

Birmingham, UK


I'm not sure there was anything here maybe that hasn't been covered before. I often think that news people in modern times are ruthless beyond belief but actually when you watch historical footage like this you realise they have always been just as despicable.

Even if there wasn't much (if any) fresh discussion here it's still a wonderful celebration of a person battling the odds to become one of the most successful and well loved people in my lifetime.

Believe it Tina, you are The Best!

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The 1960's, a time when east and west didn't get on; not much different to now really! Loved the comedy in this, it makes the movie. When it ended, I was honestly surprised, I was waiting for the next scene... sequel please!

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Profound! I enjoyed this movie when it was released and enjoyed it again tonight. Interesting if slightly 'creepy' topic of substitute robotic children. Probably more sinister to be honest is the fact that humans cease to exist by the ending. The cast are great and 14 years on now from it's release the CGI stands the test of time; my DVD's print quality does not :(

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Sex Tape

'Siri, How do you perform CPR on a dog?'

'I found 4 places named Starbucks!'

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Murder on the Orient Express

Agatha Christie is just simply brilliant! As I began watching this movie for the second time [before watching the 2017 version] I didn't remember the outcome.... I did remember after about 20 mins, but, I won't spoil the surprise here :)

I love the way as each character is interviewed the cry comes "He did it!" or "She did it!" and as the viewer you are thinking, yes, they could have... did they?

Never was there a film with so star studded a cast

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Monkey Kingdom

Music and narration aside, which was a little unneeded in places, the filming of these animals in their habitat is breathtaking; it's a must see!

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Green Zone

"It is not for you to decide what happens here.”

A situation often talked about, but, how close to the truth is this?

Explosive and thought provoking journal of some of the events in the Iraq war. We sit at home so disconnected from the reality of whats happening the truth being frankly disturbing.

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From Russia with Love

When considering places to visit, the set locations from Bond films are always a hood place to start.

I have to get to see those underground waterways built by the Romans. Awesome.

This film is superb, great characters and story with a shock opening!

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Dr. No

I can’t say how many tones I may have watched this movie.

This time, it’s presented from Blu-ray and seems to take in a visual appearance better than ever

I still think Dr No should have played a bigger part and should have had time to terrorise a little more

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Top marks for the special effects. I heaven't read the books but I do find the storyline confusing... I didn't understand the events of the ceremony at the end. Truthfully I only watched this because I had seen the others in the series but I'm left wishing I hadn't started. My personal grade of 6/10 is a reflection of the special effects rather than any other aspect of the film

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The Book of Life

An animation spectacular, in term of general creativity and imagination; funny shaped people/animals and a carnival of colour. Suitable for all the family

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The Woman in the Window

Probably one of the best movies I have seen this last 12 months. Haven't read the book, the movie holds attention, the last section much faster paced and surprising actually.

Can I just say... love Brownstones!

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Incredibles 2

Really enjoyable move that is not so much a sequel as a whole new movie in it's won right to be fair - plus, it sets the scene for a third instalment

Great animation, pretty good plot if a little predictable and with character development, what is not to like. Love the jokes and the 'incredimobile' is of particular note - and - what would the movie be without Edna, loveable and brilliant as ever

So nearly a 9 but settled on 8/10

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Live and Let Die

Would this movie be made today; probably not, not in the same way anyway. Far too many cultural and political hot potato elements.

For me, watching this today for probably the 20th time, I find the New York backdrop of the early 70's more interesting following a recent visit there; it's wonderful to see how the place has been regenerated. I should have gone to see 33 65th street; but didn't

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Who could fail to love Goldfinger (the movie that is). I feel they had fun with this movie

The first time any real gadgets have been seen, if you discount the pretty lame suitcase given to 007 in his last outing; here we get a car [iconic] with a few useful options added by Q and the first real henchman in Oddjob

Powerful music, great acting, wonderful scenery, gadets, this film has it all in spades

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A really enjoyable movie to very likely close out 2020 from my movie list.

Superb animation as always, superb thought and detail in the scenes. The star of the film... the cat! Love the cat - the poise and balance an overweight feline can have on a slim shoulder... wow

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The Midnight Sky

On the edge of being too fringe for me.

Predictable story which didn't seem to explain anything, unless I missed it, about why the Earth was damaged and Billions had perished. perhaps I dozed off for that bit of the dialogue [sorry!]

Very scenic film with what is I guess a positive ending - already slow moving, but, it would have been nice to see that they made their second journey successfully; I guess that would have required a film the length of Cleopatra!

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Story was forumlaic, but entertaining all the same. The now usual on-topic message about the destruction we as the human race have unleashed on our world and particularly our oceans; totally true and I really hope that we can turn the corner and reverse some of this damage. In some ways; it would be kind of nice actually if somone there in the ocean did throw all our rubbish back out at us!!

The visuals in this movie are simply stunning, superb creativity and exxcellent delivery.

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The Man with the Golden Gun

This is an enjoyable fun movie, not really the most sinister of plots as such; a hitman kind of stumbles on a plan to hold the world hostage for solar power - very very topical at the time it was made. The inclusion of the sunken ship, also very topical at the time it was made.

Moore is more whimsical then previously, whilst his Bond Girl [can we say that in metoo times] is pretty useless on any level; she berates him for suggesting she be a one night stand and then immediately changes her mind

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Be Big!

Be Big boys!!

Told by friends and wives to Be Big the hapless two simply need to get ready for a trip out only to be stopped by a stuck boot.

How much fun can you get out of a boot. Swathes if laugh out loud moments that’s how much.

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Them Thar Hills

Pom Pom!

Classic tale of a man who travels to the mountains to solve a problem with gout. Does that even work? LOL

Well, it certainly didn’t work here not with Stan giving a helping hand.

“Is there anyone there?”
“Yes! Me! You see I was....”

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Humerus if expectantly weird (it is a Coen Brother’s movie) view of suburban life. What lies behind the keyhole is not all that you expect.

A very topical view of just how dark people can be be it with strangers, work colleagues, neighbours and family. For some people all they truly care about is themselves.

I just want to ask; who the heck was driving that fire truck!? LOL

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The Lost City of Z

It seemed to me that this guy fathered children, disappeared at every opportunity and that somehow his wife managed to raise this children, alone and make a living. I guess part of his expedition monies must have gone to her, thats what it was.

For children who had never seen their father they were certainly open to embracing him and eventually going off on what certainly seems to be a trip to an early grave. As neither Percival nor Jack were ever seen again it's of course all open to guess work

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Steve Jobs

Solitary, bloody minded, egotistical and generally it seems a fairly disliked man. Should any of this come as a surprise?

I would have imagined that the focus required to deliver the Apple products and services over the years certainly would require a certain type of mindset.

Whatever you may think of Steve Jobs there's no denying his legacy and the contribution he has made to almost every person and life currently living.

Taken too soon; who knows what a difference he might have made

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Crimson Peak

A deliciously 'visual' movie as Guillermo del Toro movies usually are. Quite brutal in places, obscenely so at times, particularly the bathroom murder! I've thought about and I still don't understand the significance of the red clay?

Watching to the conclusion I can't help but want to know what happened to Edith and Alan....

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All Quiet on the Western Front

If this film were made today, it would be much more violent and perhaps closer to the reality. I continue to hope the world has learnt lessons from the 1st and 2nd World Wars; some days you might think it hasn't!

On the one hand I was thinking damn that bird for charming Paul, who, in a moment of joy is gunned down. Whilst on the other hand I am thinking it was quite likely for the best, it seems he would not have easily handled integration into civilian life again - as his short visit home seemed to show.

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Storyline is a little flat, no much really happens, BUT, the special effects team have done an awesome job; very cool!

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Before I Go to Sleep

"You had an accident. It was a bad accident. You had head injuries. And you have problems remembering things."

How awful, to find that a whole chunk of your memory is wiped each night, you have to wonder at what type of injury could achieve such a thing.

We don't really find any of that out; what we do see is the unravelling of a web of deceit and a woman with a chequered past, well played by Kidman and Firth but I did find my attention wandering; it's not until the last 15 minutes we have any real action or urgency.

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If nothing else this movie provides a tour/education around the internals of a modern plane.

One mothers insistence her child is alive against all evidence to persuade her otherwise. I believed her, then I doubted her. I love a bit of misdirection

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Pitt and Jolie; what a team, what a marriage!

"Oh, and, we've remodelled the house!"

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