

Omicron Persei 8

Edge of Tomorrow

Thrilling, creative and well acted. There was a lot of doubts about Edge of Tomorrow, but for me it seemed very cool and since I first saw the trailer that I was excited to see it. Today I finally had the chance to catch it and I really enjoyed!

The concept of the story is so cool! Something between Source Code and a mix of many war films. The action sequences of war are absolutely amazing and the special effects so well done! With a fantastic and super original Sci-Fi story you will be intrigued until the very last minute and you can't even predict what is coming next.

What I wasn't expecting was the amount of humour the film has. Those comical parts go very well with the story and are very well delivered. I let go an amount of spontaneous laughs throughout the story and that was great.

Tom Cruise was really great that his role! We already know that through the last few years he is a guy that likes to do this kind of physically difficult roles full of action and he certainly is in shape for that. I confess that I prefer the 80's and 90's Tom Cruise but he was pretty good in this and that is the Tom Cruise that I wanna continue to see! (although last year I also liked to see him in Oblivion which I think is not as bad as many say). Emily Blunt is a good actress, seeing her in this badass role was awesome! The chemistry between Cruise and Blunt was fantastic! I really liked Bill Paxton's character too.

I heard somewhere that this film was "the best video game film that was not based in a video game" and while I was watching it I really felt that! It was so cool to almost feel that I was actually playing a video game something like "Oh sh*t GAME OVER, start all over again!" haha

First was X-Men: Days of Future Past and now Edge of Tomorrow. Two great Blockbusters! Will this Summer continue to be great? I hope so!

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There were some :) most memorable for me was when Tom had to get away from his squad training. There were making push-ups and he wanted to roll beneath the passing truck :) Did not make it on first try and got run over :D and the sergeant was like "What the hell was he thinking" :D i just had to laugh

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Assault on Wall Street

Reply by General

One of the most amoral movies i have ever seen! I have no words, it is like in the future if they would make a movie about Breivik killing huge amount of people and then like he was a hero because he was on revenge.
I'm really disgusted at the end of the movie.

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@paulvincent83 Disagree with your statement. In my opinion, you can relate to this movie only if you are psychopathic. Premeditative, cold-blood murder of innocent people in their offices in Action/Thriller movie equal to me to terrorist attacks on schools. Some people relate to them as well but I question their sanity and intelligence.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Reply by General

There are movie roles actors don‘t recover from. More often than not it‘s a big budget movie where someone takes a chance on a lesser known actor playing a leading role and that actor has to come through. If he can he is instantly a superstar (i.e. Chris Pratt in Guardians, J-Law in Hunger Games), if he can‘t he‘ll vanish into obscurity (Hayden Christensen in SW Ep 2/3). Sorry to say, Dane Deehan is clearly in the latter category. That‘s not to say that with a different lead this movie would have been a success, but at the very least it would have been watchable. Deehan is as unlikable as you can get in a leading role, his chemistry with Cara Delevingne is non existent and he presents his lines like he is reading off a teleprompter that is lasered into his retinas. He is also committing one of the cardinal sins of acting by acting cooler than he actually is. I have no problem if someone does it in a comedy, making fun of his own character (i.e Chris Pratt in Guardians). But Deehan was dead serious in this movie. I‘m curious to see when and if ever he gets another lead role, but I'm willing to bet it won't be a big budget movie. Indie films maybe. Perhaps a voice in the next Pixar film. TV probably. But the big ship has sailed. I'm not blaming him by the way. If you get offered a role like this, you accept. Whoever auditioned and casted him however should be locked up in prison next to the people who put pineapple on pizza and the guy I saw the other day driving a GREEN Ferrari.

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@galileo5 I would say all main casting has been a fail. Dana ? completely agree. Cara? She is the second part why the relationship is off. She has one expression (the same she uses in photo-shoots) the whole movie. She cant express emotion, nothing. (Same problem as she in the Suicide Squad where her Enchantress is just not relatable). Clive Owen just makes the "bad guy" look stupid. And wtf Rhianna.

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Captain Phillips

Reply by General


Shout by Deleted

It's amazing how a film I already knew how it was going to end made suffer so much by the way the tragic situation of the events was portrayed. I barely could stay quiet in my seat. It's so, but so thrilling that you just want everything to end, not because it's bad but because the emotional charge passing to you is huge!

Tom Hanks adds one more absolutely fantastic performance to his career. He is the perfect Captain Phillips. He carried the intensity of the role through the entire film. What he does at the end of the film is very difficult to make, not every actor is able to make you feel how he makes you feel. Such a talented actor! I must say that I couldn't contain myself at the end and I dropped some tears.
The Somali pirates did a great jobs as well, all were very believable.

Paul Greengrass direction was great. The camera angles, the shaky and unstable camera work adds the sense of danger and perfectly works in a story like this. Usually I don't like when there's to much shaky scenes but in this case I think it was an intelligent choice to kept the audience on the edge of their seats. The score was also perfectly choosen.

Powerful and intense, one of the best of the year so far.

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Totaly agree :) on all fronts (except the tear at the end, hah :D )

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Reply by General


Review by General

On one hand i liked the movie. It created great atmosphere, the story and world are simple yet interesting. I love the play by Lena Headey (Ma-Ma), i think that she is the strong point of the movie. Conceptually, I really enjoyed the implementation of telepathy and the use of it by Cassandra Anderson (played by Olivia Thirlby). The scene where is goes to into Kay's head (Wood Harris) and messes with him just made me love her :).

On other hand, what i really did not like, were the costumes (e.i. Judge Dredd was comical with his helmet, or the Judge's motorcycles). I think that for a movie in made in 2012 they looked like from cheap sfi-fi movies in 80's or 90's. Finally, what made the movie, for me, to go down several points, was the scene with two (or three?) Gatling gun's and Judge Dredd running from their fire like for 5 minutes, and they firing thousands and thousands of rounds, destroying half of Megablock floor, killing a lot of civilians around Dredd, but never hitting him. That was just ludicrousness and i hate scenes like that.

This might be just for me, otherwise i would bump the rating to 7 and if you are a fan of Dredd comis (I have never read it) add another point to it.

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Thanks for the reply :),
I understand your point regarding past design, and with the emphasis on effect of the Gatling gun scene. (I haven seen it in 3D, and probably would want to see it as you mention it). I think that both issues i raised could have been addressed in better way ;-)

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