
I have such a strong attachment to this movie(check the play count) and I've watched it every year since I was 15 so I'm a bit biased...
With that said, as far as DCOM's go this is one of their best ones. The soundtrack is great and the acting is generally good(it does include some over-acting but that's Disney for you).
It's my #1 comfort movie. It's a good time, I'd recommend it!

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Hocus Pocus

"I couldn't wear anything like that because I don't have any...what do you call 'em Max? Yabbos?"

Dani is iconic, Allison has my heart and Max is an idiot in the best way and if this was made in current day I'm pretty sure he would be a minecraft boy

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10 Things I Hate About You

One of my favourite movies of all time.

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To the Bone

I've never had an ED but I think it was a great movie. I don't think it glamorizes anything, which I know a lot of people were worried about when the trailer came out.
I really liked the soundtrack and the acting was also really good. Lily Collins did as excellent job, as well as Keanu Reeves.

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Let the Right One In

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2013-10-30T13:23:55Z— updated 2017-11-19T12:51:13Z

Watched it when I was eight or nine or something. I couldn't sleep for like a month.

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Palm Springs

I had really high expectations going in and it surpassed them by a landslide and every minute was a fucking blast. Now, it should be mentioned that I'm a whore for time loops so that's definitely a strong factor BUT I think most people would enjoy this

The vibes, the pacing, everything

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The Impossible

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2015-07-31T13:39:01Z— updated 2018-01-11T19:17:13Z

This is one of the few movies that make me cry within the first five minutes. It's a great movie.

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He Took His Skin Off For Me

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2015-10-19T17:30:08Z— updated 2017-08-29T13:24:16Z

This may actually be the best short film I've ever seen. It is filmed in such a brilliant way and the message is just phenomenal. While it's not for everyone, and definitely not for younger viewers or people who are easily disgusted by blood etc, I would strongly recommend that you watch it because you most likely will not regret it.

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2013-10-29T15:40:11Z— updated 2016-07-09T12:06:50Z

I've watched this movie so many times.It's a really good movie.

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Looking for Her

This is now my go-to lesbian Christmas movie(not that there are that many to choose from but still).
It was really cute, the acting was fine and I've always been a sucker for the fake dating trope

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I watched this when I was like 8.I thought it was a kids' movie.It clearly was not.

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A Biltmore Christmas

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2024-02-01T14:42:43Z— updated 2024-02-11T17:43:16Z

I watch a lot of mediocre Hallmark movies and generally I enjoy them. I know they're not masterpieces but they're a fun time and sometimes that's all you need. This one though, I think it casts a wider net. It's still a silly, good time but I think a non-hallmark fan could still enjoy it.
It has time travel(a personal favorite of mine) and generally good dialogue and acting.
The set is pretty. It's fun, it's cute and it's even occasionally funny.
There's a sort of lazy quality to most Hallmark movies and this one lacks that. They did a great job and it felt like they actually put some real effort into it.I loved seeing the clips from His Merry Wife. They could've easily made it cringey and over-the-top but it's really well done. Hell, if Hallmark released a full-length His Merry Wife I'd watch it.

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Looking at Gizmo physically hurts. He's so cute I can barely put it into words

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Twisted AF.Yet quite good.The ending tho,damn.That's funny.

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Café Society

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-13T14:25:18Z— updated 2017-06-10T13:05:14Z

The cinematography was beautiful but the story was a bit....bland, not bad, just a bit bland.
The acting was good but I wasn't quite satisfied with the ending.

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Lights Out

It wasn't the best movie ever but it did keep me in suspense all throughout the movie so I'll give it props for that.
As a lot of other people have mentioned there's a lot missing. Why Diana is doing what she is doing is not really explained at all, which is a big problem.
The acting was pretty good though.
I did enjoy the original short film but the way it turned out as a full lengh movie did not quite reach my expectations.
By no means a bad movie though.

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This movie is special to me. There's just something about it, the general feeling/vibe it has. I don't really know, I just really like it.

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The king deserved a better movie to be hot and evil in

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Get Out

I don't know how it balances horror and comedy so well but it really does.

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Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

The first half was lighthearted fun. The second half almost had me shitting myself. So there's that

I should mention that I had pretty low expectations as I'm not typically a fan of found-footage type movies and yet I quickly became very invested in what was going on and although the premise is very simple it still worked extremely well

I still can't get that ladys face out of my head. The eyes and those noises? no sir, no ma'am. Fuck that shit. I don't usually look away when watching horror movies but I genuinely felt like she was staring into my soul bro

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It's a bit like if you took half a glass of freshly pressed orange juice and filled the rest up with water. I get what they were going for but it just lacks anything that will truly make it interesting
It falls short with the humor, the thriller aspect and the character development and I just feel like they could have done more with it.

Not horrible but yeah, watered down orange juice

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A Man Called Ove

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-12T15:38:13Z— updated 2017-11-25T23:06:55Z

Really fucking good. I don't watch swedish movies very often(even though I am swedish), but when I do, THIS is what I want to see.
I'd recommend it to anyone.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

I'm not gonna say this movie gave me a headache but I did get the worst tension headache I've had in a while during this movie.

I don't remember the dialogue being this cringey in the book so I don't know what that's all about but it was Bad with a capital B. I also don't believe for a second that these two love each other. I like hot people as much as the next person but please bring back chemistry tests. I don't even care if they're ugly just make me believe they want each other please i beg.
There's also the god awful acting, not to mention Uma Thurman's accent???

The soundtrack kind off fucked severely though, in a semi-ironic way.

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It's a great movie and I hated it. It made me angry and I hate both of them(but I also don't). I had a bad time but also kind of a good time but I got a lot out of it and I don't know what to make of that

Love/hate relationship with it for sure

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Together Together

I went into this without any expectations, I knew nothing about it and the premise sounded okay but by the end I was fully in love with this story and these characters. This is definitely a new comfort movie for me.

When they first started getting closer I was prepared for it to take a romantic route(it's to be expected and it's been done so many times before) but I'm so glad it didn't.

In conclusion: It was great and we need more platonic love stories

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Better Watch Out

Throw the whole child away

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Gerald's Game

Very different from what I thought it was gonna be, I'm pleasantly surprised.
That scene where she rips her hand out of the handcuff was the grossest shit I've seen in a while, I could barely watch it.

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A Quiet Place

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2019-01-01T04:36:50Z— updated 2019-01-02T12:49:18Z

It lacked something, I just don't know what. It also felt really short, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it felt like it ended as soon as it started. Kind of underwhelming.
Maybe it was because of the hype but I was a bit disappointed. It's not a bad movie by any means and it definitely has a certain atmosphere, that's for sure.

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Before I Wake

It's no masterpiece but it's not bad either.
It's more interesting than it is scary (I personally don't mind that though).
I'm glad they didn't put in a bunch of cheap jumpscares everywhere like a lot of movies do.

The characters are a bit flat and I honestly didn't really care much about them and not once was I actually worried about any of them. That's not a good sign.

It has a pretty interesting concept but there was just something missing. I'd say the main problem is that I just didn't care much about the characters, which is a big problem because if a character dies, no matter how awful the death scene might be, I simply won't care anyway.

This movie was kind of meh...which is sad because it had potential. Too bad.

I will say though that the kid is a good actor. Props for that.

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Kate & Leopold

Fantastic movie.Really charming and funny at times too.I really like this movie.

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