

Omicron Persei 8

60 Minutes: 52x06 Maria Butina, The Battle of Brexit, The Wright Way

3 years into Brexit and this was the best segment they could muster about it? Drone-shots of coasts on sunny days and talks about tectonic plates about when Britain was literally physically part of the European landmass? There are so many intricacies and dimensions to Brexit the segment didn't cover, shedding shed nary a light on why a good portion of the UK population voted for Brexit, about European rules made in Brussels that do make life harder for a decent segment of the population (bureaucratic stipulations over fishing limits impacting livelihoods of working-class fishermen), the difficulties and all the policies, trade agreements that need to be severed and rewritten to disentangle the UK from Europe, to say nothing of the noise, disinformation, scare tactics, exaggerations, and outright lies in the war of words, the faltering of the Labor Party, strengthened LibDems, etc etc. Instead the segment was made for 6th graders who'd never heard of Brexit before.

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x27 Episode 27

Segment Ranker:

  1. Mike Rubens Climb-ability of Border Wall
  2. 2020 Election Fundraising
  3. 2019 election reactions (don't get complacent. Don't celebrate close-call victories as "landslides")
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x26 Episode 26

Segment Ranker:

  1. Under the Influence: Medical SponCon
  2. Organ Transplants
  3. Revenge Porn
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x25 Episode 25

Segment Ranker:
1. Peter Schweiz
2. Foster Care
3. Columbus, OH Somalian voters

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x24 October 2, 2019

Segment Ranker:

  1. Ukraine & International Pressure
  2. Mike Pence & HHS - Probably better substance than Ukraine segment but rushed through too much information, went for breadth at t the cost of depth
  3. Ilhan Omar - The show's interviews are often made worse by shoehorning in comedic bits losing the salience of what the interviewee is saying (especially the one-on-ones as the interviewee has to sit there pretending to be amused by whatever shtick Sam is doing)
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Emergence: 1x01 Pilot

What if we alluded to part of Eleven's story from Stranger Things, but worse

Allison Tolman deserves better

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x23 Episode 23

Segment Ranker:

  1. Ukraine
  2. Greta Thunberg
  3. Impeachment
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x22 Episode 22

Segment Ranker:
1. Climate Change // Meet the Kochs
2. Kavanaugh Deja Vu
3. Founding Fathers: They were not gods

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x21 Episode 21

Segment Ranker:
1. Trump Corruption (Golf Clubs)
2. Electoral College
3. Illegal Immigrants working at Trump Organization

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VICE News Tonight: 3x135 VICE News Tonight 603

As VNT winds down in its last month on the air (on HBO at least), the number of segments per episode are getting fewer as well as longer, running 5+ minutes apiece (sometimes up to 7-9 minutes) to the detriment of the quality and conciseness of the stories. While this would seemingly give a bit more room to explore things in more depth and let interviews run longer, in practice the segments end up feeling long and a bit muddled, in need of editing down. Still, with these shortcomings VNT remains a quality program far preferable to basically any other regular newscast, though with a noticeable decline from just 2-3 months ago

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VICE News Tonight: 3x130 VICE News Tonight 598

Plays out like a thriller. A real life, better version of Taken. VICE isn't going through the motions in its last month on air.

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VICE News Tonight: 3x126 VICE News Tonight 594

That bit about sound effects in Mortal Kombat was so gnarly and awesome

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x20 Episode 20

Segment Ranker:
1. Did someone f**k the pool boy?
2. Abortion providers in the south

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x19 Episode 19

Segment Ranker:

  1. First-time Female Voters
  2. White Supremacist Violence is Terrorism
  3. It's the guns, stupid
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x17 Episode 17

Segment Ranker:
1. Election Interference
2. Mike Reubens at the Border
3. Mueller Hearing

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x18 Episode 18

Shout by BobDole12
BlockedParent2019-07-29T05:46:03Z— updated 2019-08-05T04:44:21Z

Segment Ranker:
1. Amy McGrath
2. Julian Castro
3. Student Loans

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x16 Full Frontal After Dark

Segment Ranker (none really great):
1. Epstein Enablers
2. The Late Shrill
3. Racist-in-Chief

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x15 Episode 15

Segment Ranker:

  1. This Guy did Sexual Assault
  2. US History in El Salvador
  3. Debate in Miami
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x14 Episode 14

Segment Ranker:
1. Mitch McConnell
2. Run for Senate
2. Reparations

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x13 Episode 13

Segment Ranker:
1. LGBT/Pride Month - Doesn't just win by default as the prior 2 segments were relatively weak but touches on companies paying lipservice to pride month by co-opting the idea to self-promote/virtue signal (a recurring issue for other months dedicated to focus on other groups of people e.g. McDonald's turning its arches upside for Women's Month)
2. Multi-Level Marketing - covers a lot of the same ground as when John Oliver covered in an old ep of LWT but more of a focus on how women make up a larger proportion of MLM's victims adds/focuses on a different perspective
3. YouTube - Seldom a fan of when she goes after corporations/businesses. Seldom goes beyond 'big businesses are bad 'cause they're big mmkay'

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x10 May 8, 2019

Ranking the Segments:
1. Mueller
2. NRA
3. Naomi on Black Twitter (she's got potential as a correspondent)

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x08 April 10, 2019

Ranking the Segments:
1. DHS Purge
2. Djibouti Visa
3. 50 Cons of Way

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x11 May 15, 2019

Ranking the Segments:
1. Abortion
2. Biden/Electability
3. Kamala

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x12 May 22, 2019

Ranking the Segments:
1. Presidential Candidates
2. Journalism Business Woes
3. Democrats on FOX

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Delicious: 3x03 Not Intimidated

Shout by BobDole12
BlockedParent2019-01-14T00:58:01Z— updated 2020-04-06T15:10:36Z

Delicious has gone from sparing, effective sentimentality to unearned sentimentality to forced sentimentality. Cloying/Schmaltzy/Cliche dialogue (especially the voiceovers) doesn't help things

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Man Seeking Woman: 3x02 Ranch

As a Midwesterner, this was an extremely relatable episode.

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