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Criminal Minds: 4x06 The Instincts

So, FBI can't have nightmare huh?

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Ugly Delicious: 1x04 Shrimp & Crawfish

This episode is the one that made me give up the entire series. I couldn't stand with the host keeps forcing people to let go their traditions and teaching others how to cook their tradition food. Is it because they are not chef? But I felt angry when he keeps asking or forcing people to try fusion and wanted to teach the Vietnamese how to cook their own food.

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NCIS: 13x08 Saviors

Oh man! Can't stand of Bishop's annoying gossip face. To any Bishop's fans, please forgive my dislike or prejudice or whatsoever. I feel the episode is ruined up every time when she has a lot of scenes in it. As a loyal fan of NCIS, my loyalty is getting shaky since her appearance.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 17x14 Nationwide Manhunt (I)

I know I'm bad to say this but I really happy when Bronwyn is in the car trunk. I wish she will be in jail forever. The world is never in peace to have such person out there.

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The Big Bang Theory: 6x13 The Bakersfield Expedition

It's weird that I feel Sheldon looks good with that hairstyle.

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Shout by ChyneYee
BlockedParent2017-12-04T06:31:07Z— updated 2019-06-28T00:30:33Z

I forgot when was the last time I watched a horror movie. Are horror movies nowadays supposed to be that slow?

[sarcastically] Why he keeps going around the house, looking and tapping the windows instead of breaking the glasses with the bow? What's the point of doing that if he knew she can't hear anything?

I won't say the movie was great but it wasn't too bad. It must be difficult to act for the crying without a sound and scare without a scream.

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Wellington Paranormal: 2x06 Mobots

I really shouldn't have to say this, guys, but pepper spray is for self-defence in the line of duty. It is not for spraying on your lunch. OK? OK, everyone?
Pepper spray is for assailants' eyes, not for pies.

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Defending Jacob: 1x05 Visitors

While waiting for the episode ends due to the slow pace, I'll just drop a random comment here to kill my time.

The house looks like an IKEA showhouse everytime when I see them in it.

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Gangs of Wasseypur - Part 1

I'm not hundred per cent sure that I fully understand the story. The main story is complicated enough as it expands to more sub stories. Not only I need time to understand the story, there are so many characters involved in the story that I need to take time to recognise their connections with the story and also their relations among each other. As I still trying to grasp the storyline and the main characters, other new characters appearing and they have their own background stories as well.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that the movie deserves the fame. It's just that I need more patience and better analytical skill:smile:.

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Criminal Minds: 5x22 The Internet Is Forever

I just realised what Hotchner's superior is so right although I never liked her. Morgan has better leadership than Hotchner. Pity Penelope. This kind of boss that doesn't have understanding and always just want fast result even though she already said that is the fastest she can get. And he never appreciate her work and always very demanding.

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The Big Bang Theory: 7x03 The Scavenger Vortex

LOL I never like Howard but in this episode, I like to be in his team.

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The Big Bang Theory: 6x23 The Love Spell Potential

I feel Penny ruined the game from the beginning. She always wanted the others to hang out like her way but she can't put more effort to understand them.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 6

Amy has better personality and funnier from this season onwards. I started to like her.

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The Big Bang Theory: 5x17 The Rothman Disintegration

The basketball scene is the best one. Especially when Kripke screamed.

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A.D. The Bible Continues: 1x12 The Abomination

The best part is when Cornelius meets Peter and Mary.

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Criminal Minds: 4x08 Masterpiece

This episode is deep. But what's wrong with everyone in this episode? Everyone gets outrage when being asked whether they need help.

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The Big Bang Theory: 3x10 The Gorilla Experiment

It’s a warm, summer evening in ancient Greece…

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Criminal Minds: 4x03 Minimal Loss

What a stressful episode! I feel pissed off every time when any cults or new religious movements using the Christianity cross as their symbol and interpreting the Bible with their own words. Why not create their own symbol and have their own religious book since they claim they have the wisdom to understand the Bible and they make up their own rules. They should have their own scripture or document their rules. Don't ruin others' belief.

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Criminal Minds: 3x01 Doubt

I really don't understand the world anymore.

Me too. That's how I feel today when I read a news this morning about a girl commited suicide after created a poll on Instagram to decide whether she should stay alive or die.

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Blue Bloods: 3x05 Risk and Reward

I don't think they know how Malaysians look like. Kinda funny with their looks and American accent and they act as Malaysians with Muslim name. Interesting.

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Pope Francis: A Man of His Word

Talk a little, listen a lot, say just enough, and look everyone in the eye.

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Recently, I realised I'm as soulless as this show as it goes further. My struggle started since Season 12 if I'm not mistaken. It "was" a great series at the beginning and I was binge watching from Season 1 almost everyday. Nowadays, I'm taking it very slow and it's like taking a responsibility. I've tracked this show and I have to continue doing it. I wish this show will end after Season 16 because I feel the stories are no longer interesting and the characters seem just there because the show needs to go on. Surprisingly, comparing with SVU which runs longer than NCIS, SVU still has a lot of interesting stories and both the story and the characters don't make me feel soulless. SVU seems going strong and a lot of old characters still there after so many seasons. This is sad because I used to really love this series.

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Bones: 2x03 The Boy in the Shroud

One thing I love Bones is she is a very self-awareness person. She might not like what Booth said to her but she always try to analyse and evaluate herself whether she is what he said. Despite she's a very confident person (except the social skill), she will admit her mistake although she feels hard to do so.

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Criminal Minds: 1x18 Somebody's Watching

Hm..can't expect much with Amber Heard's acting.

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NCIS: 14x12 Off the Grid

After taking a break for a few weeks, Bishop is still as annoying as before. I thought the break will change my view about her.

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NCIS: 14x01 Rogue

First time I feel a heartache listening the introduction song.

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NCIS: 13x03 Incognito

Hm. Ziva will be smarter and do way better than Bishop if she handles the criminal.

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Love this show until Bishop appears. I don't mind new character appears for replacement although I still like Kate and I love Ziva but Bishop really ruins the show. Her character is so boring, like gossips and no sense of humour. Her acting is very stiff, it's like memorising the scripts and she has no chemistries with anyone even with her husband, Jake. It doesn't look like a couple at all. Oh man! And I have to continue watching to finish the whole series.

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NCIS: 9x14 Life Before His Eyes

This is deep. It made me think what if one day I wake up and look back of all my past decisions. What will happen to everyone if I choose a different one?

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NCIS: 8x02 Worst Nightmare

Special Agent Gibbs: Who's this?
MAN (distorted): An angry man.
Special Agent Gibbs: So, why are you angry, man?

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