


Sing 2

I actually really enjoyed this sequel. I saw the earlier preview of it last Saturday, and loved the musical numbers in this one even more. I enjoyed all the little arcs each of the characters got and how it was a bit of a different journey than the original. Each of the final musical sets is a great auditory and visual feast especially the final duet. The one thing that I would recommend most of you to do is NOT watch the trailers if you can. They honestly do spoil like 95% of the movie (no joking). Just trust my review instead ;)

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Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town?: 1x12 Suppose a kid from the last dungeon boonies got used to life in a starter town?

Shout by deanzel

I had fun with this series without a doubt. I really appreciated that it stuck with its strengths which were the on-point comedy and the cast of colorful characters. They didn't try to make the battles and shounen parts ridiculously over-the-top or dominating here. Rather the studio kept the dialog, engaging situations and out-of-control characters a riot instead. Due to the comedy, it was a really easy watch and I've actually gone back and rewatched some of my favorite episodes and moments in the series along the way just to get some more laughs.

While I'd love a sequel, this definitely seems like one of those one-and-done anime shows. I feel like they left the ending at a good place with the door slightly open. I'm honestly not sure how much more material is available at the moment since I haven't touched the light/web novel, so maybe others can fill me in on the chances of more content.

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Redo of Healer: 1x08 The Healer Meets the Demon Lord!

Shout by deanzel
BlockedParent2021-03-03T22:41:32Z— updated 2021-03-05T19:28:25Z

Greatest end scene image of the series thus far. No competition. LOL.

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So I’m a Spider, So What?: 1x07 Springtime for Princes?

Not sure what to think about this show. Honestly, most of the parts with just Kumoko are pretty damn boring since it's just her and her monologues about skills. Then when we focus on the other reincarnated humans, we don't really care about them because we were given absolutely no back story or development for them and just thrown into a boring story involving them.

I guess the humans are a bit more interesting but even that's a stretch. And Natsume/Hugo is just a joke. Try to at least make him somewhat realistic and not a complete worthless moron. This episode just showed how much he sucks even more.

I honestly don't know why I keep watching. Maybe hoping for something good to happen...

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Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town?: 1x04 Suppose the protagonist of a novel led the story to a grand finale?

Yah, I actually really liked how this episode cleared up the whole "Demon Lord" arc. Rather than go with the traditional OP MC going super-saiyan fight, we got a great comedy routine instead which fits this entire series a lot more. Not gonna lie, I really like some of the comedic faces this show has and the splashes of "Engrish" that they throw in for comedy :D

I'm looking forward to more ladies being introduced and how the rest of the story develops from here on out.

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Double Shot at Love: 1x14 Reunion

Not gonna lie. That's only of the most "action-packed" reunions that I've seen for a reality tv show. There were some legit fireworks and MAD drama during this one.

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Double Shot at Love: 1x07 Hurricane Angelina

For once, I actually don't think that Angelina really started that much drama. FOR ONCE. This shit was just brewing since day 1 and just exploded in that epic fight.

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This movie encapsulates my favorite saying of "I don't know what it is. But I want it". I have little to no idea what in the world was happening during the movie but I loved it. I'm gonna have to watch this at least 3 more times (and with subtitles) to even figure out what the hell exactly happened.

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One Piece: 19x805 A Battle of Limits! Luffy and the Infinite Biscuits!

Best. Shounen. Battle. Ever.


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We Never Learn: BOKUBEN: 2x13 A Post-Festival Celebration of X, Both Dazzling And Lonely

This was a good season EXCEPT for that horrific anime original ending. Basically puts a nail in the coffin for a possible 3rd season. At least the manga is still going well and is heading to the final endgame as well. Especially from reading the latest chapter (141), it looks like Uruka will probably be the "winner" in the end like in the anime's ending...

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Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious: 1x07 This Lady Knight Is Too Doglike

Love the humor and adaptation of this episode as well. LOVED the "slapping" scene with Rosalie. I was waiting for that one. The only thing that disappointed me this episode was the definite drop in animation quality, especially when looking at the characters' faces from further away. Honestly, this seems like a production issue due to a packed schedule and lack of resources (hence the one week that they delayed a previous episode). I hope it gets cleaned up in the BD release because the direction, voice work and other parts of the adaptation have been on point.

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We Never Learn: BOKUBEN: 2x02 At Times, an Elder's Pride Is in Direct Opposition to X's Circumstances


The return of Mafuyu-sensei in full force, and some solid chapters animated right there with some nice little additions. I can't wait for Miharu to make her appearance soon :drool:

On a sadder note, it looks like they probably skipped the beach chapters with Ashumi and Sensei since they showed a tiny little montage of Ashumi last episode. RIP in missing Sensei in a school girl swimsuit...

Edit: Nm. Those chapters are being animated in the upcoming OVA released this winter!

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Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious: 1x02 Too Much For a Novice Goddess to Bear

Sick. This anime adaptation is really really well done. I love the improvements made on the light/web novel and manga. It's adding a lot of personality to the original dialog and nice little meme-worthy moments. Can't wait for more!

Also, I think that the anime adaptation can get to a pretty good point in the source material where we actually hit like some really good plot twists and character development with some real serious stuff. Hopefully it all turns out good!

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Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious: 1x01 This Hero is Too Cautious

Whoaaaaaah!!! I watched the first episode on a whim and now I am 100% on this train until the very end. This is like Konosuba 2.0 with actually good animation. I absolutely love the animation and especially the facial emotions of Listarte/Lista/Rista that Whitefox have animated so far as they give a definite Studio Trigger vibe. I hope that the quality stays at this pace.

The VA's are absolute gold as well for the MC's. Aki Toyosaki (Yui from K-On) does a fantastic Listarte and Yuuichirou Umehara (Goblin Slayer's Goblin Slayer ) nails the deadpan emotionless comedy as well. I'm really loving the chemistry between the two so far. Hopefully things will continue to progress and stay fresh.

AOTS here we come!!

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We Never Learn: BOKUBEN: 1x13 The Light in a Genius's Eye is All X

Sooooooo hyped for Season 2!!! Heard it gets even better from here on...

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We Never Learn: BOKUBEN: 1x11 An Illustrious Veteran Sometimes Serves X

An ENTIRE Kirisu-sensi episode. I literally could not ask for more. I thought the first half with the maid cafe was already amazing, but the second half with sensei rocking her school uniform look was just top notch. End it all with the troll face from Kominami at the end, and I couldn't have been more pleased.

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MAJOR 2nd: 1x07 Some Day, For Sure

From the title of this episode, the letter from Hikaru to Daigo should have probably been the "best" part of this episode, but I found some other parts more entertaining. While it was still a pretty decent letter with a good Hikaru montage, I already expected it and it wasn't the greatest thing ever. The girls were actually a much better highlight in this episode. I loved Izumi's reactions to Toshi and Shimizu "together".

The part with Sakura wanting to play baseball and getting permission was handled so much better in the anime than in the manga. Gave it a lot more "ooomph" and emotional impact, and showed that Sakura is interested in baseball beyond just the "boy she likes".

The next episode will definitely be entertaining and what I'm looking forward to. Sakura joining in on the training sessions is going to be excellent :D

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MAJOR 2nd: 1x06 Catch

Another good episode again. Earlier this week I actually read ahead in the manga of what was translated so far, so I can now definitely say that the anime is doing a GREAT job adapting the source material. They're padding out scenes and definitely adding a lot more substance to the original source material and its various scenes. That is most apparent in this episode in particular. I really like how they added the extra scenes with Hikaru and Daigo to give the "send-off" that much needed emotional impact that was a bit absent in the manga. The Goro-Toshi past montage was pure money as well.

Looking forward to seeing more of the relationship between Daigo and Toshi evolve, and can't wait for some upcoming Sakura action as well ;)

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Persona 5 the Animation: 1x04 Steal it, if you can

Finally, I've been waiting but they finished the official OP and it looked pretty badass. Goes along very well with the new Lyn song "Break In to Break Out" which is absolute fire. I can't wait to get the full release of the song. Would love to be able to somehow use it in the official game as well as some kind of DLC.

As for the episode itself, it actually adapted the Palace and Kamoshida boss fight pretty well. We even got a taste of Persona fusion and whatnot. It was definitely "video gamey", but not bad. The dialogue and emotional moments were pretty well done. Gives off a lot of the same feelings and emotions from when I played the game. And we got some nice cameos as well including Tae looking extra fine. Now, I just need a little more Makoto in this to make it all complete.

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Real Girl: 1x03 About the Time Normies Made Me Even Worse.

Hmmmmm. Don't really know how to feel about this series so far. Very generic thus far, and I don't have a good sense of where things will be going. Ishino was a nice girl to introduce, but very cookie-cutter as well. She became "friends" so fast with Tsutsui though. That development was just way too quick.

I'm still not sure if that whole doctor/hospital/moving-in-6-months thing was a red herring or not for a Your Lie in April type of sickness thing with Iroha. I mean, I guess that I could read ahead in the manga, but I do not care about this series enough. I'm still kind of weirded out by the cat-eared guy, Ito.

Hopefully this gets better...

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MAJOR 2nd: 1x02 If I Wasn't the Second

Not bad. I finally caught up with the first two episodes, and I like the setup so far. I was a bit worried that this would get started just like a lot of other baseball anime/manga series, but this can definitely work. Nice characters thus far and throwbacks to the original Major with not too much Goro so far (in a good way). I see where things are starting to go with the 2nd episode at the end with both Daigo and Hikaru. This is actually a pretty good way to set things up with the protagonist not actually being a baseball god from the get-go. The Sakura girl is pretty cute too (and she's voiced by Kana Hanazawa), and I loved her look of complete disdain when Daigo told her off.

My only complaint so far would be Shimizu/Kaoru's voice just sounds weird. It's the same VA, but she just sounds so raspy other than when she's angry/screaming.

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A Sister's All You Need: 1x12 A Sister's All You Need?

So, I actually really did enjoy the flashback portion of the episode with Itsuki and Ayane back when he was in middle school and suffering. I'm assuming that she makes a reappearance later in the series as the past love interest. The rest of the final episode was... yeah... Not much happened. Good to see Miyako trying to improve herself and become an editor, and I liked the characters overall. I just wish more story elements actually happened during the show.

Anyway, it was an alright watch. Nothing earth shattering.

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InuYasha: 1x144 Hosenki and the Last Shard

As a huge fan of Miroku x Sango, this episode will always be an absolute classic to me. Miroku's proposal to Sango is so perfect (including his reaction at the end when Sango asks him if he will stop "chasing other women"). I could watch that scene over and over again...

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Gatchaman Crowds: 2x11 trade-off

Tsubasa is the most annoying character of this season. Her naivety is killing me. Thank the BASED LORD for Hajime.

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The Beast Player Erin: 1x44 Akun-Meh-Chai

Damiya is the god damn worst. Conniving bastard with all his schemes. I hate him!!

Thus, he makes a pretty good antagonist. But my girl, Erin, will come out on top for sure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 3x03 A Re-education for This Bright Little Girl!

Best girl has firmly ARRIVED. All hail the great IRIS-SAMA!!

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