


Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

Reply by Elie
BlockedParent2021-09-26T11:15:57Z— updated 2021-10-18T06:27:43Z

I'm a quite sensitive watcher so you can imagine how much I cried during this episode. Like a baby. So sad yet brilliant!

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Yeah I believe I'm that sensitive too.. One of the hardest episodes to watch

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

This episode wrecked me emotionally.

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I can concur, one of the hardest TV show episodes to watch

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Westworld: 2x06 Phase Space

The man who rode that train was built weak and born to fail. You fixed him. Now forget about it. Teddy 2.0

Dolores wanting to change everything but herself, Maeve wanting to change herself to influence the world.

What we learned in Phase Space

  1. Dolores is programming and testing and Arnold bot
    Or maybe, that's not her (or her cr4-dl consciousness). That's Ford. He needs to have her appearance b/c that's what the real Arnold knew about that conversation.

  2. William thinking his daughter was a host sent by Ford. ROFL!!!
    Of course, he was testing her to see if she was a real or host version of Emily sent by Ford as part of the game

  3. Climate control is working

  4. More about the Cradle
    Cradle—spelled CR4-DL is "the simulation technology that stores and tests all of our storylines" and ensures customers "get the immersive and dynamic experience [they] deserve." So it's the way Delos test-drives its experiences. Bernard describes it as a "backup," and Elsie calls it a "hive mind" where all the host's consciousnesses are "alive.

  5. Japanese Armistice is sticking with Maeve and the gang

  6. William and Emily's relationship has been...difficult
    William confused his wife with his daughter when recounting the story about the elephants in Raj World. Does that say something about his family life, a simple slip of the tongue, or is it something else like MIB is a Host?

  7. Maeve's daughter has new parents
    Who didn't see Maeve meeting her replacement? Did she think her daughter was all alone? That was typical of Lee to omit that little piece of information. And what is the Ghost Nation's game?
    Ghost Nation wanted Maeve to come with them. Since they protect the guests, there was also more to Maeve than simply being a host.
    Akecheta is awake & probably sees that Maeve is too!

  8. Teddy 2.0 is Stone Cold
    Dolores is going to regret reprogramming Teddy in the coming episodes.
    Her reactions were so funny "oh shit what have I done!"
    Teddy is aware that Dolores reprogrammed him. I feel that will be important later.

  9. Ford is inside the Cradle
    Ford's back, or at least an approximation of his consciousness in the Cradle. We all suspected Ford would return as a Host despite the flat-out denials from Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Nolan & co.. They pretty much telegraphed his return over the season (he's in the system, briefly surfacing in Hosts e.g. young Ford), but Episode 4 all but confirmed it.

Dolores and Maeve storylines ** is not interesting at all. They're currently paper thin and taking their sweet time to go anywhere.**

The Man In Black's daughter who we know nothing about is a far more compelling character.

The Cradle Is Capable Of So Much More Than We Expected

The Cradle, in essence, is a server that stores memories and consciousness for retrieval. Like a file cabinet, the hosts’ “data” is copied and contained within the server, and can be accessed to run theoretical or training simulations on the robots. The main function of the Cradle, though, is to act as a backup for each of the intricately-crafted hosts; a way for Delos to preserve the work that went into detailing their appearances, their preferences, their mannerisms, the very things that make them so human. Think of it as the Cloud that stores your phone pics.

Those pearls, it turns out, are the container for the hosts’ consciousnesses. But the Cradle itself send commands to the parks, not unlike the way the Matrix papers over glitches with deja vu. And the implications of this functionality go way beyond just data storage. It means that the Cradle itself can run simulations or disrupt the flow of time —if it has a programmer (the host) to program a server farm (the Cradle), illustrated by Bernard getting off the train at exactly the spot he needed to be. The Cradle doesn’t appear to create simulations without a host’s consciousness to guide it.

Do we have a host in the Cradle? We sure do, and because Bernard just uploaded his brain pearl into the Cradle, it could mean that everything we’ve seen in season 2 thus far — the multiple timelines, the weird ways that the characters are interacting with him — are just a simulation. This totally mind-bending but plausible theory was put forth by YouTuber HaxDogma, and in a 10-minute video he makes the case that Bernard has hacked his way into the Cradle, and everything is running from his point of view. In other words, it’s as though we’re viewing everything like Neo did at the end of the first Matrix: as a source code that can be manipulated.

Or (and this is even more sinister), perhaps Robert Ford has been in the Cradle all along, pulling the strings, and driving wedges between Dolores and Maeve with her new powers.

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Well written review thumbs up

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

This was a really hard episode to watch. Pulled at every single emotional string in your soul. The ending, was beautifully done, but wow, crying like a baby.

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You are not alone trust me

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Westworld: 1x10 The Bicameral Mind

This episode will be 90 minutes long instead of the usual 50-60 minutes.

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And it was well worth it

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Black Mirror: 2x03 The Waldo Moment

I dont understand why this episode was such a flop with the majority; I thought it was right on point, actually, then and especially now.

It's a strong critique on how systems work now and that the "system" just allocates someone based on popular demand, and nothing else.

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Yes it might have been executed a bit better imo

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x04 Snow in the Desert

Omgawd this was beautiful! Pure perfection!

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It was mind blowing work. One of my favorite LDR episodes

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Castlevania: 2x07 For Love

superb episode. the fights, how they captured moments, everything was on point. this show deserves a lot!

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@mounirabbas Fully agree! One of my favorite episodes. The "Bloody Tears" track was spot on!!

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x13 Asteroid Blues

This episode was amazing, I love the main characters and I love the action and the fight scenes and the space western style of this show.

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Well said spike ;).
I decided to give this show a try and it seems I'm already in love.

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Dororo: 1x24 Dororo and Hyakkimaru

Reply by Elie

Solid ending. Nothing too amazing but it was pretty good nonetheless. The show overall was pretty solid. The start of the show was fantastic but it kind of lost steam from there on. It definitely had some slow parts and got off track a bit in the second cour, but it finished up relatively strong enough. Not sure that it ever lived up to the massive hype that was behind it early on. Too bad we never got that perfect Dororo x Hyakkimaru ending. Other than for this tiny glimpse of "grownup" Dororo...


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I fully agree. It did lose steam at places but the final few episodes were worth it

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x17 ALTERNATE HISTORIES

Reply by Elie

Eh. I guess. This is probably the worst of the bunch.

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That is so true, had so much expectations

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Friends: 3x16 The One with the Morning After

Reply by Elie

This is probably by far the most memorable episode I've seen of Friends.

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So far the season was dull until I saw this episode. I almost gave up on the show. I hope it gets better as we go

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GLOW: 2x05 Perverts Are People, Too

Reply by Elie

It’s horrible to think that there are women that have to go through that kind of abuse in order to get a job or to have a shot at something. It’s not the 80s, it still happens TODAY. “Feminism has principles, but life has compromises”...

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I agree, The dinner scene was painful and sad to watch.

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Castlevania: 1x04 Monument

Reply by Elie

Amazing. Shame that it only has 4 episodes on season 1. And the ending... I really hope Netflix gives us season 2 soon!

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Brilliant, I can't wait for season 2 also

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