


A Cure for Wellness
Shadowhunters: 2x20 Beside Still Water

Malec is back....I can rest in peace.

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This movie is special to me. There's just something about it, the general feeling/vibe it has. I don't really know, I just really like it.

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Tom at the Farm
Get Out

I don't know how it balances horror and comedy so well but it really does.

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American Horror Story: 6x10 Chapter 10

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-11-18T10:23:58Z— updated 2016-11-27T01:44:01Z

I really liked this season.It was almost as good as Asylum,up until this finale.The finale was horrible.
This season as a whole was intense,confusing at times and actually pretty scary(leaving you at the edge of your seat type of thing)and THIS is how it ends?!
No,not cool.I expected a lot more.

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Bob's Burgers: 9x01 Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now

I really enjoyed the songs in this episode.
I've really missed this show, man.

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Elite: 1x08 Assilah

Not a huge fan of Nano, he's not the best person but damn, he's no murderer.
Netflix, we're gonna need a season 2

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iZombie: 1x09 Patriot Brains

Lowell CAN'T be dead,please tell me he's not....
F*ck Blaine,honestly,just f*ck him...piece of sh*t.

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Orange Is the New Black: 3x09 Where My Dreidel At

Ruby Rose has to be one of the prettiest human beings ever.

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Riverdale: 1x02 Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil

that ending though, can't wait 'til next week!

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Lights Out

It wasn't the best movie ever but it did keep me in suspense all throughout the movie so I'll give it props for that.
As a lot of other people have mentioned there's a lot missing. Why Diana is doing what she is doing is not really explained at all, which is a big problem.
The acting was pretty good though.
I did enjoy the original short film but the way it turned out as a full lengh movie did not quite reach my expectations.
By no means a bad movie though.

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The Fault in Our Stars
Café Society

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-13T14:25:18Z— updated 2017-06-10T13:05:14Z

The cinematography was beautiful but the story was a bit....bland, not bad, just a bit bland.
The acting was good but I wasn't quite satisfied with the ending.

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9-1-1: 6x03 The Devil You Know

Whoever is responsible for the song choices in this episode I will kiss you

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Emily in Paris: 3x01 I Have Two Lovers

Glad to see the outfits are still horrendous

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Me Before You
A Serbian Film
You: 2x09 P.I. Joe

Well that took a fucking turn, didn't it?

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Twisted AF.Yet quite good.The ending tho,damn.That's funny.

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Eyewitness: 1x06 The Yellow Couch

Lukas hasn't really bothered me THAT much up until this episode.He is such a complete asshole, even though Philip is so nice.
yeah, no, fuck him, honestly.

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Eyewitness: 1x08 The Larsons' Dog

I'm so mad!Stupid ass motherfucker shooting Lukas.He might not be the most likeable person but GOD DAMN,don't shoot him!
Can they just arrest/murder this psycho already?

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Santa Clarita Diet: 1x10 Baka, Bile and Baseball Bats

That was the most mediocre ending

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Looking at Gizmo physically hurts. He's so cute I can barely put it into words

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A Biltmore Christmas

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2024-02-01T14:42:43Z— updated 2024-02-11T17:43:16Z

I watch a lot of mediocre Hallmark movies and generally I enjoy them. I know they're not masterpieces but they're a fun time and sometimes that's all you need. This one though, I think it casts a wider net. It's still a silly, good time but I think a non-hallmark fan could still enjoy it.
It has time travel(a personal favorite of mine) and generally good dialogue and acting.
The set is pretty. It's fun, it's cute and it's even occasionally funny.
There's a sort of lazy quality to most Hallmark movies and this one lacks that. They did a great job and it felt like they actually put some real effort into it.I loved seeing the clips from His Merry Wife. They could've easily made it cringey and over-the-top but it's really well done. Hell, if Hallmark released a full-length His Merry Wife I'd watch it.

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9-1-1: 3x02 Sink or Swim

It's my first rewatch since I first saw it and holy fuck, I've forgotten just how insanely good this episode is

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Recovery Road: 1x01 Blackout

I'm diggin' it so far.Hopefully it stays good.

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The Golden Girls: 7x14 Old Boyfriends

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-08-09T12:42:18Z— updated 2018-02-17T09:32:21Z

This was the first episode of The Golden Girls I ever watched and I do not regret it.

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