


Dating Naked: 3x02 Two-Faces & Suitcases

That guy with yellow hair that kept saying ''nice,nice''....I can't stand him.

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Dating Naked: 3x04 Vamps & Gramps

The girl with a receding hairline is really annoying to me and Sam saying he's a this dude for real?
Also,Bob(the old man)is so cool.

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Oh My Venus: 1x02 Episode 2

That shoulder scene.I almost died(when the people were walking by,jesus)

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Roadies: 1x01 Life is a Carnival

Great pilot.Don't know what to expect,really, but It'll be fun to see.

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I feel like this is gonna be a bad one....

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The Golden Girls: 7x14 Old Boyfriends

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-08-09T12:42:18Z— updated 2018-02-17T09:32:21Z

This was the first episode of The Golden Girls I ever watched and I do not regret it.

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The Neon Demon

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-10T18:07:58Z— updated 2019-09-23T18:56:55Z

It is very visually pleasing and very beautiful but it makes no fucking sense.I've read some of the interviews with Refn(the director) and I just think a lot of it is so random and not very well planned,and just odd,really.
It's not a horrible movie,not even a particularly bad movie but some things are just left unanswered or not expressed as well as they should be.
The movie lacks depth but the acting was at least pretty decent.

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The Conjuring 2

I much prefer this one to the first one.That's very rare.

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A Man Called Ove

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-12T15:38:13Z— updated 2017-11-25T23:06:55Z

Really fucking good. I don't watch swedish movies very often(even though I am swedish), but when I do, THIS is what I want to see.
I'd recommend it to anyone.

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Café Society

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-13T14:25:18Z— updated 2017-06-10T13:05:14Z

The cinematography was beautiful but the story was a bit....bland, not bad, just a bit bland.
The acting was good but I wasn't quite satisfied with the ending.

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American Horror Story: 6x02 Chapter 2

I may be one of the few people that actually like this format.This is so much better than season 4 & 5(which were trash btw) and it's actually more on the level of season 1 & 2(at this point) but it can go downhill mid season(which I hope doesn't happen).
Right now it's good and I like it,but we'll see.

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Like Sunday, Like Rain

The soundtrack is so good but I can't seem to find it anywhere,ugh.
As for the movie,it was charming,relaxing and just nice.
I've never seen any bad movie with Leighton Meester in it and this wasn't bad either.
I'd recommend it if you're just looking for a movie that isn't overly complicated but is very enjoyable.
The feeling it gave me was just calm....and happy.Which is a good thing.

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Dana Carvey: Straight White Male, 60

His imitation of Trump is spot-on.Actually all of them were spot-on but the trump on was the best.
Funny dude.

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American Horror Story: 6x10 Chapter 10

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-11-18T10:23:58Z— updated 2016-11-27T01:44:01Z

I really liked this season.It was almost as good as Asylum,up until this finale.The finale was horrible.
This season as a whole was intense,confusing at times and actually pretty scary(leaving you at the edge of your seat type of thing)and THIS is how it ends?!
No,not cool.I expected a lot more.

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Eyewitness: 1x06 The Yellow Couch

Lukas hasn't really bothered me THAT much up until this episode.He is such a complete asshole, even though Philip is so nice.
yeah, no, fuck him, honestly.

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Eyewitness: 1x08 The Larsons' Dog

I'm so mad!Stupid ass motherfucker shooting Lukas.He might not be the most likeable person but GOD DAMN,don't shoot him!
Can they just arrest/murder this psycho already?

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Eyewitness: 1x09 Savior Unknown

Shout by Devalabra

If they don't catch him I'm gonna be hella mad!Ugh,god damn.
I mean they will though right?Unless they're trying to drag it out for a second season.Though it doesnt seem like that's plausible.

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: 1x02 Lost and Found

That crazy murder woman is my favourite character,by far. I actually find that storyline more interesting than the main Drik Gently/Todd one.

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A Dog's Purpose

After the video that leaked out I am officially boycotting this movie.
You don't treat an animal like that.

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Riverdale: 1x02 Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil

that ending though, can't wait 'til next week!

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Santa Clarita Diet: 1x10 Baka, Bile and Baseball Bats

That was the most mediocre ending

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Shadowhunters: 1x01 The Mortal Cup

The writing,acting and line delivery is sooooo bad. God damn, I have probably never cringed more at a show.

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The first 6/7 episodes has the most terrible acting,line delivery and the writing is so cliché.

After that though it got better, or maybe I got used to it, I don't know, either way, I like it better now,
but it still makes me cringe at least 5 times per episode(compared to every 20 seconds for the first few episodes).

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Lights Out

It wasn't the best movie ever but it did keep me in suspense all throughout the movie so I'll give it props for that.
As a lot of other people have mentioned there's a lot missing. Why Diana is doing what she is doing is not really explained at all, which is a big problem.
The acting was pretty good though.
I did enjoy the original short film but the way it turned out as a full lengh movie did not quite reach my expectations.
By no means a bad movie though.

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Your Name.

Visually it's such a beautiful movie. God damn.

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Before I Wake

It's no masterpiece but it's not bad either.
It's more interesting than it is scary (I personally don't mind that though).
I'm glad they didn't put in a bunch of cheap jumpscares everywhere like a lot of movies do.

The characters are a bit flat and I honestly didn't really care much about them and not once was I actually worried about any of them. That's not a good sign.

It has a pretty interesting concept but there was just something missing. I'd say the main problem is that I just didn't care much about the characters, which is a big problem because if a character dies, no matter how awful the death scene might be, I simply won't care anyway.

This movie was kind of meh...which is sad because it had potential. Too bad.

I will say though that the kid is a good actor. Props for that.

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Bang Rak Soi 9/1: 1x10 Where's My Laptop?

The suspense in this episode....dear lord..... and oh that ending......leaving it on a cliffhanger,huh

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My Only Love Song: 1x16 Die by My Hand

That must have been a dream or a stunt of some sort.....

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iZombie: 3x02 Zombie Knows Best

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2017-07-04T17:22:14Z— updated 2017-07-13T13:58:26Z

Major was the best thing about this episode. Hilarious. The fact that the cast managed to keep a straight face, props.

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Crimson Peak

I liked it. I didn't know it was supposed to be a horror movie, I hadn't watched the trailer prior to watching the movie and I didn't really know much about it.
There wasn't any chemistry between Mia Wasikowska and Tom Hiddleston even though I think they're great actors individually. It wasn't a make it or break it thing for me but it was something I noticed. The acting was good apart from that though.

Visually, it's a beautiful film and the story is pretty decent. The CGI and the ghosts are very so-so and even laughable at times, however, I don't think that is pivotal, there are lots of great movies with shitty CGI or shitty looking monsters.
It wasn't scary, there's a few jump-scares but that's about it. It is certainly pretty weird and can cause you to feel uneasy at times but mainly it's just an interesting story. Don't go into it expecting tons of jump-scares and gore.
I think it's a good movie to watch on a rainy, bleak day.

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