



"Travel Well" A visual masterpiece. I like the take on death they have in this film, especially when the village was attacked. It was shown has destruction and the longer it went on, the way it was presented was to show the pain instead of what usually occurs in a glorification of it. Mel Gibson is a true talent.

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Avengers: Infinity War

I hope to never live in a Thor-less MCU.

I sit here wondering how far Strange was able to see as far as the one victory. Could he only see as far as he lived or could he see past his own demise.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp

Few sequels live up to their first films but i feel this one does. I'm not saying it's blowing the original out of the water but you'll walk away as happy as you did if you enjoyed the original. I can't wait until (hopefully) the third Ant-Man is released down the line. The backbone of the MCU, the pallet cleanser needed between the world changing events.

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The Rugrats Movie

The animation is underappreciated in this movie. It's a pity television adaptions can't bs this quality consistently

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The Rainmaker

This movie made me a Matt Damon fan all over again. I think i will need to have a small specific actor binge. Great movie about drive and passion for good in cruel surroundings.

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Wonder Woman

Really enjoyable film and i'm glad to finally have a DC film again i can walk out of happy. Gadot's acting up until Trevor lands in the water was a bit up and down but the rest of the film she played her role great, she was Wonder Woman!, though a young one experiencing a new world. I can't wait to see more of her.
--- I am sad Steve had to pass on in the first film but it was done in such a heroic way that it helped the sting.
David Thewlis was great as Ares but hopefully his form is able to change in the future since the armour was intimidating but as soon as the helmet was gone well..David doesn't have that factor.
RIP senselessly destroyed bell tower in village

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December 1st. The countdown to Christmas begins and what better way to start than Elf? A modern Christmas classic that will live on past me. I still really want to try that spaghetti desert but i don't want to lose the magic.

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I have trouble believing the Cruella we saw will be down to skin puppies in the future.

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Gone Girl

I was really unsatisfied with that ending but in a way that just adds to how fucked up the whole experience was.

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Suicide Squad

I still feel sad about this movie. I am looking toward watching it again when it comes out on demand, maybe even a hopefully altered addition. As the memories of the movie fade the feeling of defeat i got as i left is still the same and the same i had when i left Batman V Superman (Just not as intense). It had good parts, great little parts even but it also had horribly noticeable faults. My least favourite of the 3 movies. Batman V Superman despite its jumpy nature still had a lot of quality but as a movie this sucked. The characters were fun but the world they were in, the story, ugh.

Man of Steel is still the best film in the new DC Cinematic Universe and Wonder Woman, you are my only hope. (Hopefully i can see more of the Joker one day since Leto seems to have filmed a lot)

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The DVD cover of the film painted a different picture but a film based in the actual year 1408..actually would of been pretty cool but I digress.
This was the first night of my Horror/Mind Fuck weekend. Movies I haven't seen. What huge surprise this was! Not so much frightening but the story itself drew me in. The allure and history of the room told in thode first few minutes along with the psychological roller coaster the writer was taken on. Great performances and would defiantly watch again!

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So much one could say about the film but what i will say is that it is incredibly engaging. Going in to this film i wondered if i would keep up but it grabs you in and you hang off each word, each musical note. Beautiful film.

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Doctor Strange

I love that Marvel has created an expectation across all ages and types of movie lovers that even after and during the credits there is more to be seen. No one moved a muscle until it was all said and done, neither should you either if you haven't seen this film.

Doctor Strange brings perfect casting (even to those characters many doubted fit), mind bending visuals that leave you stunned, but sadly with another good villain but without the punch to make it a great, but who did serve his purpose of bringing us the Doctor Strange. One of my favorite introduction films in the MCU and i can't wait for a second viewing.

I want a POP! dedicated to the Cloak of Levitation.

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That stare that Shaft gave the mother at the end of the movie "Why didn't you do that two court dates ago"

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I feel this is a movie i am going to keep on coming back to for years to come. Ethan Hawke is fantastic in this film and though at small moments it feels like the story is standing still it then picks up just as quick. Listen to the recommendations it constantly gets and watch.

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

It's always someone wanting to weponize dinosaurs. Why can't it be a rogue circus ringmaster looking for...oh wait I suppose that borderlines King Kong.

Damn movie has me feeling sad for dinosaurs. They deserved better than their fate on the island. Building the park around a volcano was poor planning on someone's part.
"Hopefully someone got fired for that blunder"

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It's a blast to watch. The mystery of how the woman with the dog teleported from her car to outside of it will always follow me.

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DOA: Dead or Alive

Ultimate guilty pleasure for myself, half due to fond memories of playing the game itself. Surprisingly in the land of video game adaptions this is one of the strongest.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

I had fun, i can't really dwell on much else until i see it again. I love the world J.K has created, i want to just watch it exist and i find myself just wanting to read about the smallest of details about how something works or certain creatures.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Shout by Arius

They could of cut that kessel run scene in half because it really dragged for such a pivotal moment. Outside of that i really enjoyed it more than i thought i would, a fun adventure and Aiden felt like Han Solo. It has it's logic issues and i can't say this is the movie you should see first this weekend in cinema but do watch the film.

It's weird...but i would like to see more of this Solo one day but i doubt it's going to make enough.

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Hopefully the people behind this documentary are able to make more documentary's centred on history in this style because it was truly captivating.

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Deepwater Horizon

The ending scene in the hotel really got to me. Part of me going into the film expected the basic hero of the story ending and film where it is all smiles but no this films tell it how it is, shows the real emotions and turmoil as they attempt to get out of the fire from all focal characters. Love this movie and i love the team of Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg

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The Talented Mr. Ripley

"I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody."
Most uncomfortable i have ever felt watching a movie but that is a big positive. Matt Damon steals the show in his role along with Jude Long in making a suspenseful takeover of another man's life. Delusion and grandeur are a toxic mix.

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The Last Days of Emma Blank

Weird but good movie. Absolutely absurd scenes come together through frustration as they push and motivate each other to keep going, still an interesting story and well built up. So many questions come to your mind at first like why is someone acting as a dog? (Took me a minute to figure out everyone had a role and his was the family pet). What is the power that Emma has over the other people? What is their relationship? Counting down the days of Emma's existence.
Slowly everything becomes clear and it gets even more absurd. Intrigued by every minute.

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Dante's Peak

A dumb fun movie that gets exceptionally dumb towards the end. Enjoy with a bowl of popcorn and logic turned off. Disasters are my passion.

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This was a truckload of fun. I understand the "This is a 90s throwback" comments now but at the same time i still feel it's better than that comparison with the same humour. It isn't going to be claiming for best ___ any time soon but i also look forward to watching it again.

One negative: Woody Harrelson's hair.

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The Accountant

The movie prides itself on going against expectations all the way to the end and I enjoyed it. Not something I would want to see again soon but definitely one that will get a re-watch.

Pity that a sequel hasn't been talked about since its release because I think we could of seen more told from the main characters life.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Shout by Arius

I didn't expect it to get so heavy but man..i almost cried. Great experience and great follow up.

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The Birds

I love how in the house you can't hear any of the cast, the defying mass of the birds drowning out even the gasps of breath. One of my favorite movies to just turn on when it is on.

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Mr. Nice Guy

I could feel his frustration each time someone said "tape". The fights are fun and exciting, per Jackie Chan. But don't come here for a story for it is thin but is straight forward and uncomplicated which is a plus. I have seen movies try to do more story with less which worked against itself.

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