Dahj Asha



Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe

Not that good but it certainly had its moments. Probably only worth it in German though. I liked the accents.

I never heard the word "Boandlkramer" before and find it quite strange :D

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The Secret Life of Pets 2

I must admit that Illumination already had me sold when the minion appeared during the intro xD

I'm not sure how it compares to the first movie but I found it fun and entertaining. The story didn't feel that great (not quite sure why, maybe it wasn't focused or meaningful enough?) but it was still good and had some nice moments. E.g. Cotton (the little sheep - what a fitting name) was really funny :D

I enjoyed the voices (e.g. Kevin Hart, Patton Oswalt, and Tiffany Haddish), the music (e.g. "New York" at the beginning), the animations (as always so great and funny!), and the creativity that went into this (the idea alone to make a movie about pets is great).

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The Kill Team

6.5/10 - What an emotional clusterfuck. I'm not even sure what to say here. What they did is clearly wrong and it's good that they got caught. However, the movie really plays with emotions by mixing joy, fear, friendship, horror, etc.

While watching this it seemed difficult to tell what Andrew should do. Risk his life or "betray" his friends by doing the right thing. He was also portrayed as a really bad liar / whistleblower - I guess that isn't realistic.

After watching it I'm just glad that justice prevailed and that it's over now. I guess the best thing about this movie is that it provides yet another new perspective on the war in Afghanistan and brings up a few important questions.

Anyway, I hope the real story, that this fictionalized adaption is based on, is much "simpler" / less horrifying.

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Honest Thief

Well, this was certainly a novel and interesting way to tell a love story xD

It got just a bit annoying to see John Nivens get away with all of that for so long (he didn't get temporarily suspended, bugged, his partner didn't come clean, etc.). It also kinda sucked that his partner Ramon Hall died. He was obviously guilty as well but he didn't deserve to die.

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Suck Me Shakespeer 2

IIRC I didn't like this one as much as the first one as it felt more "stupid" (cheap jokes, no morale, etc.). However, after rewatching both I'm not so sure anymore. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. I think this one even made me laugh more this time.

Anyway, IMO it's really fun and enjoyable if one manages not to think too much about it (it is obviously silly/stupid but that's the point and it isn't brainless IMO - there are still some values and morale in it).

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Suck Me Shakespeer

8.5/10 - I initially avoided this movie because I thouth it would be just stupid with dumb jokes but all of my friends liked it so I finally watched it. So glad I did because I was completely wrong. It's obviously not a movie to take too serious but it is quite fun and not just full of stupid jokes without any ideals, messages, etc.

Anyway, I found it really funny. IMO it's one of the best German movies, if not the best.

I'm not sure how well the jokes translate to English though (maybe I'll watch it in English the next time).

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Space Sweepers

Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-06-29T20:18:02Z— updated 2021-07-01T12:30:26Z

8.5/10 - What an awesome surprise :) On IMDb it seems a little bit underrated with 6.6/10 but the 7/10 on Trakt seem fair.

I really liked the characters, actors, the cool Sci-Fi designs, and the CGI :) It's a new style that I haven't seen before but I'd like to see more of these new/creative (and somewhat exotic) takes. Tbh I even want another movie or sequel that continues the story :D

The character and acting of the bad guy was also interesting. He reminded me of Blade Runner.

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Unfortunately this was even more boring than I've expected but at least it was less depressing. This is my fault though. I knew I shouldn't watch this but I didn't want to resist the temptation anymore. It had it's moments (the most "brutal" ones where actually the most fun, which would be very concerning if this wasn't a fictional movie) but overall I don't get why this is so hyped. When I watched Joker in Batman for the first time I didn't like him (IIRC) but later I started to find him funny (should probably rewatch the second Batman movie to see if that's really the case).

Usually I like origin stories the most (which is e.g. why I still like "Batman Begins" the most) but in the case of the Joker I like the "result" of his character development journey more.

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Point Blank

6.5/10 - It was almost good but the kidnapping of his wife and especially the death of Mateo, just when he was about to do the right thing, was kinda too painful to watch / felt unnecessary.

Big D was the best part. Those scenes where so fun to watch and he certainly had the best lines :D

PS: It was also nice to have Anthony Mackie (Falcon) and Teyonah Parris (Monica Rambeau) as a couple in this movie :D

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The Bourne Legacy

6.5/10 - A Bourne movie without Jason Bourne? :o I most certainly didn't see that one coming but it ended with the correct song so it's still a Bourne movie xD

Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye <3) was a welcomed surprise though :)

Unfortunately the story didn't make much sense from the beginning and that didn't really change. Not sure what they're trying to achieve with this movie but I didn't get it. It's not like the Bourne movies ever had a good story but so far it was at least easy to follow along. On this one I was pretty confused for the first 30 minutes or so.

Anyway, the performance of Aaron Cross and Dr. Marta Shearing seemed nice so that compensates a bit for the story. At least "Bourne Legacy" is still a fitting name.

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The Bourne Supremacy

As a German it was cool to see an American movie playing mainly in Germany :D Although it seemed like there where more Russian(?) than German dialogues.

Anyway, it was a nice continuation of the first movie. Not sure if it was better but it was worth watching it (like for the first one).

Another thing that's interesting when watching these Bourne movies in 20201 is seeing how the world looked back then. Especially the cars and computers (as well as other technology) are interesting.

I also appreciate that they've used the same song at the end of the movie. I kinda hope that they'll just use it for every movie :D I especially like the first few seconds with the cool synth.

"It's easy. She's standing right next to you." - Best moment of the whole movie :D

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Ender's Game

7.5/10 - The concept (training children via games and letting them believe the real battle is just the final simulation) is pretty interesting but the overall story isn't that great (at least not when watching it for the second time).

What I enjoyed the most is how Ender interacts with / handles his friends, bullies/"enemies", and superiors. The one thing I remembered the most from watching it for the first time is the scene with Ender and the Colonel where Ender explains that there's basically no up or down in space (I never actively thought about that before watching this movie but it obviously makes perfect sense). The scenes between Enders and Sergeant Dap are also great as are the ones with Petra.

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Ghost in the Shell
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Power Rangers

I really like this movie, it's quite cool. I love the concept of the factions (Amity, Candor, Dauntless, and Erudite), the factionless, and the divergent. My favorite scene (actually two) is when "Run Boy Run" plays. That song is so fitting.

There's also a lot of action in this movie, probably even too much tbh :D It also feels a bit too dark and brutal (it's quite heartbreaking when their parents die at the end and Eric isn't nice at all). At least Four provides some light in the darkness.

There are a few good lines in it though and some nice concepts.

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How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
How to Train Your Dragon 2

A great continuation of the story. The bond between Toothless and Hiccup continues to develop as does the love between Hiccup and Astrid. The introduction of Valka, Hiccups mother, is great and it's so heartwarming when their entire family is reunited. Stoick's death hit me hard as he was just reunited with his wife. At least they got to share a few last moments together and the next scene with the baby dragons distracts from the pain.

And, in addition to the still totally awesome soundtrack, we got two new and really nice songs :)

This is my third favorite movie (after the first and third HTTYD).

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How to Train Your Dragon

My favorite movie

IMO this movie is so good in so many ways. I really love the story, it's so emotional and there are just no boring moments. The animation is awesome (the dragons, the sheep (:D), and also the vikings) and the art style is so beautiful (sure the CGI looks a bit aged by now, especially the human faces, but I don't mind because it's still a piece of art). The soundtrack is also totally superb! It's also my favorite soundtrack of any movie.

There's also so much diversity in this movie. Lots of different dragons with different skills and characters and the main vikings are also all unique.

And while I have watched this over ten times by now I do still geht goosebumps every time during the end. I love it!

I just hope that I'll never get bored or too old for this movie and that it'll remain my favorite movie forever. It's a masterpiece!

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Men in Black: International

Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParent2021-05-13T00:38:39Z— updated 2021-05-18T17:51:04Z

8.5/10 - Wow, I really liked this movie (much more than I was expecting). The cast is great and the story is funny and not too messy IMO (at least for a MIB movie). Not sure (yet) why the reviews are so low.

I was most scared about the new female character (Molly Wright / Agent M) as I wanted her to be badass and not just silly or something like that. Luckily they did a good job IMO. I like the actress and her character. She's smart, badass, and of course looks good in black :D I quite liked the dynamics between her and Henry as well as Pawny.
It also provided a nice view from an outsider's perspective into MIB.

I also really love the voices of Liam Neeson, Chris Hemsworth, and Kumail Nanjiani (I really need to finish watching "Silicon Valley" as Kumail's voice sounded familiar but I couldn't remember from where... :o).

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Total Recall

7.5/10 - Quite enjoyable: Lots of action, neat CGI, and a story with interesting concepts.

I love their CGI design and everything still looks pretty even though this is almost 10 years old by now (which is obviously noticeable but for that it looks awesome). The action is certainly not lacking but might make it a bit difficult to follow along (we're thrown right into it, like the main character, without any/much explanation).

What I really enjoyed is that they have "flying" cars (they're obviously only hovering) due to magnetic levitation. That seems much more realistic than the classical flying cars. However, in a real setting those cars would obviously be autonomous train-like pods without any (manual) steering.

The concept of Rekall is also interesting (a bit of a different take on The Matrix) and I also like the concept of "The Fall" (not realistic but very cool).

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Rise of the Guardians

7.5/10 - The story's kinda silly/unrealistic but it is also pretty fun and told beautifully. After getting used to it I really enjoyed it. It's a bit like Toy Story but with the Guardians instead of toys. Seeing these childhood stories/characters visualized, animated, and brought to live with their own personalities was both fun and interesting. DreamWorks never fails to amaze :) I really loved the designs and animations of those ficitonal characters.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Wow, this was even sillier than I thought... :o (but not bad/silly enough for a fun trash movie).
The story doesn't make much sense, it seemed to ignore physics quite often, and I found the comedic lines bad/forced. IMO the Transformers movies have a good story compared to this.

The best thing was the CGI/VFX and even that felt only decent. The animations seemed mostly solid but the visuals where pretty much always a bit hidden behind smoke, dust, rain, lightning, fast movements/cuts, etc.

This was the first Gozilla movie that I've watched and I know now that this isn't my thing. If one enjoys these creatures it could be fun to watch.

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7.5/10 - What an absolutely horrible, horrifying, and messy evacuation :o We shall never again create such horrible wars.

Some scenes felt off (not making much sense to me - physically, decision wise, or both) but other than that it really showed the horrors of war without the need of much dialogue. Especially the deaths of George and Farrier hurt incredibly (I really hope these aren't real). So many heroes in this one, especially Mr. Dawson, Tommy, Collins, Farrier, and Commander Bolton.

The RAF pilots where my personal heros (especially because I really like aeroplanes).

Edit: I'm glad to know now that the characters and storyline are fictional (but obviously based on real events).

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Blade Runner 2049

7.5/10 - I like it but it also felt too long and boring. IMO they stayed too true to the original movie and improved/modernized too little. The main thing that's bothering me is that the technology is an absurd mix of Sci-Fi and "old" technology from our 2000s. Together with the large buildings/structures that remind me of pyramids from the ancient Egyptians it feels just too absurd/exotic and unrealistic. I feel like it's focused on a small niche but surprisingly many seem to like it (IMO it fits into the post Cyberpunk genre which might already be niche). Anyway, what I do like is that they shifted to new problems like climate change and food scarcity. The cinematography was also interesting (and beautiful in an exotic way) and the CGI was obviously nice.

My favorite moment:

  • Joi: "A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I'm only two: One and zero."
  • K: "Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart."
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King Kong
Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle
Outside the Wire

6.5/10 - It wasn't great but it was interesting and had it's moments. I liked the ending as I don't remember any other movie/show where the AI chooses to eliminate itself (I'm neither saying that it makes sense nor that it doesn't but it's an interesting idea to think about). The other good things where the action scenes (especially Leo's fast/superhuman moves) and it had some fun. Unfortunately it was also boring at times and didn't feel that realistic (especially actions like breaking the chain of command and then getting though with it). Regarding the characters I only/mainly liked Leo and Anthony Mackie's acting seemed nice. So in the end this was different than expected but not a waste of time and better than I feared from (some of) the reviews.

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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

6.5/10 - It has its moments but isn't that good IMO. I miss the TV show, which I liked much much more (but the beginning was also a bit rough). Clary, Simon, and Isabelle (and maybe Luke) where decent characters that I liked more than the other characters. The story has a lot of potential but I feel like it's too much to fit into a single movie and that the TV show had it much easier. I also think that this movie went with a too exotic art/clothing style. Anyway, I like the main theme song :)

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Once Upon a Snowman

Not as good as the other ones but it had fun moments and I liked how it showed scenes from the first Frozen though Olaf's perspective. It just didn't have as much heart and Olaf wasn't that charming yet.

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