


Dororo: 1x24 Dororo and Hyakkimaru

Reply by Elie

Solid ending. Nothing too amazing but it was pretty good nonetheless. The show overall was pretty solid. The start of the show was fantastic but it kind of lost steam from there on. It definitely had some slow parts and got off track a bit in the second cour, but it finished up relatively strong enough. Not sure that it ever lived up to the massive hype that was behind it early on. Too bad we never got that perfect Dororo x Hyakkimaru ending. Other than for this tiny glimpse of "grownup" Dororo...


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I fully agree. It did lose steam at places but the final few episodes were worth it

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Reply by Elie

Great anime, superb manga, the 97 anime is something special, and its ending leaves me emotionally scarred but in a good way.

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How do you continue the story after the ending

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Black Mirror: 2x03 The Waldo Moment

I dont understand why this episode was such a flop with the majority; I thought it was right on point, actually, then and especially now.

It's a strong critique on how systems work now and that the "system" just allocates someone based on popular demand, and nothing else.

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Yes it might have been executed a bit better imo

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The English dub is pretty bad. Much more enjoyable with the original Korean and subtitles.

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Never watch the dub.. Use subtitles

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One of the best satire work on theism and meaning of life!

The series is great as a thriller but I enjoyed it more by watching it through the lens of satire and allegory.

Let me explain it. Theme Spoiler alert!

• We know from history how religion works. Every religion born with the philosophy of some divine being and then a whole hierarchy develops to nourish and flourish the religion. And sooner or later the place of rationality is taken by belief.

•Humans always had a fear for the things which they can't understand. The religious bodies know this and thus come the concept of 'God fear' which ultimately results in stories of hell and heaven.

•It is also interesting to see how religions use fanatic groups to shut the voices of reason and rational thinking. And many times we see how these fanatic groups just go on their own paths of death and destruction.

•Right to die with dignity is equally important as right to live with dignity.

•What is the meaning of life?
To do everything in our capability to save our loved ones. I remember a photo of the pandemic, where a man was unable to get oxygen and he was dying. His wife performed a part of CPR knowingly that she can get the infection.

The series is great and the ending signals for a second season. Maybe, they will explain the whole monster thing but we all know who is the real monster!

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Great interpretation there my fried. I really enjoyed reading it.

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Reply by wpafbo79

Could not finish watching the first episode.

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@bastou the first episode is bad, but it may be worth giving it another go. The series gets much better.

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I fully agree. It is quite worth the ride

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

Reply by Elie
BlockedParent2021-09-26T11:15:57Z— updated 2021-10-18T06:27:43Z

I'm a quite sensitive watcher so you can imagine how much I cried during this episode. Like a baby. So sad yet brilliant!

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Yeah I believe I'm that sensitive too.. One of the hardest episodes to watch

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

This was a really hard episode to watch. Pulled at every single emotional string in your soul. The ending, was beautifully done, but wow, crying like a baby.

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You are not alone trust me

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

This episode wrecked me emotionally.

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I can concur, one of the hardest TV show episodes to watch

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Reply by Elie


Review by Bogex
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-11-04T20:14:07Z— updated 2019-12-21T12:00:56Z

Thoughts while watching the movie:
- (Didn't take a look at the actors beforehand) First visible moment of the movie: "KANG HA-NEUL!" Omg, I love this actor so much.
- I almost never even flinch at jumpscares, only really rarely (thanks to Pewdiepie for making me almost immune xD), but that woman got me at the kinda beginning.
- Okay, this hyung either has a multiple personality disorder or he's living a double life, OR perhaps it really is all in dearest Kang Ha-neul's (Jin-seok's) head. That jumpscare woman definitely is, but idk about the hyung. Not wearing/needing his glasses, the limp disappearing, smoking, swearing...
- Either I didn't pay close attention (though I rewinded that part) or the hyung listed the taxi too at their fight even though Jin-seok didn't mention that to him. Hmm... [HA, I KNEW IT!]
- Okay, well, something is still wrong with Jin-seok too because he keeps seeing these weird dreams and hearing noises from that locked room. And I don't think that these have to do anything with Yu-seok (or "Yu-seok"), only if it's his torture room or something. :'D
- Ooooh, mom is in it too! Or, again, it's all in Jin-seok's head.
- Lol, "Mr. Park"? "Mr. Choi"? Are they doing some sick experiment on Jin-seok? Come to think of it, that mover guy even asked Jin-seok if Yu-seok is really his brother (Jin-seok laughing it off with an "I know we don't look alike" comment). HMM... At this point I'm not even sure if the medicine they give Jin-seok is really an anti-anxiety medicine. [Hehe, call me detective. xD] He first followed his hyung when he forgot to take it, so... :thinking:
- I love that last time when Jin-seok stepped out after 12:30 AM, there were quite a few people, but when it's a chase where he would be in need of someone outsider, there's literally no one on the streets. :'D
- OH, SNAP. So I still bet either on the sick experiment or the brainf*ck. His "family" propped the house full of older stuff, they used flip phones, he even had a Discman... but how could he not notice all the modern sh*t when he stepped outside? Only when he went in the police station? And he never looked in a mirror before to not notice his age? Eh, maybe it is his mind playing games with him, not actual people.
- Wow. The plot is becoming too wow.
- Uhm... yeah. No wonder why did he erase that period from his memories.
- I don't get why did Jin-seok lie and protect that scum doctor, but I'm glad that the hyung (well, now dongsaeng, I guess) didn't believe it.

Sooo... I came to watch a thriller and be spooked, but that only worked for about 1 hour of the movie, the other (almost) half just made me sad. The ending was disappointing for me; I was hoping for something more of an experiment or hallucinations (like I tried to guess above), but at least it answered the first half of the movie.
So let's see what we got instead. A car accident, a broke and desperate survivor, a likewise broke and desperate father, an unfortunate accident, an unfortunate following semi-accident, a quarrel leading to a fatal accident... then, 20 years later, a sick interrogation method, and finally a double suicide.

And all I wanted was some spooks.

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Great review and well said. I'm usually immune to jump scares but yes that woman really got me :)

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x04 Snow in the Desert

Omgawd this was beautiful! Pure perfection!

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It was mind blowing work. One of my favorite LDR episodes

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Fear Street: 1994

Reply by Elie

What Works:

My favorite slasher/ horror movie of all time is Scream and this movie feels like a love-letter to Scream. There are a couple of scenes that are shot in the same manner, especially the opening sequence, but Fear Street puts its own spin on things. That's true of the entire movie. It definitely shows respect and admiration to what came before, but is willing to be it's own movie, which is the best of both worlds.
I didn't know this movie was rated R going in, so I was caught off guard by the amount of blood, which I was very ok with. Most of the kills won't blow your minds, but there are few fun ones, especially near the end when the movie proves that nobody is safe.
One of the best parts of slasher movies is seeing the creative design they create for the killer. Well, Fear Street triples down on that front and gives us three killers on a rampage. They each have their own distinct personality and all get some very fun and brutal moments. Most slasher movies only have 1 killer walking around, but having three makes this movie feel a lot more dangerous.
I really appreciate how smart the core cast of characters are here. They make a lot of really intelligent decisions. They try to get the cops involved, but figure out pretty quickly that the cops are useless, so they take matters into their own hands and make moves to stop the overall threat. And later on, when they recognize the cops won't believe this insane story, they dull it down to make it more believable and get the problem to go away. It's refreshing to watch.
This movie also explores themes of classism, racism, and homophobia. It's not subtle at all, but that's fine. Slasher movies aren't the most subtle of movies. They explore the topics by diving straight on it and sometimes movies need to do that to get their point across.
Finally, the 3rd act showdown takes place in a grocery store. This is a solid setting that I haven't seen used a whole lot in the slasher genre. It gives us some creative sequence and the best kill of the movie.

What Sucks:

The biggest problem with the movie is the main protagonist, Deena (Kiana Madeira). I believe that a protagonist needs to be likable or interesting for our audience to get invested in the. Deena is neither. She's a poor, angsty, and angry high schooler and has a really negative attitude throughout the entire movie. She is also in conflict with her ex-girlfriend, Sam (Olivia Scott Welch). This would be fine, except the movie wants us to be on Deena's side over their conflict when I think Sam is definitely the more sympathetic of the two. I found myself very annoyed with Deena for the first half of the movie and it was tough for me to become invested in her survival.
The other problem is some of the humor doesn't land. The movie tries to reference other horror movies to varying degrees of success and the majority of the comedy failures come from Simon (Fred Hechinger), who is very hit-or-miss as the comic relief.


Besides a few character problems, Fear Street Part 1: 1994 is a very fun movie with some solid kills, interesting themes, smart characters, cool killers, and an awesome 3rd act. I can't way to see where this series goes next. Part 1 certainly has got it going on.

7/10: Really Good

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Great review! You hit every nail.

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The Siege of Jadotville

First off, great movie ! Not that overdrawn Hollywood stuff. Much more realistic. Really pulled me in and the fighting felt very tense.

As for the story I have to admit I hadn't known it before. Doesn't surprise me one bit though. But it's good to see that those things come to light at last and the soldiers get the recognition they deserve. One of the sad truth of life. Too many things have happened, and are still happening, we don't know about.

Fu**ing politicians always come out on top. Always have been, Always will be.

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It was a great movie, i simply did not expect it to be this good. I agree, politics is just dreadful.

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The Siege of Jadotville

Reply by Elie

Excellent movie...very sad still politics still create war...

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I cannot agree more and I'm glad they took the right decision. Politics is just pure evil.

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The Siege of Jadotville

Reply by Elie


I'm a sucker for a good True Story and this delivers. This film delivers on the fact that it makes you feel like you are claustrophobic in a war environment. The script was surprisingly fairly strong and I was not expecting that. The acting was strong and this is one of the better films on Netflix. I loved the tension between the characters as it progresses through the story. Plus, the sound effects were great.

Some of the CGI isn't the greatest and when you have an intense scene and you have a plane fly over that the CGI isn't great then it kinda takes away from the intense scene. Sometimes it was a bit hard to understand what the characters were saying because they had such strong Irish accents. Some of the intense scenes when people were yelling were a bit cheesy at some points.

This is a great film and I definitely recommend you give it a chance if you haven't already. This is a hidden gem in the Netflix Original Film catalog. Jamie Dornan did a great job in this film. This was my 2nd time watching this film and I thoroughly enjoyed it as much as the 1st time watching it.

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I definitely enjoyed this more than expected.

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Game Night

Reply by Elie

Man, glass tables are acting weird tonight!

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Always made me laugh :).. Really enjoyed it

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Treasure Planet

Unequivocally, unmistakably, undeniably Disney's greatest animated film. A masterpiece, as far as I'm concerned. Long read ahead!

Film and reviews are all about opinions, which is only a positive thing. I, for one, though have yet to find a better animation than this. No doubt I'm probably partly clouded by nostalgia, but even a tonne of years later I still remember how blown away I was when I first watched it. Nothing's changed.

Where to start? I love every single detail about this film, for which there are many. Not only does it improve upon the studio's earlier 1950 production about Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel, but it manages to create an incredibly touching, amusing and rather thrilling story for all. They don't rely on the usual, overdone Disney front and center romance to do it either.

It's a story of a young kid coming-of-age into the world. You really go on a journey with Jim Hawkins, who hadn't had the most happiest childhood. We see him grow into a man across just 95 short minutes. Joseph Gordon-Levitt brings Jim to life superbly, no surprise to see he has done other great things in his career.

Gordon-Levitt isn't the only outstanding performer here, with Brian Murray and Emma Thompson showing their talents in the roles of John Silver and Capt. Amelia. I adore the dynamic between Silver and Hawkins, Murray is truly brilliant. Thompson is great in her role, also.

Even below those aforementioned names, you have memorable characters in Delbert (David Hyde Pierce), B.E.N. (Martin Short) and Mr. Arrow (Roscoe Lee Browne). Morph (Dane Davis) is a cracking little sidekick, too.

Away from the cast, you also have the sensational animation. They mix hand-drawn 2D and computer generated 3D, which comes out exquisitely. Sure some of it hasn't aged impeccably compared to now, but it all to this day still looks utterly stunning. I love the attention to detail.

That's not all. How about that music? I couldn't tell you the amount of times I've listened to that soundtrack down the years, it's so beautifully crafted by James Newton Howard and John Rzeznik; the latter's, as part of the Goo Goo Dolls, "I'm Still Here" fits so, so well.

Can you tell how much fondness I hold for this? It's fantastic! Did Disney mishandle it? Sure. Does it deserves more respect? Definitely. However, I'm kinda glad they just let Ron Clements and John Musker do their thing. Heavy Disney interference could've ruined it. The fact this has zero pointless sequels is marvellous, even if it's for the wrong reasons.

There are minor rumours they plan to live-action this. Normally I'd argue against classics being remade, but I think this 2002 production is in a win-win position in that regard. If it's a big success it'll be good for it, if it's terrible then it'll put more eyes on the original.

It's kinda funny, I don't see myself as a Disney fan and yet my two favourites films (this + 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl') are from this studio - and both pirate-y, interestingly. Hmm.

Go watch 'Treasure Planet'!

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I really enjoyed reading your review. Having just recently discovered this gem, I cannot but fully agree how awesome the flow of the movie was.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x17 ALTERNATE HISTORIES

Reply by Elie

Eh. I guess. This is probably the worst of the bunch.

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That is so true, had so much expectations

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Dark: Season 3

Reply by Elie

Damn! Dark, the trilogy as a whole is a very well written show with a captivating story. This only becomes more apparent when you realize how consistent the series has been throughout the three seasons and how everything was so well thought out beforehand. Granted, calling it immensely complicated would be an understatement as it may require careful attention or multiple viewings to grasp and remember everything but once you clear this hurdle and understand this show, its brilliance will readily become apparent.
This show may very well go down in history as one of the greatest Sci-Fi content both in terms of films/tv ever made. We will be darn lucky if anything ever comes close to the greatness of this show in future. Or maybe considering how it is a sleeper hit, it inspires studios to order more thought provoking contents, but who knows.

I think , once they prevent the deaths and time-travel from being invented, Jonas'(Split Reality 1) and Martha's(Split Reality 2) universes(realities) are annihilated, the Scientist's "Original reality" splits/branches again, to form another "3rd" Split Reality which is the one shown in the end.
Since "Endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings or everything is predetermined and past/future can't be changed", this would make the most sense without breaking the show's rule because if the Scientist didn't try to invent time Travel, there wouldn't be 2 split realities and with that no Jonas or Martha coming to change the past, and if they didn't come, he would invent time Travel, a Paradox.
So the original reality still exists alongside the new 3rd reality. However Jonas and Martha are erased from existence since their universes no longer exist.
Hannah deciding to name the unborn child 'Jonas' was also a nice way to spare us a completely sad ending.
But hey who knows! The series is open for multiple interpretations.

Here's something you might find helpful:
How To Understand Dark
1. Determinism:

I. Watch Predestination (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2397535 ) to acquaint yourself with the general idea of a closed time loop. Also maybe give Triangle (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187064 ) a shot.
II. Arrival is also great.
III. Watch Devs (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8134186 ) [Ignore the last episode, unfortunately Alex Garland still can't stick a landing] to really get the essence of a deterministic universe on the quantum level.
2. Split/Parallel Realities:
I. Rick&Morty has several episodes dealing with the concept. However, S02E01 A Rickle In Time(https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4462494 ) and the recent S04E08 The Vat Of Acid ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10655692 ) both do the best job of explaining IMO.
II. Steins Gate is a masterpiece if you are into anime (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1910272 )

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Thanks for the excellent review

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Reply by Elie

As a former lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies, who has written a major report on radicalization in Muslim schools, and who has written many articles about radical Islam, I was worried that this series might be filled with all sorts of misunderstandings and inaccuracies and mistakes. In fact, it was well researched, down to subtle things such as distinguishing between jihad al-akbar and jihad al-asghar, using both terms in Arabic. And saying fard (duty) without translation. The portrayal of ISIS in Raqqa seemed to me most convincing, based as it was on authentic film and reportage. As the author of ten international thrillers (several bestsellers and three or four with Islamic themes), I found the tension well built, making many episodes nail-biting. The characters are well developed, if at times frustrating. I have taken one star off on account of the coincidences and other plot holes. Despite these, the series works in terms of character, pace, and plot lines. I strongly recommend it to anyone who likes well written and well performed drama that will keep one watching through the eight episodes with speed. As for the several people here leaving 3, 4, 5 or other low ratings, I would pay them no heed at all.

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It was quite enjoyable as you mentioned.

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Reply by Elie

This movie could have been so much better, such an amazing cast wasted... removing pointless storylines this movie could have been just about 40min long... I would recommend to better watch Outbreak https://trakt.tv/movies/outbreak-1995

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Thanks for recommending outbreak, I'll check it out

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Good Will Hunting

Reply by Elie

That was just amazing. One of the best movies I ever seen. Can't believe I wait so long to see it.

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You are not alone. What a masterpiece

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Alita: Battle Angel

Reply by Elie

Will there be a sequel? A really good movie.

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Apparently it is planned, so let's keep our hopes high

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Friends: 3x16 The One with the Morning After

Reply by Elie

This is probably by far the most memorable episode I've seen of Friends.

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So far the season was dull until I saw this episode. I almost gave up on the show. I hope it gets better as we go

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GLOW: 2x05 Perverts Are People, Too

Reply by Elie

It’s horrible to think that there are women that have to go through that kind of abuse in order to get a job or to have a shot at something. It’s not the 80s, it still happens TODAY. “Feminism has principles, but life has compromises”...

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I agree, The dinner scene was painful and sad to watch.

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Castlevania: 2x07 For Love

superb episode. the fights, how they captured moments, everything was on point. this show deserves a lot!

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@mounirabbas Fully agree! One of my favorite episodes. The "Bloody Tears" track was spot on!!

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Reply by Elie

This is a good movie. It is important to throw a spotlight on our cultural flaws and ingrained pre-judgements of each other. Otherwise. how will we overcome them? It is a good story, incredible in its root in reality. The cast and their performances were good (with the exception of Topher Grace who was horribly miscast). It had some unexpected treasures, like Harry Belafonte as Jerome Turner who mesmerized us with his testimony of brutality. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. Does its subject matter alone elevate it to Best Picture (it is nominated in 5 other categories for Oscars, as well)? I'm not sure. MINI RANT - In an age when popular understanding of history is based on the movies people see, I think it is important to point out that if a movie says it is based on actual events, as when a movie says it is based on a book, there is a lot of artistic license taken to shift details around and changes made to make it a good movie, even to the extent that the film is more fiction than fact. I'll give you just three examples from this film, it is based on the 2014 memoir BLACK KLANSMAN by Ron Stallman. The writers moved the story back seven years (1979 to 1972) to facilitate a reference to a number of blaxploitation films. David Duke didn't find out that Stallworth was black until 2006 (27 years later) when called upon by a reporter to comment on these events. The detective who is characterized as Flip Zimmerman was not Jewish, that is a total contrivance of the film. Two other Oscar nominated films, also saying they were based on actual events, THE FAVORITE and MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, are really fiction far from fact. Beware fiction masquerading as fact! END MINI RANT. Fun Fact: Stallman still carries his KKK membership in his wallet. [Crime Drama]

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Great review Nancy and thanks for pointing out these details

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Reply by Elie

Just a 160 million dollar trash film... I can't understand all the good ratings. It's just a bad movie...

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You were a bit too harsh imo. I agree it wasn't the best but it had some fantastic moments even with its almost crystal clear references to other movies.

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Reply by Elie


Review by superrob1500

Really surprised me if I'm gonna be honest. I wasn't really expecting much with the DCEU in shambles and the disaster that was JL. It makes me upset that this didn't come before JL like it should have because it would have helped with the world building that movie desperately needed but hey that's for another discussion.

I'm just gonna say it, Momoa is Aquaman and it seems like that off-screen too. The dude seemed like he had fun the whole way. The supporting cast was great as well Amber was as cute as a button and a fantastic support to Aquaman and Dafoe was surprisingly good as a mentor figure.

This movie seems to be a little bit of everything at once but in a good way: a bit of an Indiana Jones movie, a bit of a romcom, a bit of a Michael Bay movie (seriously what was with the random explosions), a bit of a Fast and Furious movie, a bit of an apocalypse movie, a bit of a Pacific Rim movie and weirdly enough bit of a star wars movie too. Even with all that mixed in the movie, it's easy to follow keeping you interested the whole time. I'm not really a fan of multi-villain movies since one always ends up taking the backseat (see Ant-Man and the Wasp) but this movie managed to balance Orm's 'take over the world' story with Manta's revenge story. Let's talk about Orm, I found him not particularly threatening or convincing? I don't know if that was the point.

I'm not gonna sit here and pretend this is some Oscar tier writing or anything but as borrowed as this movie's plot is, it does it in a very nice way which is good enough for me (hey there's only so many original stories). The underwater scenes made me groan at the beginning cause they looked kinda stupid but by the end I didn't really mind but it seems like they were saving the effects budget for the end cause holy shit what an epic climax. Seeing Aquaman finally become the Ocean Master was great and seeing him command the sea creatures was was fantastic. I would had preferred if he killed Orm but hey, whatever.

All in all a really fun romp that shows what the DCEU is really capable of: great cast, good VFX, great score by Rupert Gregson-Williams and a good plot that keeps you interested throughout. As someone not really familiar with the comics lore? A solid 8/10

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I'm glad you made all those Movie references as I 100% agree with you

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Money Heist

Reply by Elie

For all of you who are asking to modify the number of episodes, Trakt pulls their data from TVDB, which won't allow the series to be split in two seasons, because their policy is to keep it the way it was originally aired, meaning one season, 15 episodes. If you want to try and convice TVDB to change their mind : https://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=51784

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Thanks for clearing things out

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