

Birmingham, UK

The Lost City of Z

It seemed to me that this guy fathered children, disappeared at every opportunity and that somehow his wife managed to raise this children, alone and make a living. I guess part of his expedition monies must have gone to her, thats what it was.

For children who had never seen their father they were certainly open to embracing him and eventually going off on what certainly seems to be a trip to an early grave. As neither Percival nor Jack were ever seen again it's of course all open to guess work

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Point Break

Shout by Simon

| Justice has no limits

Breathtaking scenery can't compensate for the rest of the film which just isn't mildly believable.

An actor [ Max Thieriot ] I would have liked to have seen take a bigger part in the movie was dispensed with fairly early on.

I'm disappointed. The Keanu Reeves 'Point Break' was a good film, this is not.

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Steve Jobs

Solitary, bloody minded, egotistical and generally it seems a fairly disliked man. Should any of this come as a surprise?

I would have imagined that the focus required to deliver the Apple products and services over the years certainly would require a certain type of mindset.

Whatever you may think of Steve Jobs there's no denying his legacy and the contribution he has made to almost every person and life currently living.

Taken too soon; who knows what a difference he might have made

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Crimson Peak

A deliciously 'visual' movie as Guillermo del Toro movies usually are. Quite brutal in places, obscenely so at times, particularly the bathroom murder! I've thought about and I still don't understand the significance of the red clay?

Watching to the conclusion I can't help but want to know what happened to Edith and Alan....

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All Quiet on the Western Front

If this film were made today, it would be much more violent and perhaps closer to the reality. I continue to hope the world has learnt lessons from the 1st and 2nd World Wars; some days you might think it hasn't!

On the one hand I was thinking damn that bird for charming Paul, who, in a moment of joy is gunned down. Whilst on the other hand I am thinking it was quite likely for the best, it seems he would not have easily handled integration into civilian life again - as his short visit home seemed to show.

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Storyline is a little flat, no much really happens, BUT, the special effects team have done an awesome job; very cool!

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Before I Go to Sleep

"You had an accident. It was a bad accident. You had head injuries. And you have problems remembering things."

How awful, to find that a whole chunk of your memory is wiped each night, you have to wonder at what type of injury could achieve such a thing.

We don't really find any of that out; what we do see is the unravelling of a web of deceit and a woman with a chequered past, well played by Kidman and Firth but I did find my attention wandering; it's not until the last 15 minutes we have any real action or urgency.

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If nothing else this movie provides a tour/education around the internals of a modern plane.

One mothers insistence her child is alive against all evidence to persuade her otherwise. I believed her, then I doubted her. I love a bit of misdirection

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Pitt and Jolie; what a team, what a marriage!

"Oh, and, we've remodelled the house!"

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Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Why do I feel like 130+ minutes of nothing just unravelled in front of my eyes? The characters don’t seem to have achieved anything.

On the plus side the journey of the characters through the destroyed cityscape was incredible; the teams involved in creating that achieved brilliance

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Knock Knock

Oh wow! For me, it's just bad bad bad

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The Intern

Shout by Simon

"You're never wrong for doing the right thing…”

Well, this wasn’t what I thought it would be, and for me, thats a bad thing. I wanted more substance, instead it was all a bit insipid and a little dull.

Retiree finds he needs a job, is employed by an Internet startup by a businesswoman who (initially) neither wants or likes him.

Of course Ben (De Niro) works his magic and before long he is her best friend, life of course always works this way.

I’m not at all clear on that ending though; does life work itself out if you exercise in the park?

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Terminator Genisys

Shout by Simon

Everyone is back, slightly different than before. The timeline is the same but different. A great action movie, enjoyable and open for another continuation should they decide to do so. It's maybe slightly worrying that Genesis/Cyberdyn/SkyNet have certain parallels to modern day developments; are we on this road to Judgement day

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The Maze Runner

Yeah, not a bad movie. The dialogue and approach of the characters was just a little silly I think. Years they have been there and not until Thomas arrives do they see anything 'happening' with heir daily lives. Shown a possible 'out' the community that was once happy to accept their position in life and the rules of the game suddenly put all their energies behind Thomas' vision. I don't buy it!

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The Poseidon Adventure

Shout by Simon

While the newer remake is undoubtedly more dramatic and realistic, this film has something. The final moments are a little disappointing, to have made the journey that far and then fall. Most 'unbelievable' was the self sacrifice of the priest; I would have thought he would at least try to save himself for the benefit of the group

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The Ice Road

Shout by Simon

This was an OK movie and far above the quality that has been available to watch over the last 12 months. Plot holes by the bucket load and never was there a more insipid villain in the guise of the insurance underwriter.... what did happen to him in the end? Something gruesome I hope; perhaps that was a cut scene.

I feel there was a missed opportunity with the Ice Road itself, more suspense, more drama. Goldenrod was a bit of a twit really wasn't he... supposedly experienced but actually not so much. The best prop has to be the bobbleheads; every vehicle should have one!

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Great movie from Apple here. I hope it serves as a changing point for some people points of view, prejudices and lifestyle choices.

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The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart

I was lucky enough to see the Bee Gees in concert in Birmingham, UK in the early ‘90s. One of the best concert experiences of my life.

I believe this film is testament to the view that life is truly what you make of it. 3 brothers who had a vision, a belief and worked to make that happen. So inspirational.

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Shout by Simon

Watching now, this movie remains fairly up to date although the futuristic ‘clans’ seem to have advanced technology coupled with outdated [1980’s] approaches which clash a little.

I have to feel sorry for the worms being used as battle machines and what kind of brother sends a little sister. Into the lions den like that !

Entertaining if confusing at times. Lock-in forward to seeing the new spin on this due shortly

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Shout by Simon

The family survived to face a new world.

These end of the world scenarios are all of a type, despite this there was some built in suspense here. Interest was largely held for the full runtime with a few silly moments thrown in; such as the desperate mother and sun hunt tent by tent....

On balance very entertaining.

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Throw Momma from the Train

Shout by Simon

Could they make this movie today? “Watch this Beth, have you ever seen a Weeble snorkel?”

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Shout by Simon

Superheroes in another sense; I liked but didn't love the movie. The highlight is McAvoy who gives a masterclass in acting, playing more characters than the total of the other cast!

Quality ending although a little sad; not everything in life ends with a smile

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Shout by Simon

A very effective film. It’s a good reason if anyone ever needed one to not buy dolls. I can’t for the life of me understand why she wanted such a patently ugly thing in the first place.

I know there would be no movie without it but I always end up shouting ‘Move out!!’ I mean. Why stay when all that’s going on. I’d be long gone. :exploding_head:

I think the most scary scene was the lift that wouldn’t move, always opening at the basement and then the climb up the stairs being chased. You’d have a heart attack!

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Shout by Simon

I think here they struggled to really illustrate the passage of time somehow; it didn't feel like he had spent 5yrs in confinement. I know it was terrible conditions and yes he was wrongly imprisoned for murder, but, he was a well known thief; so it seems - just saying!

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The Equalizer 2

Shout by Simon

Yeah it's good. Pacing is slow. Maybe not enough action, though, what you do get is very well done and concieved.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Shout by Simon

This is a classic; it's a bit of a long one though, so it's a 2 part watch :)

I've watched this a few times; it never ceases to surprise me how the forces of darkness can cover so much ground, whilst the saviors seem to be caught at every turn

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The Meg

Shout by Simon

I enjoyed this, if you want a fun 2hrs, nothing serious.

Meg looks kinda real and believable I guess, action is predictable but then thats not really what this movie is about. It must be comedy too, I was laughing as much as shocked!

Statham just has to get his shirt off in any movie he's in, goodness knows how much time that guy spends in a gym or digesting steroids

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On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Shout by Simon

The biggest shame here, that Q is only seen as a invitee to the wedding and that there seems to be a complete lack of any gadgets

Great appearance by Joanna Lumley, I didn't recognise it as her but those vocal cords cannot lie :)

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You Only Live Twice

Shout by Simon

Most things were squeezed into this film. Fight scenes, car chases, rockets, space, mountains, sea's

Love Blofeld, great character but my goodness that poor cat did not like that explosion; he must have been scratched to pieces!!

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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Shout by Simon

So; this is an OK film, quite enjoyable if a little morose in some places. Abba songs are all incredible as always with guest on-screen appearances by Benny and Bjorn

For me, the film clicked into high gear upon the arrival of Ruby [Cher] - on-screen presence in spades and then some with a voice that showed the others for what they are, karaoke at best

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