

Birmingham, UK

From Russia with Love

When considering places to visit, the set locations from Bond films are always a hood place to start.

I have to get to see those underground waterways built by the Romans. Awesome.

This film is superb, great characters and story with a shock opening!

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Dr. No

I can’t say how many tones I may have watched this movie.

This time, it’s presented from Blu-ray and seems to take in a visual appearance better than ever

I still think Dr No should have played a bigger part and should have had time to terrorise a little more

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x17 Sins of the Father

Shout by Simon

Not sure I understand what's happened to Worf; looks bad.. People turned their back on him. Powerful! Yeah, sarcasm....

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x13 Déjà Q

I really don't like these Q episodes

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x08 The Price

Ferengi don't not have the best reputation do they. Seems two of them were destined to be lost forever in a tiny pod. That wouldn't be any fun. 70,000 light years away. People should listen to Geordie!!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x03 The Survivors

Shout by Simon

Not a guy to get on the wrong side of; one thought to wipe out a species! Pretty aggressive.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x02 The Ensigns of Command

Thinking outside the box there from Data. Sometimes you just have to get nasty!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x21 Peak Performance

Data busted him up! LOL

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x20 The Emissary

Interesting solution for the problem there, well done Worf. Klingons sure are complex!

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The Golden Girls: 2x23 Son-In-Law Dearest

Rose Nylund: Do you want to watch I Like Lucy with us?
Blanche Devereaux: I Love Lucy.
Rose Nylund: I haven't seen it yet so I don't know how I feel about it.

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The Golden Girls: 2x14 The Actor

Rose: I feel so common, so cheap... so used. How do you usually deal with that Blanche?
Blanche: ...Rose, just for that I'm going to flush the toilet tonight while your taking a shower.

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The Golden Girls: 2x11 'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas

Dorothy: Whoa!
Blanche: September?
Dorothy: Yep!
Sophia: I'm surprised you were able to walk in October.

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The Golden Girls: 2x04 It's a Miserable Life

Dorothy: We're interested in arranging a funeral.
Mr. Pfeiffer: Isn't that lovely, you're planning ahead for Mother.
Sophia: Hey, Pfeiffer, how would you like a punch in your pface?

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The Golden Girls: 1x21 Flu Attack

Blanche: You don't have to worry about me, I'm very healthy. I treat my body like a temple.
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.

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The Golden Girls: 1x20 Adult Education

Blanche: I asked my teacher for help like you all told me to, he said the only way I would get an A on his final is if I sleep with him.
Rose: No!
Blanche: Oh yes! I just don't know what to do!
Sophia: Get it in writing.

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The Golden Girls: 1x15 In a Bed of Rose's

Rose: I'm the kiss of death. It's the second time a man has died in my bed.
Blanche: The second time?
Rose: Dorothy knows.
Dorothy: Charlie.
Blanche: No! What exactly do you do in bed, Rose?
Rose: Nothing!
Blanche: Well maybe that's the problem, they have to do all the work.

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The Golden Girls: 1x10 Heart Attack

Blanche: Why are so many doctors Jewish?
Dr. Harris: Because their mothers are.

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The Golden Girls: 1x08 The Break-In

Rose: They were probably looking for drugs.
Dorothy: We have Maalox and estrogen. Now how many junkies have gas and hot flashes?

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The Golden Girls: 1x07 The Competition

Rose: I wonder why he looked you up after all this time?
Sophia: Are you kidding? He was crazy about me. I was the only girl in the village who didn't want to be a nun.

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The Golden Girls: 1x06 On Golden Girls

Rose: How is it possible to get pregnant in Sicily just by crossing the street?
Sophia: Cheap Chianti and Narrow streets.

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The Golden Girls: 1x05 The Triangle

Sophia: If that's the doctor, tell him I have no insurance and no money. If he still wants to come in, he just wants to see me naked.

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The Golden Girls: 1x01 The Engagement

Sophia: I never have that problem! Never! I sleep like a log! I never have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I go in the morning. Every morning, like clockwork, at 7am - I pee. Unfortunately I don't wake up 'till 8.

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24: 2x02 Day 2: 9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.

Who leaves a girl behind packing boxes and expects her to stay and wait.... Kim, come on!!

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24: 1x05 4:00 A.M.-5:00 A.M.

Ouch! There’s no such thing as kinda dead - let me show you!

I guess that’s the ultimate bad review from your employer, permanent dismissal

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24: 1x01 12:00 A.M.-1:00 A.M.

Beginning a mass re-watch of this iconic show - Episode one introduces our characters along with iconic ringtones. Plus, I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to dart one of my managers! High five jack!!

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Lost: 6x14 The Candidate

Now; what would have happened if Sawyer had listened to Jack - I think nothing would have happened, I believe he was right. Of course; you have to ask how the 'smoke' could have known how to set a bomb in that way using a typical wrist watch as a timer....

Poor Jin and Sun pay the price of that decision with others. I still can't see how this is going to end with only 4 episodes remaining

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Lost: 6x10 The Package

...another piece of the puzzle

So, Sun's Dad is attempting to bump Jin off; very elaborate plan, surely he could just have a word with his daughter and save the dramatics, money, contract killing...

What a horrid guy; worst father in the world

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Lost: 6x07 Dr. Linus

So; when it comes to alternatives of ourselves [if thats what these elements of the story are] we see that Ben can be better; good job Ben :)

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Lost: 6x06 Sundown

So, if John is looking to leave; why does he need to control the Temple? Let's hope the smoke doesn't get off island!

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Lost: 6x04 The Substitute

Sawyer, be careful!

Who would have guessed that everyones names would be etched like that; so what happens now. Clearly, whoever the 'smoke' is he should never be allowed to leave

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