shaun jeffrey




I was lucky to have seen the original series all those years ago on itv uk!
This film version is okay, I went into as a whole new story and believe me did my best to forget the original......
The characters are watered down to the original and at no point did I feel connected to them or rooting for them!
If you haven’t seen the tv show, your love the film, I just liked it!
But it’s given me a reason to go back and watch the original and maybe hope that a new tv version comes along and based back in the uk with actresses that are super strong hard nosed bitches playing the parts.....

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Widows: Season 1

The original and still the best, just watched the movie version which was passable, but has given me more reason to watch the series again!
Hopefully we will get a new version from itv

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Seven Seconds

I have just spent my whole Saturday binge watching this show.....
A must watch....
Great cast of actors and they all shined, no one stands out, but only because they all play it straight and just lets the story be the star.
It is slow and almost plods to the ending, but some how it grips you and keeps you watching. So refreshing to have no overly graphic scenes and to let your mind work out how horrendous the sights must be.....
The ending is perfect, gut wrenching, but perfect.
It hasn't been set up for a second series, but I for one would love to see it come back....
I gave it a 8/10, my heart wanted to go higher, I think if it had been one episode less I would have gone 9/10

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Young Sheldon

nice show, gives you a little chuckle in this big bad world. its great to see where all of Sheldon's hang ups and quirks come from and hopefully will get a few more seasons.

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The Resident

an okay show, the first episode had me worried but it has got better, its never going to be the best show on earth and you can see where its going every single time, but there are times that you just need that bit of light entertainment...

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what a mess of a show, don't waste your time.....

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an okay show, just plods along from week to week and every so often gives us a small look into the characters private life's.
which is all fine but wont hold the show together in the long run. if we get a 2nd season, which i hope we do, the will need to give us a bit more of the private life's and let them lose some of the cases....

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i'm truly struggling with this show, i'm staying with it, but i don't think it will be back for a 2 series...
I've always had a problem with this kind of story line, i love the idea and truly would love a show that does it right.
lets just think about it for one moment, two worlds, same people, but different situations. the thing is that if someone dies in one world then that means you don't have the same outcome as the alternative world, so at some given point the two worlds will not be the same, so you have to have the rule that if your born or die in one world then the same has to happen in the other world, now this would make for a more believable story...

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x10 Despite Yourself

Started to give up on this series until this episode, love the flip in characters and known what they were like before now only adds to the series.....
Hope it stays this way for sometime

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Hard Sun

A must watch series, binged on all six episodes, totally drags you in and the cliffhanger ending is just brilliant.....
Everything is crossed for a series 2
Great acting and the writers keep you hooked without over playing the main story line

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I managed to get to episode 7, then I gave up.
It got cheesy cheesy cheesy and I ended up not caring for any of the characters

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i made it to episode 4, it just got worse and worse....

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Somewhere Between

What a pile of rubbish, switched off 15 mins in.... terrible acting

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Just watched all of series 2, great as always!
But must say I'm a little deflated with this run!
Still loved it but didn't feel that it deliver on the story as well as the first....

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Just watched all of series 2, great as always!
But must say I'm a little deflated with this run!
Still loved it but didn't feel that it deliver on the story as well as the first....

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Just watched all of series 2, great as always!
But must say I'm a little deflated with this run!
Still loved it but didn't feel that it deliver on the story as well as the first....

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Just watched all of series 2, great as always!
But must say I'm a little deflated with this run!
Still loved it but didn't feel that it deliver on the story as well as the first....

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Just had to write something, watch the great series 1
Super e/1 of series 2
And now sat to binge watch all of series 2
8 mins in and my mind is blown away, the dogs bollocks, best show ever ever ever.....

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The Handmaid's Tale

A must watch show, just brilliant

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Kong: Skull Island

Gave up on this movie, couldn't care about any of the characters

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Designated Survivor: 1x14 Commander-in-Chief

i dont trust the presidents wife, even more so now shes just said her mother is russian, she just dropped that in there, almost a throw away line....

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Limitless: 1x13 Stop Me Before I Hug Again

This episode totally ruined the show for me, stopped me from watching the rest of the series! For such a topic to be treated in such a childish way is such a shame......

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