


Suicide Squad

"Get Alex out"
"There's no need..He'll be on a plane at 12:00 tomorrow. You can meet him if you like -
take him for an ice cream. "
"Well, he's done very well. He deserves a treat"

This movie is a treasure for what it is.

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The Jungle Book

Probably the best live action adaption from an animated work Disney has done so far. If the quality is even close to this as they adapat their other films then i look forward to seeing them all.

Perfect voice cast, Everyone blended really well into their characters to the point that is all i saw. I saw Ballo and not Bill Murrary ect. I feel this exceeds the movie it was based from and it is my favourite film from 2016.

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Power Rangers: 22x12 Knight After Knights

I love Ivan so far. Probably one of the best additions to Power Rangers in years.

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Steven Universe: 1x14 Lars and the Cool Kids

I appreciate this episode for introducing us to more of the cool kids but it has to be one of my least favourite.

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Shout by Arius

I was not ready for those flashing faces when they were searching Icarus. Thought I was going mad.

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DOA: Dead or Alive

Ultimate guilty pleasure for myself, half due to fond memories of playing the game itself. Surprisingly in the land of video game adaptions this is one of the strongest.

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I feel this is a movie i am going to keep on coming back to for years to come. Ethan Hawke is fantastic in this film and though at small moments it feels like the story is standing still it then picks up just as quick. Listen to the recommendations it constantly gets and watch.

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Beware the Batman

I finished Beware The Batman aka Batman and the Outsiders. The DC animated TV shows are always fantastic, at least the ones i have seen so far. I actually missed this show existence when it first aired and i am sad that it only last one season. Despite its butchering (heh) of villains like Professor Pyg i could accept it was a new interpretation and the show was fun while being gritty. On the note of villains i did like that they were not conventional in choosing their characters to go against a young Bruce, digging deep or at least outside the normal for his foes. I have found a new found love for Anarky and i enjoyed the determined Harvey Dent. I actually had a theory for a while that they were the same person, an extension of his madness before it was formed into Two-Face but of course that turned out to just be a theory.

The active Alfred and his ties with Deathstoke also a great small saga. I want more of this world. Definitely recommend for any DC fans when you are looking for some easy watching.

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Shout by Arius

The biggest surprises were the fates of the characters and the actions taken. Going from chillingly uncaring to remorseful and vice versa. Showing the impact of death in various scenarios which was great.
The movie itself though is not worth the rush to watch unless you have an empty afternoon or love the actors in the film.

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iZombie: 1x11 Astroburger

I live for Johnny Frost appearances and he is the star of this episode. Can't wait for hopefully more guest spots in the future. But man that ending, crushed me because of course i didn't consider her mind could be messing with heart wanted it to much.

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So much one could say about the film but what i will say is that it is incredibly engaging. Going in to this film i wondered if i would keep up but it grabs you in and you hang off each word, each musical note. Beautiful film.

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Mr. Nice Guy

I could feel his frustration each time someone said "tape". The fights are fun and exciting, per Jackie Chan. But don't come here for a story for it is thin but is straight forward and uncomplicated which is a plus. I have seen movies try to do more story with less which worked against itself.

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The Rainmaker

This movie made me a Matt Damon fan all over again. I think i will need to have a small specific actor binge. Great movie about drive and passion for good in cruel surroundings.

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Power Rangers: 22x22 One More Energem

Shout by Arius

This season has shown Power Rangers can still be fun. The characters are all likable, especially those of Royal connections and the fighting is kick ass. The show is continuing to be back in their groove after Super Megaforce. Sledge is one of the better looking villains and him getting his hands on the energems a few times was good.

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The Diary of Anne Frank
Wynonna Earp: 1x05 Diggin' Up Bones

I said "the fuck" a lot during this episode but the addiction to keep watcuing is still strong.

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Broadchurch: 1x01 Episode 1

Shout by Arius

After the first episode it shows me that this is way better than Gracepoint. I feel a lot more connected than the american counterparts. Can't wait to take in these two seasons.

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Dante's Peak

A dumb fun movie that gets exceptionally dumb towards the end. Enjoy with a bowl of popcorn and logic turned off. Disasters are my passion.

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That stare that Shaft gave the mother at the end of the movie "Why didn't you do that two court dates ago"

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Suicide Squad

I still feel sad about this movie. I am looking toward watching it again when it comes out on demand, maybe even a hopefully altered addition. As the memories of the movie fade the feeling of defeat i got as i left is still the same and the same i had when i left Batman V Superman (Just not as intense). It had good parts, great little parts even but it also had horribly noticeable faults. My least favourite of the 3 movies. Batman V Superman despite its jumpy nature still had a lot of quality but as a movie this sucked. The characters were fun but the world they were in, the story, ugh.

Man of Steel is still the best film in the new DC Cinematic Universe and Wonder Woman, you are my only hope. (Hopefully i can see more of the Joker one day since Leto seems to have filmed a lot)

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X-Men: Apocalypse
The Last Days of Emma Blank

Weird but good movie. Absolutely absurd scenes come together through frustration as they push and motivate each other to keep going, still an interesting story and well built up. So many questions come to your mind at first like why is someone acting as a dog? (Took me a minute to figure out everyone had a role and his was the family pet). What is the power that Emma has over the other people? What is their relationship? Counting down the days of Emma's existence.
Slowly everything becomes clear and it gets even more absurd. Intrigued by every minute.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Great conclusion to this two part story but i can't help but feel underwhelmed by Kill Bill.

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Central Intelligence

Shout by Arius

Faults obviously and the story derails towards the very end but it made me smile and laugh through out, especially the first 20 minutes as they looked back. Good easy movie.

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The Talented Mr. Ripley

"I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody."
Most uncomfortable i have ever felt watching a movie but that is a big positive. Matt Damon steals the show in his role along with Jude Long in making a suspenseful takeover of another man's life. Delusion and grandeur are a toxic mix.

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"Travel Well" A visual masterpiece. I like the take on death they have in this film, especially when the village was attacked. It was shown has destruction and the longer it went on, the way it was presented was to show the pain instead of what usually occurs in a glorification of it. Mel Gibson is a true talent.

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Gone Girl

I was really unsatisfied with that ending but in a way that just adds to how fucked up the whole experience was.

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Aftermath: 1x01 RVL 6768

Shout by Arius

People were not joking about that actress playing the mother. The first half of the show was really meh and i nearly tapped out but it picked up in the second half enough for me to come back for episode 2. I like the concept of all these versions of the end being somewhat right and seeing them take effect, the cops losing their reality was more frightening than anything else. Hopefully it is up from here.

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Shout by Arius

The first half of the show was really meh and i nearly tapped out but it picked up in the second half enough for me to come back for episode 2. I like the concept of all these versions of the end being somewhat right and seeing them take effect, the cops losing their reality was more frightening than anything else. Hopefully it is up from here.

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