast


super entertaining, a little dramatic and silly. it's trash and i like it. for anyone debating bingeing it in full, the ending was a pretty decent wrap up.

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just started this because it came up in netflix and it's been on my to watch lately and tbh the lion roars and dog barks have tickled my housecat so 10/10 purely because she's entertained

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i'd put this firmly in the guilty pleasure category of tv shows that i watch: good but a bit silly. i have to say that i picked this up because i've missed lauren german with all of my heart since she left chicago fire and now i'm sticking around for all of the characters. they're all really charming! i think the spin tom ellis is putting on lucifer is entertaining and while this show could be far darker i think the current tone suits it pretty well.

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Stranger Things

the kids are what really make this show. also, they're better actors than like 90% of the seasoned adult actors currently on television so please remake every tv series starring them.

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Shout by hannah
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-01-18T10:36:36Z— updated 2024-01-22T12:12:53Z

it's kind of a silly show but most procedurals are and i can suspend a lot of disbelief for them. also i love trent's actor thanks to agents of shield. i do wonder if this still would've premiered had it not been for the writer's strike though.

also gotta agree with everyone else - the notion that they'd just call him sir forever is laughable at least from the perspective of trauma recovery

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The Imperfects

enjoyable but i'm so tired of shows doing cliffhangers before there's a guaranteed next season. or at all. i hate cliffhangers period.

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What If...?

this is charming and entertaining but if you're not actually a comics fan i don't think you'll see value in watching it. i have a feeling most of the comments complaining about the "point" of this series are from people who are fans of the superhero genre in movies/tv but not necessarily comics. if you're familiar with comic books, this feels a lot like comic books but animated, honestly.

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A Teacher

excellent ending, 10/10. overall good, honest portrayal of the fallout of something like this.

most priceless quote: "and now as a mother, i can't even understand why i did that." it's literally the remix of woke dads on the internet going "now that i'm a father i understand what rape culture does i could Never Imagine that happening to my daughter" like you need offspring to understand the devastation of sexual assault on a human being? bitch please.

A n Y w A y i think this would have worked better as a mini series of 5 50 minute long episodes. there were some scenes that didn't need to happen and others that deserved much more gravity and time. i like how the issue of sexual abuse was handled in the show and the last episode was such a long time coming for having only sat through 9 half hour episodes that it really felt satisfying to end on that note. both leads are incredible actors and did the story justice. it wasn't a happy watch but it was a worthwhile one.

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The Crowded Room

for anyone thinking of watching—it's a great series, highly recommend. but to be perfectly clear, if you're unfamiliar with its source material, this is loosely inspired by the billy milligan case, emphasis on loosely. the only real overlap is the idea of dissociative identity disorder being used as a valid insanity defense and a few family details. the majority strays very far from the reality, and i think that's honestly for the sake of making it more palatable for viewing. this tells its own fictionalized story, and i just want to emphasize that for anyone going into it blind who sees the adaptation credit in the opening.

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very much in the vein of creepy fiction podcasts and honestly delightful for it. i love this particular genre that relies on audio only to convey horror and suspense, it makes for such a great experience.

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the music in this show is INCREDIBLE

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The Stand

the series overall is a great adaptation, and this media format really serves the original story well. after all, it's hard to tell the stories of so many characters in a single book, no matter how much of a saga it is. i think everyone was well rounded, the acting was amazing and the effects were solid. the last episode is a bit silly, but i also don't think stephen king necessarily wrote it for audiences so much as just himself, seeing as how he's rewritten the original story before.

also, i would like alex skarsgård to be given some sort of award or medal for the number of times he's played huge antagonists with grace, talent, and constant shots of his butt. i'm pretty sure the man is out here singlehandedly trying to balance out decades of gratuitous female nudity all with his own lily white ass. what a trooper.

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this was a beautiful and quick series addition to the mcu. i don't recommend it for anyone who takes marvel very seriously or who gets aggravated by storylines that don't always get seen through to their end. a big part of comics is constant branching stories and complicated continuity and also the whole multiverse thing, so i've never come to the mcu expecting logic or sense or perfect choices. this was entertaining and emotionally powerful thanks to its leads, and if those are what you come to the mcu for then you'll love it. it's very much agents of shield, and that's a positive for me, personally.

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The Staircase

colin firth's one failing in this role is that he's too wonderful, it makes me root for him in a way i never rooted for his real life counterpart in the docuseries.

excellent dramatization though - i'd say watch the docuseries first if you find the episodes difficult to follow or too confusing to keep your attention. knowing the real story won't make it any less enjoyable a watch, promise! it'll just keep you in step with the moving timeline and family structure.

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highly recommend the making 1899 special! it's fascinating tbh.

i don't mind the ending because netflix canceled it. as an ending point and a Reveal it's fine; i'd have lost interest entirely in a second season in that setting i think. but i loved the international cast and wish more projects utilized it, as complicated as it might be. i used to be an esl instructor and my favorite thing about that was getting to watch students interact across language barriers on break when they'd rather rely on body language and other cues than keep practicing their L2 language (it gets exhausting for the brain very quickly).

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Joe vs Carole

i honestly liked it a lot. like i said in another comment, it sits better with me since all the footage involving wild animals is just cgi. kyle mclachlan and kate mckinnon humanize howard and carole in a way that the documentary failed to do, likely because the real howard and carole are a little boring and not quite reality tv fodder the way joe was. dean winters as jeff lowe was a delight, too. all the casting was great, while i'm at it.

either way, i think that it's a fun background watch and there are a lot of great moments. it's capitalizing on the tiger king popularity but hey, at least it does so relatively responsibly. if you hated carole after watching the documentary, though, it's probably not for you.

tbh. im just glad i didn't have to relive travis maldonado's death in hollywood fashion.

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Dr. Death

this is an incredible dramatization of a true crime podcast, 100% recommend it. everyone embodies their roles fully, jj was horrifying as duntsch, and christian slater was perhaps at his most delightful that i've seen him in years. it's faithful to the real story, probably in part because the true story is so fucking heinous to begin with. and the directors for each episode were spot on. three insanely talented female directors, yes please forever. jennifer morrison's episodes in particular impressed me so much. and so yong kim's direction in the court room had to be amazing, considering the performances that everyone gave in there.

(that ending line though, tv and film has to stop reminding me that capitalism is hell and we suck at taking care of our citizens, it's not great for my mental health)

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

anyone thinking of watching this who's an adult: yes, this feels rushed, but it's GOOD. like i thought i loved the movie and went back and rewatched (did not, was just distracted by logan lerman i think) and this is miles away better. here's my theory: i have a feeling if you sat a kid in front of this every weeknight before bed they wouldn't have much to say about the pacing, or what feels glossed over or lacking. it has a pace geared towards late elementary to middle school attention spans and i think a pace for young adults or college students would have what feels missing but it ALSO would be aged up to compensate for the demographic. to my knowledge, the aging up of the movies was part of why the creator of the books was unhappy with them (could be wrong though).

either way, if you think the quick pace will ruin the experience for you, i'd suggest marathoning all the episodes in one or two sittings like a movie. it's a quick and fun watch, and that might off-set the rushed feeling.

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Jury Duty

i decided to stop watching man in the high castle for a bit because dystopia's a little harder to enjoy in 2023 and only planned to watch a couple episodes of this—but i just finished it in two nights and my whole heart almost exploded into confetti by the last episode. it's so funny and wholesome and genuinely one of the most entertaining pieces of reality tv i've ever consumed. also, the last episode gives such a cool behind the scenes look at how they produced this! i'm really glad they gave us that because it's like the cherry on top of an already awesome piece of work.

one of the lawyers makes a really timely remark too—he mentioned the team told him "help you're like the one person who's competent at both of these things" meaning practicing law and writing for (semi?) scripted television and between that and the incredible production crew behind the scenes reinforces how important these people are to legitimately good content and entertainment. AI has nothing on james marsden playing james marsden and the crew who wrote these hysterical characters.

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Red Rose

decent acting and a quick binge if you're bored, but after suffering through all of pretty little liars i'm a little exhausted by the scary faceless tormentor trope.

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Resident Evil

disclaimer: i haven't played the games and never watched the jovovich movies. my gummies kicked in around episode 7, too.

this was entertaining. acting isn't always great and suspension of disbelief was difficult at times—how this girl survive the apocalypse but also routinely stand there and stare at giant insects instead of running immediately?? i mean that's what i'd do, yeah, but i'd also be the first to die in an apocalypse. for me and my trash taste, though, it had good cgi and the representation didn't feel forced to me. just bear in mind i'm an outsider with zero knowledge on the franchise. lance reddick was delightful, honestly. and it was watchable both before and after i got high, which is more than i can say for some horror.

my favorite character was baxter though.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events

i love netflix for so many reasons, and this is one of them. there are a ton of screen adaptations out that have failed to do their original book justice, but it especially bums me out when an author is unable to write the screenplay for an adaptation of their book or unable to have enough of a say in how their story plays out on screen. this series, unlike the movie adaptation, has lemony snicket written all over it, and watching it has been so much fun.

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Mare of Easttown

this was really a beautiful series. visceral and bleak, but also funny and familiar. highly recommend, i binged it all in one go and it was amazing. also, the fuckin ACCENTS were so good, god.

anyway petition for evan peters to never have his hair longer than he did in this series, he's never looked better

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The G Word with Adam Conover

genuinely entertaining, engaging and a solid example of what edutainment can be. and a good reminder to participate in local elections, no matter your political ideology! i moved to a swing state early in my voting history and voting in local and state elections quickly became a major aspect of my political participation. i recommend it to anyone who feels disillusioned by politics, because it's always more interesting and personal on a local level.

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The Thing About Pam

actually, revising my previous comment.

"In February 2022, it was reported that Blumhouse Television and NBC News Studios had declined to share profits from The Thing About Pam with the family of Louis Gumpenberger."

really? you're profiting off of the man's death and despite the family winning a 3million suit against pam hupp which they'll never see a cent for, you don't see a reason to donate part of the profits to them?


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The Thing About Pam

i like the dark comedy vibes that some of the recent true crime adaptations have taken on because there are some true crime stories that are genuinely batshit crazy. i think all things considered, this adaptation was respectful toward victims and that's all you can ask from a true crime adaptation. renee zellweger was unbelievable in this role, and the supporting cast was great too.

best part was the snippets of real footage at the end—amazing how some of the most unbelievable dialogue was 100% verbatim.

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Behind Her Eyes

this truly kept me guessing until the near end. every time i thought i was one step ahead and finally figured it out i was wrong. even my craziest theory at the end of episode 5 was literally turned on its head by the actual ending. i loved every minute of this series. every character was well rounded, flawed and believable. i sympathized with all of them at one point, and wanted to throw a book at their heads at another. i went in expecting a typical thriller miniseries and came out the other end legitimately mindfucked. if you have the time, do yourself a favor and spend it on this series. go in without knowing anything and avoid spoilers like your life depends on it.

the only thing i'll say is this: the ending is not a happy one, by any stretch of the imagination. if you want the happy-ish version, stop the last episode shortly after adele writes a letter. the real version is worth the outrage, though, if only because it actually kept me guessing until the very end, which very few shows or movies have managed to do.

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Keep Breathing

if you watch this as a thriller or survival story, you're going to be disappointed. it's a drama, and it's a story that resonated with me as someone with a parent who has a personality disorder (rather than a mood disorder, like liv's mother). i liked it and i cried some. but if i'd continued expecting a thriller after the first episode (and the genre tags include thriller, so literally no one can be blamed for expecting that) i probably would have felt incredibly let down by it. i mean netflix literally specializes in entertainment; surely at this point we can use genres correctly??

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The Night Manager

all the trappings of a good bbc drama. the gq quote saying tom hiddleston is the only man who should be allowed to wear a suit probably said it having watched this, or at least dreamed of this.

i think the greatest part of this was the intentional inclusion of what roper actually did to make his money. it wasn't terribly graphic, but burr recounting what made him go into arms dealing and then the fireworks display were both unsettling as all get out. the series confronted viewers with both the excess of wealth and the reality of how it was accumulated at every turn and i mean, if you're ever in need of a reminder that there are things you would never, ever do for any amount of money? this show's a good one.

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The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

being into true crime i knew the gist of what happened in this series which is why i put it off for so long. it's so worth the watch though! even with prior knowledge going in its a wild ride.

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