

Birmingham, UK


Shout by Simon

I think here they struggled to really illustrate the passage of time somehow; it didn't feel like he had spent 5yrs in confinement. I know it was terrible conditions and yes he was wrongly imprisoned for murder, but, he was a well known thief; so it seems - just saying!

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The Equalizer 2

Shout by Simon

Yeah it's good. Pacing is slow. Maybe not enough action, though, what you do get is very well done and concieved.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Shout by Simon

This is a classic; it's a bit of a long one though, so it's a 2 part watch :)

I've watched this a few times; it never ceases to surprise me how the forces of darkness can cover so much ground, whilst the saviors seem to be caught at every turn

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The Meg

Shout by Simon

I enjoyed this, if you want a fun 2hrs, nothing serious.

Meg looks kinda real and believable I guess, action is predictable but then thats not really what this movie is about. It must be comedy too, I was laughing as much as shocked!

Statham just has to get his shirt off in any movie he's in, goodness knows how much time that guy spends in a gym or digesting steroids

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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Shout by Simon

So; this is an OK film, quite enjoyable if a little morose in some places. Abba songs are all incredible as always with guest on-screen appearances by Benny and Bjorn

For me, the film clicked into high gear upon the arrival of Ruby [Cher] - on-screen presence in spades and then some with a voice that showed the others for what they are, karaoke at best

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Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Shout by Simon

Seemed a little over long, I lost interest a few times. Predicable rescue and chase moments particularly the climatic ending

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They Go Boom!

Only L&H could get into so much grief with a sneeze

A superb demonstration as to why air beds are not good and why people with no common sense should not have gas supplies

Hilarious as always.

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The Hurricane Heist

Not so much dramatic as hilarious.

Some good moments and special effects with poor to hilariously bad scripting.

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Another Fine Mess

Shout by Simon

If you are going to impersonate someone, you have to be sure they won’t come back and find you!

Now; where was that billiards room??

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The Conjuring 2

Shout by Simon

This was a throughly entertaining movie; all the nicer that the focus was in the UK as opposed to some corner of the United States as is so often the case.

I personally hadn't ever heard of this particular happening, but, it does seem to truly be quite well known. Do I believe it; yeah, I do actually. It seems very convincing to me and I don't think they were making it up. Of course, this has had the 'film' treatment so many aspects are enhanced for entertainment sake.

Two of the oddest things to me. First, the family continued to live in that house during and worst of all after the event. I mean, come on! Secondly, the family lived in that house with a 2ft deep water pool in the cellar from a leak! Get out of here! I am on leaks of any type and they have to be solved; I wouldn't live above a lake!

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Shout by Simon

Good all around fun with very good visuals, some great ‘Hawaii’ backdrops and ... did I say fun?

Great job by the main cast portraying characters which were at poles with what you would generally expect

Fun. Enough said.

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Shout by Simon

I’m not sure I fully understood what the movie was trying to say

It seemed comical then serious with mixed messaging. The ultimate in poor communication between husband and wife though yeah! He gets reduced in size, she ditches and heads home with one eyebrow missing.

I enjoyed part of the movie, after a slow beginning the mid section was entertaining whilst the ending, well it’s odd!

Technically, a very well done movie; small looks believable . Personally it’s an interesting concept and it’s made to sound very appealing. Who wouldn’t be tempted by the offer of living a pampered existence usually well out of grasp.

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Blade Runner 2049

Shout by Simon

I probably shouldn’t have started to watch this film, with its long running time, when I was feeling tired. Especially with the dark scenes and often muted colours.

Yeah, it was OK. The best scenes saved for the final portion of the film.

Love the cityscape and the technical side which suggests great advances over current day. Of course, we are somewhat behind the curve; we won’t have ‘replicants’ by 2020 that’s for sure!!

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Barbra: The Music ... The Mem'ries ... The Magic!

I don’t want to be rude in any way at all....

I think Barbra would agree her voice is no longer what it once was, it just not as smooth, buttery and effortless. I was listening and almost expecting her voice to break/fail. It sort of had a dry throat hoarseness to it at times.

Great concert though, despite the above Barbra remains an accomplished and brilliant performer. Many of her most loved tunes were covered together with some new ones.

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Shout by Simon

What an odd film; I gave 6/10 which might be a little high actually - mainly for the nice shots of the Vegas skyline!

I'm confused to an extent; was he always undercover? I thought he was a dirty cop? Oh well, it all went badly wrong didn't it.

Film synopsis: shootout, chase, kidnapping, running around a bathroom and kitchen, chase, shootout, unsurprising double-cross, shootout, smiley glad-hand moment, open ending suggesting more corruption....

It would have been better if they built the profile of Down's better so that you understood him and his sacrifices; there wasn't really any characters to care about.

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Atomic Blonde

Shout by Simon

Charlize is brilliant in this role; love the story told in reverse direction and the superb soundtrack; it's one worth buying!

James McAvoy is an actor I am appreciating more and more; this roles are so diverse and he's so convincing in them all (that I have seen so far)

Remember, if you are in a fight and have no bullets in your gun a bradawl or corkscrew will be just as effective!

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Doctor Strange

Visually astounding.

An achievment for a totally unlikeable character to become likeable.

I need to see what happens next

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Shout by Simon

I approached this movie expecting nothing. I wanted a pure 'session of fun' and wasn't disappointed. If you don't take any of it seriously it's actually a funny movie with excellent special effects.

It really cheered up my weekend, exactly what I wanted.

Chris Hemsworth is for me the run away 'star' of the film, particularly when he is possessed; that was just class

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Leave the real world behind. Welcome to the high life

I hadn't read any reviews before watching this. I wish I had, I'd have given it a miss.

Very visual, totally weird or at least to me it was totally weird. Very artistically expressive

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Shout by Simon

Today, people take their 'Right to Vote' in such an unappreciative way, choosing all to often to say "I can't be bothered" or "My vote makes no difference"

Here we see the fight for women to obtain the vote based on a true story of a band of women. Women who wanted the vote, not to be political, but so that as (roughly 50% of the population) they had a say in their own lives

A great film then, largely, with the exception that the involvement of Meryl Streep was so fleeting it was hardly worth her being in the cast list. Seriously, not even 5 minutes. A rousing speech and she is gone. I think they could have used another actress or at least not made such a 'focal' of Meryl being in the movie, she didn't have opportunity to add much after all.

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The Hateful Eight

| No one to trust. Everyone to hate.

Head in the sand I didn't know this was a Tarantino film until it began. Yes, seriously.

Full of all the hallmarks of his films, so, yes there's blood everywhere! I really enjoyed the movie, who would I trust? Who has a motive for deception? Edge of the seat entertainment, brilliant scenery, massive soundtrack.

I'm just glad I wasn't passing by Minnie's Haberdashery

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In the Heart of the Sea

"Experience the true encounter that inspired the myth Moby Dick"

A voyage into the historical tragedy that was and to some extent remains 'Whaling'. It's horrendous to think this happened and even worse to think it still does today; sickening. Personally, I cheered for the white Whale, I had no feelings of sorrow in regards the crew, whatever happens they deserved it... so be it!

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Shout by Simon

Max Rockatansky: Max. My name is Max. That's my name.

Late to watch this, but, im not sure I see the mass appeal.

Visually stunning but for me that's where it ends, the story is quite weak and the dialogue even weaker.

Totally enjoyable though as we await the next big explosion or crazy looking mutant. One viewing is enough, I wouldn't watch it again.

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Bridge of Spies

"I'm not afraid to die, Mr. Donovan. Although, it wouldn't be my first choice."

Inspiring stuff. With all the hatred and suspicion in the world it's nice to see some people are just 'good people'

Material like this based on true events is always inspiring to me. Many owe their lives and freedom to Mr Donovan

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Shout by Simon

One actor. Two roles. Tom Hardy is brilliant as both Kray twins with a stellar performance

Crime and corruption are a tale as old as time itself. Eventually even the most unassailable of societies figures will tumble. As shown here, one mistake - a failed murder - was all it took to loosen the tongue of a trusted gang member. 

This film serves as a window into the past with a convincing portrait of life in '60s East End London.  When not watching the Krays in action you can marvel at the cars, clothing, music and buildings of the day. 

A few inconsistencies in the facts {although this isn't supposed to be a truthful film...}; although Ronnie states he is Homosexual in the film, he is known to be Bisexual - and - it was also apparently disclosed by Reggie himself that France's death was not in fact suicide but by the hands of his jealous brother.

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Shout by Simon

Watchable if bizzare story of a family who unfortunately seem to have more than their fair share of trouble.

Unless I missed it there doesn't seem to be a concrete conclusion as to where the daughter has gone; Australia being such a huge place the answer is unfortunately - anywhere

Nicole Kidman certainly keeps your focus despite (as a character) some quite questionable choices. What's wrong with her indeed!!

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Avengers: Age of Ultron

Action, Romance, Special Effects, did I say Action? 2Hrs+ of fun - Great movie

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Child 44

Shout by Simon

Not what I was expecting, the pace in parts was a little slow and the events hard to follow; ultimately I enjoyed the movie but I'm mystified as to why they felt they had to inject a Homosexuality subtext; that seemed to have no real reason for being included, other than showing law enforcement stopped at nothing to kill a few innocents.

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Shout by Simon

On entrance to this movie I knew nothing of Ant-man. I did very much enjoy this movie. The hero and bad guy elements, the jokes... yep it all came together well.

The special effects team worked well to get the miniaturisation in this film to look totally real, the succeeded from what I could see on every level, but it human, animal, insect, furniture or mother earth.

I'm only slightly sad the hero had no super power as such, just an awesome suit!

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