

Omicron Persei 8

60 Minutes: 56x33 Pope Francis; Cuban Spycraft; The Album

not a fan of norah's interviewing, "wHaT dO yOu ThInK oF tHiS LoCaL aMeRiCaN tHiNg?" and her vigorous for-the-cameras head nodding as he answers, once she gets more into the policies and vatican stuff he has sway over it got more interesting/substantive but such a nothing interview otherwise

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30 Rock: 3x19 The Ones

Salma Hayek's line readings were i m p e c c a b l e

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Hard Quiz: 9x15 Champagne, Mata Hari, Grand Theft Auto & The Hobbit

loved Dawn, what a character w/o sucking all the oxygen out of the room
bring her back for battle of the duds!

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Servant of the People: 2x18 Episode 18

the physical comedy of that lady blocking the door and her husband simply pushing aside the other French door to get past her

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The Daily Show: 29x45 May 13, 2024 - Ilana Glazer

usually annoyed by 2 celebrities gushing over each other in shows but playful interplay between Jon & Illana was great

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Hard Quiz: 9x08 NASCAR, Ash Barty, Sheep Shearing & the Mercator Projection

bring Finley back for battle of the duds!

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 12x08 The Colostomy Bag

a Louis Vuitton colostomy bag

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The Curse: 1x08 Down and Dirty

the native dude and the burrito is the single funniest thing this show has done

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South Side: 3x07 Super Speed

Freak-a-leek :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Girls5eva: 3x05 Cleveland

the fox teeth reveal is the greatest sight gag on this show

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The Sympathizer: 1x04 Give Us Some Good Lines

casting John Cho as the go-to actor that played all the Asian roles is chef's kiss casting

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Girls5eva: 3x04 Orlando

"Are you a chameleon on a stop sign 'cause you just got red"

"I have a Home Alone knob for xyz" is a new obscure phrase I will be dropping into casual conversations to my friends' confusion and my indifference to their confusion

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Girls5eva: 3x02 Bomont

wickie being set off by being introduced third :rofl:

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Scavengers Reign: 1x12 The Reunion

Shout by BobDole12

defeating the mind-meld unit of a creature was a bit deus ex machina for me but still looking forward to (hopefully?) season 2

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The Daily Show: 29x20 March 14, 2024 - Renée Elise Goldsberry

fun interplay b/t desi & mike, the sum is much better than the individual parts (as hosts), not the BEST chemistry—even if they've been long-time coworkers—but enough there to work

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60 Minutes: 56x22 Rise; Jeff Koons

i've grown increasingly annoyed by scott pelley's questioning, i WoNdEr ....

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The Sympathizer: 1x03 Love It or Leave It

4 too many Robert Downey Jrs at the end, felt way too gimmicky

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Hard Quiz: 9x06 Cronulla Sharks, Mulan, Doja Cat & Vintage Roller Skates

Elle is the worst/most stereotypically awful/annoying representation of millennial/gen z/zillennial

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60 Minutes: 56x30 Children of War; Nvidia; Crisis at Pearl Harbor

the children of PTSD-soldiers story was so sad

"It's accountability within the system that we have established..." is one hell of a PR-sanitized answer

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Hard Quiz: 9x05 Women in Greek Mythology, Shania Twain, the 7 Up Documentary Series & Spices

Shout by BobDole12

a taste test! love these head-to-heads having props and tricky questions like a taste test!!

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Shōgun: 1x02 Servants of Two Masters

the european and japanese geopolitics are a bit dense that i have to work to keep up with it all but dang this is really shaping up nicely, big GoT s1 feels

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Extraordinary: 2x08 Well, Goodbye Forever

Season 2: Chekhov's inter-dimensional void

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Shōgun: 1x01 Anjin

most expensive lookin' first episode i've seen in some time

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The Sympathizer: 1x02 Good Little Asian

robert downey jr is distracting in the worst way possible

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Conan O'Brien Must Go: 1x02 Argentina

Bruno cracking up in the background while Conan calls Santiago a psychopath in 50 different ways

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 12x05 Fish Stuck

Curb is so good at casting 1-ep guest star unknowns, disney princess, country club waitress in the last episode, Georgia hotel bellboy in ep2

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60 Minutes: 56x21 Operation Lone Star; 97 Books; Artemis

very difficult topic to cover but cecilia vega's done a good job imo of covering the border/migration issue throughout her stories. definitely a big issue of how to absorb the influx of migrants and fund all the costs associated w/ it even if they don't end up getting residency but some of the tactics used to deter seem simultaneously heavy-handed and ultimately ineffective

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Extraordinary: 2x07 Be the Daddy You Want to See in the World

"You can't keep calling in bomb threats to get out of things, this isn't school anymore!"

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Extraordinary: 2x06 Jen V Nora: Ultimate Showdown

"Whats the use of doing the right thing if you don't get rewarded for it?! It's bullshit!"

"You got cucked so hard you turned into a cat. It's a tale as old as time"

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 12x04 Disgruntled

i know it's the point of her character but tracey ullmans character is SOOOO annoying

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