

Omicron Persei 8

Staged: 1x06 The Cookie Jar

lmao she called him out on wearing the same thing the entire series

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The Hardy Boys: 1x01 Welcome to Your Life

They didn't even solve a mystery!!!
If ever there was a format that begged for a light & breezy procedural where everything's wrapped up nicely by episode's end it's an adaptation of the Hardy Boys

Still, better than expected (if not worth investing any more time in it during Peak TV), decent casting all-around (the leads, the mother, and didn't mind gender-flipping Biff since the actress was so likeable)

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Love Me: 2x04 It's part of the chaos

so really we just gonna spend this season assassinating the relationships we spent all of season 1 building huh

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60 Minutes: 53x13 Securing the Election, The Last Slave Ship, James Corden

god I hate 60 Minutes's overly-fawning, soft-as-hell, puff piece profiles

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60 Minutes: 53x08 The Republican Ticket, The Democratic Ticket

amazing how I came out of this dispirited by and thinking lesser of every single candidate

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Love Me: 1x04 Can you love me now?

shout out to the director + cameraperson for the one-shot in the train station. made a typically showy technique feel naturalistic and let the audience focus on following the couple (literally) and couple's conversation

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Aunty Donna's Big Ol House of Fun: 1x01 Housemates

Shout by BobDole12

Homelander's really not dealing well with his breakup with Stormfront

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Hard Quiz: 4x15 Episode 15

favorite group of contestants yet

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City So Real: 1x04 If You Want to Break the Machine

"Martinez" Lori said with hella side-eye at Preckwinkle lmao

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Shtisel: 2x08 Jerusalem Customs

lmao Menukha Kenigsberg getting verbally bodied by a 90-year-old woman

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Temple: 1x01 Episode 1

the original Norwegian (Valkyrien) is far superior

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 7x20 Touched

F Dawn, Buffy literally gave up her life for her when it would've been easier to yeet Dawn's ass into the interdimensional portal to save the whole world and Dawn can't stand up to a bunch of whiney teenagers for Buffy? the worst the absolute worst

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Stories from Norway: 1x05 The Andøya Missile Crisis

Mikhail Mouse is sending me

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Street Food: Latin America: 1x06 La Paz, Bolivia

after 6 seasons of Chef's Table and 2 of Street Food, episodes can feel formulaic and hew too closely to an overly-familiar template, the story of hardship, a low point in someone's life, overcoming that low point/obstacle seemingly solely by grit and determination as the music swells with voice-overs from episode's main interviewee, saying things like "but I knew I couldn't let myself down" or "If I stayed down I would never get up"
the interviewees' individual stories feel shortchanged by being put into this template, which started to feel very apparent in the last few episodes of SF:LA
there's always an obstacle to overcome (which is fine, that's basic in storytelling), there's always talking heads with effusive praise about what a game-changer the cooking/restaurant is, there's always an overcoming of the obstacle with swelling music and sentences that came out of those old-school motivation posters, but this template feels like it sandpapers away the specificity of the individual's culinary & life journey

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6x09 Smashed

Buffy and Spike in the dilapidated house is OG Jessica Jones banging Luke Cage so hard the bed breaks

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Gangs of London: 1x08 Episode 8

What an impressive shark Sean Wallace jumped over

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Plebs: 3x01 The Beasts

never thought I'd see a close-up of a lion's butthole but here we are

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 3x16 Doppelgangland

I'm just here to stan Alyson Hannigan

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 2x16 Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

what a stupidly fun episode

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A Sharp Intake of Breath: 1x01 A Sharp Intake Of Breath

This holds up surprisingly well 40+ years later. Would work ahelluvalot worse without Davis Jason's delivery

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Killing Eve: 3x04 Still Got It

There's a way to kill off characters without feeling they're being disposed of like someone throwing away a cheap, plastic toy, and boy the way (admittedly smaller, supporting) characters have been killed off this season just for the sake of moving the plot along have just disrespected those characters. There were ways to kill off the characters with the same intent and repercussions the writers intend to come from their deaths but this ain't it

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VICE News Tonight: 4x01 Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Was skeptical when I heard the new Vice on TV format would be an hour & live, my skepticism was warranted. The live format adds nothing positive and makes for awkward transitions from in-studio live interview to news package even if it's only 2-3 seconds of dead air, it feels much, much longer. The original show eschewed an anchor and like the live format, it's not needed. A voice-over introducing news packages and a rundown of a few quick-hit ~15-second news bits worked really well, no need for a studio (which looks...not great, like a corner of the office they dusted off and stuck a table nobody wanted as an anchor desk) nor anchor. 23-25 minutes was the right amount of time to cover pieces substantively without the pieces feeling overlong or the show overstuffed, can't say the same with a 45-minute runtime. I'll keep watching VNT as background noise, but between this and VICE Investigates on hulu it's 0-for-2 for Vice lately. Hopefully the Showtime revival of the 1/2-hour Vice newsmagazine/documentary works better.

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Giri/Haji: 1x07 Episode 7

If there wasn't 1 episode left I woulda dropped this show in the middle of this ep. Disrespected the hell out of Ian/Sarah's storyline. Sarah/Sarah & Ian finally find a nice resolution to their storyline and have a great heartfelt conversation, Sarah doesn't have to live in fear of Ian anymore and she managed to avert him telling the cops about her harboring fugitives, and they just have him get hit by a fucking car and she can feel guilty for the rest of her life and he can be disabled for the rest of his??? Additionally it felt so completely tonally disjarring, the show has been a nice slow-burn punctuated with intentional flashes of intended violence, people shooting up other people, not a random car running over some guy. Sarah, and especially Kelly Macdonald as Sarah, was great and her character does not deserve to be disrespected like this (nor does Ian) just so Rodney can feel bad about himself 'cause he tried to do something good once and it blew up in his face.

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The Goes Wrong Show: 1x06 90 Degrees

Can't remember the last show/episode that has made me laugh out loud so heartily and so often as this did

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The Weekly: 1x25 The Endorsement

A lot is lost condensing the nine 80-90 minute candidate interviews down into an episode (albeit a double-sized 50-minute episode) that it feels more like rapid speed-dating versus a careful rumination of the candidates. Condensing 10+ hours of interviews down into a compact run-time also doesn't allow the editorial board's reasoning to come across well with their comments cut into bite-sized fragments spliced in between multiple candidates' interviews (Buttigieg is criticized for having too calm a demeanor and not having enough outward fight for the moment while Klobuchar is received positively (and ultimately the co-endorsement) because...she has a calm demeanor and can serve as a counterbalance for the loud & hectic times?)

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60 Minutes: 52x15 Jeffrey Epstein, Antibiotics On The Farm, Shakira

60 Minutes's celebrity profiles are always its weakest. Though they probably attract more casual TV viewers than the typical harder news stories of 60 Minutes, they follow a familiar interchangeable template with details swapped in for each celebrity, from the glowing-borderline-fawning superlatives, the rattling off of supposed-to-be-impressive achievement statistics, sprinkled with allegedly interesting tidbits that are supposed to belie the assumed glamorous celebrity persona liberally interspersed with footage and/or soundbites supportive of a "perfectionist" angle and a dollop of footage/photographs from the celebrity's childhood with a forced/tenuous anecdote about how their childhood shaped how they achieved their success and how they live their lives today

Looks like next week features profiles on both an athlete and Joaquin Phoenix (possibly strong-armed by WB for Oscar campaign purposes). Ugh

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x31 Episode 31

Segment Ranker:
1. Impeachment
2. Hong Kong

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x30 Episode 30

Segment Ranker:

  1. Impeachment
  2. SNAP Benefits Cut
  3. Sammies
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x29 Episode 29

Segment Ranker:

  1. Sondland Testimony
  2. #MeTooVoter
  3. Stephen Miller
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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 4x28 Episode 28

Segment Ranker:
1. Paula White: Prosperity Gospel
2. Impeachment
3. Columbus Day

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