

Birmingham, UK

The Hurricane Heist

Not so much dramatic as hilarious.

Some good moments and special effects with poor to hilariously bad scripting.

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Another Fine Mess

Shout by Simon

If you are going to impersonate someone, you have to be sure they won’t come back and find you!

Now; where was that billiards room??

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Them Thar Hills

Pom Pom!

Classic tale of a man who travels to the mountains to solve a problem with gout. Does that even work? LOL

Well, it certainly didn’t work here not with Stan giving a helping hand.

“Is there anyone there?”
“Yes! Me! You see I was....”

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The Conjuring 2

Shout by Simon

This was a throughly entertaining movie; all the nicer that the focus was in the UK as opposed to some corner of the United States as is so often the case.

I personally hadn't ever heard of this particular happening, but, it does seem to truly be quite well known. Do I believe it; yeah, I do actually. It seems very convincing to me and I don't think they were making it up. Of course, this has had the 'film' treatment so many aspects are enhanced for entertainment sake.

Two of the oddest things to me. First, the family continued to live in that house during and worst of all after the event. I mean, come on! Secondly, the family lived in that house with a 2ft deep water pool in the cellar from a leak! Get out of here! I am on leaks of any type and they have to be solved; I wouldn't live above a lake!

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Shout by Simon

Good all around fun with very good visuals, some great ‘Hawaii’ backdrops and ... did I say fun?

Great job by the main cast portraying characters which were at poles with what you would generally expect

Fun. Enough said.

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Shout by Simon

I’m not sure I fully understood what the movie was trying to say

It seemed comical then serious with mixed messaging. The ultimate in poor communication between husband and wife though yeah! He gets reduced in size, she ditches and heads home with one eyebrow missing.

I enjoyed part of the movie, after a slow beginning the mid section was entertaining whilst the ending, well it’s odd!

Technically, a very well done movie; small looks believable . Personally it’s an interesting concept and it’s made to sound very appealing. Who wouldn’t be tempted by the offer of living a pampered existence usually well out of grasp.

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Blade Runner 2049

Shout by Simon

I probably shouldn’t have started to watch this film, with its long running time, when I was feeling tired. Especially with the dark scenes and often muted colours.

Yeah, it was OK. The best scenes saved for the final portion of the film.

Love the cityscape and the technical side which suggests great advances over current day. Of course, we are somewhat behind the curve; we won’t have ‘replicants’ by 2020 that’s for sure!!

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Justice League

Shout by Simon

Did I enjoy watching this. Hell yeah!! Fun. Great fun.

I think that’s all it’s meant to be and it delivered.

Aqua man & Wonder Woman kinda stole the limelight until Superman pitches in...

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Humerus if expectantly weird (it is a Coen Brother’s movie) view of suburban life. What lies behind the keyhole is not all that you expect.

A very topical view of just how dark people can be be it with strangers, work colleagues, neighbours and family. For some people all they truly care about is themselves.

I just want to ask; who the heck was driving that fire truck!? LOL

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Murder on the Orient Express

Agatha Christie is just simply brilliant! As I began watching this movie for the second time [before watching the 2017 version] I didn't remember the outcome.... I did remember after about 20 mins, but, I won't spoil the surprise here :)

I love the way as each character is interviewed the cry comes "He did it!" or "She did it!" and as the viewer you are thinking, yes, they could have... did they?

Never was there a film with so star studded a cast

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Barbra: The Music ... The Mem'ries ... The Magic!

I don’t want to be rude in any way at all....

I think Barbra would agree her voice is no longer what it once was, it just not as smooth, buttery and effortless. I was listening and almost expecting her voice to break/fail. It sort of had a dry throat hoarseness to it at times.

Great concert though, despite the above Barbra remains an accomplished and brilliant performer. Many of her most loved tunes were covered together with some new ones.

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Shout by Simon

What an odd film; I gave 6/10 which might be a little high actually - mainly for the nice shots of the Vegas skyline!

I'm confused to an extent; was he always undercover? I thought he was a dirty cop? Oh well, it all went badly wrong didn't it.

Film synopsis: shootout, chase, kidnapping, running around a bathroom and kitchen, chase, shootout, unsurprising double-cross, shootout, smiley glad-hand moment, open ending suggesting more corruption....

It would have been better if they built the profile of Down's better so that you understood him and his sacrifices; there wasn't really any characters to care about.

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I haven't seen the original mini series although I do have it to watch - from other comments this does seem to be the better option

This is also Part 1, with a second part in a couple of years. I haven't read the original SK story either so I approached this fresh with no prior view.

Loved the movie; great characters with an unusually high mortality rate amongst children and deviant population amongst the adults; seems as though the school and the town are absolutely places to avoid. I think we've all seen school bullies but how many of them carve their name into the abdomen of a chunky child? Sick.

Right from the first scene with Pennywise and Georgie with his boat I was hooked on the story, recommended viewing I'd say for anyone who likes a bit of a scare

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The Lost City of Z

It seemed to me that this guy fathered children, disappeared at every opportunity and that somehow his wife managed to raise this children, alone and make a living. I guess part of his expedition monies must have gone to her, thats what it was.

For children who had never seen their father they were certainly open to embracing him and eventually going off on what certainly seems to be a trip to an early grave. As neither Percival nor Jack were ever seen again it's of course all open to guess work

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Atomic Blonde

Shout by Simon

Charlize is brilliant in this role; love the story told in reverse direction and the superb soundtrack; it's one worth buying!

James McAvoy is an actor I am appreciating more and more; this roles are so diverse and he's so convincing in them all (that I have seen so far)

Remember, if you are in a fight and have no bullets in your gun a bradawl or corkscrew will be just as effective!

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Doctor Strange

Visually astounding.

An achievment for a totally unlikeable character to become likeable.

I need to see what happens next

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Star Trek Beyond

Characters, special effects... brilliant! I love 'trek' but I can't believe non-tekkies wouldn't love this too

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Shout by Simon

I approached this movie expecting nothing. I wanted a pure 'session of fun' and wasn't disappointed. If you don't take any of it seriously it's actually a funny movie with excellent special effects.

It really cheered up my weekend, exactly what I wanted.

Chris Hemsworth is for me the run away 'star' of the film, particularly when he is possessed; that was just class

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Leave the real world behind. Welcome to the high life

I hadn't read any reviews before watching this. I wish I had, I'd have given it a miss.

Very visual, totally weird or at least to me it was totally weird. Very artistically expressive

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Carry On Matron

Who doesn't like a "Carry On...", this time we are transported to the maternity hospital.

Some classic one liners and scenes in this film, particularly with Hattie.

The laughs come thick and fast as the hospital is being set-up to be robbed, but, the robbers don't expect a mass of pre and post expectant women to chase them from room to room, especially in the case of Wendy Richards, a character who having departed with one baby in the opening scenes just seems to be staying on as a guest... she's first through the doors to chase the robbers towards the climax of the movie!

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Shout by Simon

| This bat vigilante... He's like a one man reign of terror.

If you want action. If you want special effects. If you want several superheroes in one move, this is the movie for you.

I actually really enjoyed this movie, I personally wasn’t sold on the super Kryptonian alien but it certainly gave everyone a work out!

I love in these modern movies they give Superman more of an entry/exit sound, a nice solid thud and a very definite whoosh as he departs - and - in this film even a very solid chest sound as he’s hit (in jest) by one of the other cast. No flabbiness allowed here!

For me, perhaps, the runaway character was the mysterious Diana Prince.

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Shout by Simon

Today, people take their 'Right to Vote' in such an unappreciative way, choosing all to often to say "I can't be bothered" or "My vote makes no difference"

Here we see the fight for women to obtain the vote based on a true story of a band of women. Women who wanted the vote, not to be political, but so that as (roughly 50% of the population) they had a say in their own lives

A great film then, largely, with the exception that the involvement of Meryl Streep was so fleeting it was hardly worth her being in the cast list. Seriously, not even 5 minutes. A rousing speech and she is gone. I think they could have used another actress or at least not made such a 'focal' of Meryl being in the movie, she didn't have opportunity to add much after all.

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Top marks for the special effects. I heaven't read the books but I do find the storyline confusing... I didn't understand the events of the ceremony at the end. Truthfully I only watched this because I had seen the others in the series but I'm left wishing I hadn't started. My personal grade of 6/10 is a reflection of the special effects rather than any other aspect of the film

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Point Break

Shout by Simon

| Justice has no limits

Breathtaking scenery can't compensate for the rest of the film which just isn't mildly believable.

An actor [ Max Thieriot ] I would have liked to have seen take a bigger part in the movie was dispensed with fairly early on.

I'm disappointed. The Keanu Reeves 'Point Break' was a good film, this is not.

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The Hateful Eight

| No one to trust. Everyone to hate.

Head in the sand I didn't know this was a Tarantino film until it began. Yes, seriously.

Full of all the hallmarks of his films, so, yes there's blood everywhere! I really enjoyed the movie, who would I trust? Who has a motive for deception? Edge of the seat entertainment, brilliant scenery, massive soundtrack.

I'm just glad I wasn't passing by Minnie's Haberdashery

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In the Heart of the Sea

"Experience the true encounter that inspired the myth Moby Dick"

A voyage into the historical tragedy that was and to some extent remains 'Whaling'. It's horrendous to think this happened and even worse to think it still does today; sickening. Personally, I cheered for the white Whale, I had no feelings of sorrow in regards the crew, whatever happens they deserved it... so be it!

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Black Mass

Shout by Simon

While factual movies are always interesting, this particular one failed to hold my attention despite a veritable who's who of acting talent

Depp is great in his role, I confess the makeup is so good you can barely tell its him!

If it has no other accolade, it probably does hold one for the most prolific use of the 'f' word!

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Steve Jobs

Solitary, bloody minded, egotistical and generally it seems a fairly disliked man. Should any of this come as a surprise?

I would have imagined that the focus required to deliver the Apple products and services over the years certainly would require a certain type of mindset.

Whatever you may think of Steve Jobs there's no denying his legacy and the contribution he has made to almost every person and life currently living.

Taken too soon; who knows what a difference he might have made

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Crimson Peak

A deliciously 'visual' movie as Guillermo del Toro movies usually are. Quite brutal in places, obscenely so at times, particularly the bathroom murder! I've thought about and I still don't understand the significance of the red clay?

Watching to the conclusion I can't help but want to know what happened to Edith and Alan....

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All Quiet on the Western Front

If this film were made today, it would be much more violent and perhaps closer to the reality. I continue to hope the world has learnt lessons from the 1st and 2nd World Wars; some days you might think it hasn't!

On the one hand I was thinking damn that bird for charming Paul, who, in a moment of joy is gunned down. Whilst on the other hand I am thinking it was quite likely for the best, it seems he would not have easily handled integration into civilian life again - as his short visit home seemed to show.

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